THIS IS MEE !!!!!!!!1

heyy guys and gurls , ssup? anyway , im new in doha , and i kinda got "lost" in qatar , well maybe its too small to get lost in , but thats exactly the problem , its too small , and im new in here , so i have no way to entertain and all , so i was like i got to socialize and make new friends and find the real way of entertainment in qatar and all , so i found at last this QL and thaught that this is wut i ws lookin 4 ... SO DONT DESAPPOINT ME QATAR LIVING :P :D XD
anyway , is this rlly wut im lookin 4? \
any 1 wanna ask anythin about me just ask ?
soo.... explain 2 me how do u guys actuall "have fun " in here?!?!
coz after this and their mentality its kinda impossible to socialize dont u think so?
well hey guys , thnx 4 ur support , specially u sexikone , anyway , i guess ill get to the friend sircle as u said ... i hope it helps in socializing ... :) thnx evry body
how are you ////////// were are you in doha now? where you work ?
where you like to go out.???????
Welcome to Qatar and Qatarliving just stick around and you will have fun with us.
first welcome to are some of the links for you to check out: ---> list of the group where you can subscribe with.. -->this link will give aid you of some social events that we are attending.. ya around..and surely you will enjoy this community, you'll find plenty of interesting "users" and topics to mess (? depends) with..:D
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]
Chill...ur on earth..not on another ofcourse u can have fun
get a friend's circle
u can go for movies
u can go for ice skating
u can go camping in many places
as ur new, u can go historical places
pass by ramada area on thursday where u will find hella lot of teenagers...nice place to hang out and eat!
u can play billiards
many many more
get a friend's circle....u will surely have fun :)
Ramadan kareem.
for which club do u play?
Welcome to Doha....
The Red Pope of Qatar Living
Hey Misteria, i read your post, and guess what ? I like it, because i've got the same issue to handle, so i think we are on the same team now... I can't live without the fun anyway.
"This is where you lose your mind, And just let your heart on wind !"