Nice Biscuits...

My discovery of the day.. found very nice biscuits yesterday evening... I know I'm a bit slow but... well, better late then never.
I usually avoid diet stuff as the few I tried were bland and tasteless. Yesterday, I saw Gerble on sale so I read the labels .. natural ingredients, very low salt, reduced sugar and high in fiber. Hmm.. ok, interesting. so I bought a few to try. And I was pleasantly surprised this morning when I tried it - that it's actually quite tasty. And I found that it comes in individual packs of 4 each so it's convenient to carry. Jolly good.
/Btw, did my title make you think "woof woof"?
For me nothing better than NFH homemade cookies.. I wonder when we will get to taste them again..
Lu's "petit ecolier", schoolboy.. are available in Carrefour.. I saw it there.. yummm..
Yea hob nobs i never dunk, so tasty.
Finally got around to Hob Nobs.. hmm.. jolly good! Yummy.. no need to dunk too.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
good with cheese and other topping for a nice finger food. Not salty, not bland...very filling too. Good for those who wants to watch what they eat. :-)
Le Petit Écolier? I love those, the dark chocolate ones are even yummier.
Get some Hob Nobs.. The "He Man" of dunkin biscuits..
organic scottish shortbread selection???
Little School Boy.
Anyone had those French chocolate biscuits called "School boy/Little school boy", or something like that? Delicious also, only new one supermarket in Australia that stocked them so I guess there's no hope of getting them here.
anyway...I live near SHOPRITE and their selections of biscuits are great. I do have a favorite brand as of the moment (but I forget the name but I'll post it when I get home later) coz it's not salty nor bland.
BTW...don't call out loud too much coz it might come back sniffing about.
talking about sandwiches. have you tried burger king's 6x1 Mini Cheese burgers? aiwa! so cute! 6 small burgers for 18QR.
Reminds me of the discovery of a Qatari lady who does sweets, and mini-sandwiches... she even has a flickr page with hundreds of photos of her work.
i love FIG NEWTONS! :D
I had a Yorke named Biscuit
In the Cookies of Life, FRIENDS are the Chocolate Chips
Adam N & Rizks, thanks for other suggestions.
Tim Tam - yeah, very nice ... but not such a good idea for me. Gotta watch the sugar.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
Brand - "Gerble" (with the accent aigu on the last e). Sorry, my keyboard is qwerty, haven't got my act together about switching the letters. That'll take some thinking and focus, which takes time.
Anyway, it says here "the French Dietetic Secret recipe by Gerble". The words "dietetic" made me not bother with it all this while - assumption of bland, bleah, tasteless, etc. Since saw on sale... can try anything once. After all, I've eaten what tasted like cardboard before, how bad can this one be. Pleasant surprise.
Bought Gerble at Carrefour ... Apple - Hazelnut. :0)
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
Whats the name of the biscut??
Hob-Nobs my Fav....
Get some Tim Tams or Jatz from Megamart, you'll like them. Not exactly diet-friendly or anything, but top notch biscuits.