new in doha !!!

By pisces_girl_1985 •
hiya all ,
i am new in doha and looking for some girl pals as i dont know anyone here .
to do the girl fun stuff like shopping , clubbing etc ...
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its hard to find a girl here, am new here too, just +30 years in Doha and am still looking for girl pales :p
easy come easy go...
I think Qatar will be at the forefront of cloning technologies to get rid of the necessity for women......
Poor girl she probably thinks there are no women in Qatar now....
by the way it looks Pisces girl has scattered into pieces girl
what is appropriate dress marie??????? and bet me exiled saint would only have deported her to his accommodation, Ain't that true saint???????
exciled saint, you must look again, maybe ladies are just hiding away from your dangerous charms. Because the last time i saw appropriately dressed women was 5min ago lol.....
so you were the culprit behind her deportation,huh? Good to know hehe
welcome if you welcome me even I am not girl,
सोनम दि नेपाली बाबु
No I think I saw a woman once but she was dressed inappropriatley but wearing clothes. So I called the police and got her deported....
Hay Girly explain that etc & etc,,,, Oooooooooooo Yeahhhhhhhhhh
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exciledsaint, i worry about your health and vision. maybe this heat has affected you much. You might be having sunstroke already or vertigo. Eitherway, you may have missed all the ladies parading in front of you
ggp97 and pisces welcome to "survival in qatar". As time goes on, you'll bump into good friends . qatar is just a small place, sooner or later you'll meet them in restaurants, bars and malls.
I am new in Doha too... Recently arrived from London
still trying to find my way around!
So where would people go for a drink around here? Would be nice to socialise with people from Europe or America...
Ohh...people in France also watch Ekta Kapoor serials....
i thought only indians waste their time.....
eVeRyTHinG dEsIRAblE, Is eITHEr eXPEnSIVe, bAnnED, ilLOgiCal oR SeEING(maRRiED to) sOMEonE ElsE...... ;-)
How abt guys, always on toes??....
eVeRyTHinG dEsIRAblE, Is eITHEr eXPEnSIVe, bAnnED, ilLOgiCal oR SeEING(maRRiED to) sOMEonE ElsE...... ;-)
Oooops, que des branleurs sur le net! T'as pas du chance...
i can be a girl at the same time. count me!!
ek anaar 100 bemaar...damn!!! :D
welcome to Qatar...dunno about the girls but u will find loads of guy friends around :P
You are proudely welcome to DOha ,Miss.(?).PiscesGirl-1985.Hope you will have some male pals also ,if it is ,then include me also as no:-1 .hahahahaha.
Just coming and already you attract attention to jerks like Dracula and me! Trés mal début, mon petite! Donc, bon courage!
Welcome to Doha, Have a nice stay & best of luck !
Welcome to Doha :)
enjoy ur time, easy way to meet shopaholic girls is by bumping into malls
was just waiting for you guys to see how you attack her. Buggers.
Welcome to Qatar you dont need to look for friends. Ppl will come to make friend and sheep with you and then load on a ship.
All i saw was GIRL looking for GIRL to have some fun :p Pisces Girl welcome to Doha, hope u find a lot of friends here, if your pretty u can be our friend anytime (KSA & Smoke) if your not pretty, dont worry we accept free coffee or food anytime :)
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
LOL...that was a good chirpy comment mate...with all the men in the way... LOL!
And girpal dont want to mess with the Drac cos he WILL suck your blood out...! Doesnt matter whatever you are...!
And o yeah. welcome to disneyland...
welcome here..i can be a girl sometimes lolz..nwayz good day!
I think I saw one female in Doha once but it was hard to tell with all the men in the way.....
haha sum funny qlivr out there :) luv 2 read hate to rite lol but i do lil :)
goodluck in finding girlpals :)
` c h i n g a A a l i n g `
Welcome to Hotel California (Qatar) and enjoy your stay and hope you will find a lot of girl pals here. BTW, stay away from all the jerks in here...(including me...hehehehe)
hmmm well dracula nt a lesbian but to avoid the unwanted attention of jerks like u i specified girl pals !!!
and thanks sevillion
hahaha.. yo will meet them sooner or later... thers a lot of shopp-a-holics and partie-animals here you know... BTW, welcome^^
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complicated being, landed up on this planet by mistake... should have been on venus!"..or Lesbos Island!
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