May Events - Our choice of activities and events

It's May and summer is finally here. While you are busy trying to stay cool during the summer, we try to bring to you the coolest and some of the best events in Qatar.
Just like the previous months, we will get to be at some great events this May. Make sure you check them out!
May 1st and 2nd: Hekayaat Khaleejiya - Through the eyes of autism at MIA Auditorium
May 1st - 3rd: Rocket Bungee Jumping at The Pearl-Qatar
May 2nd: QSA Annual Swimming Competition at Doha Corniche near Balhambar Restaurant
May 3rd: MIA Park Bazaar
May 5th-6th: The Nutcracker Acrobatic Ballet at Katara
May 7th-9th: Qatar on Track exhibition at InterContinental City Hotel
May 8th-May 17th: Middle East Art and Silk Painters exhibition at Grand Hyatt Hotel
May 8th-9th: Brooklyn Castle (Film Screening) at MIA Auditorium
May 9th: Legends Live Concert at Al Arabi Sports Club
May 9th-10th: Pearl Cup 2014 at The Pearl Qatar Lido Venezia Beach
May 10th: QMA Annual Western Department Faculty Concert at QNCC, Auditorium 3
May 11th: Carmina Burana and The Planets Concert at QNCC
May 12th-14th: Doha Forum 2014 at The Ritz Carlton
May 13th-17th: Les Miserables at Qatar National Theatre
May 14th: "A Letter for a man" Exhibition at Katara Building 19
May 14th: Jazz at MIA Park
May 14th: The Seasons of Haydn at Katara Opera House
May 15th-21st: The Square (Film Screening) at Katara Building 16
May 17th: Emir Cup Final at Khalifa International Stadium
May 17th: Talk on Islamic Reform by Tariq Ramadan (cancelled)
May 21st: An Evening with Romantic Master at Katara Opera House
May 22nd: Escordando at Katara Drama Theater
May 26th-28th: QITCOM 2014 Conference at QNCC
More events to be added as we come along...
Check back on our April Events page for more info on past events.
Anything you think we should add to this list? Share in the comments below!
Image: Sanjiban Ghosh in the QL Flickr Group
Join us Inshaa Allah this weekend as we embark on a journey of light with Mufti Ismail Menk on
" The Light Of The Qur'aan "
at Katara Masjid and Bin Zaid ( Fanar ) Masjid - Doha Qatar
Date : 15th May (Thursday)
Time : 8.15 PM after Ishaa Salah
Venue : KATARA Masjid
Topic : " Touching Lives of Others "
Date : 16th May (Friday)
Time : 8.10 PM after Ishaa Salah
Venue : Bin Zaid Masjid (FANAR)
Topic : " Lessons From Surah Yousuf "
Date : 17th May (Saturday)
Time : 8.10 PM after Ishaa Salah
Venue : Bin Zaid Masjid (FANAR)
Topic : " The Month of the Qur'aan "
at the Admirals Club Marina Doha
With great Ambience of the Admirals Club Marina and Funky tunes from Doha's most Celebrated Bollywood & EDM maestro DJ Khiezer Xec
Ladies get Special Offers and Give aways every Monday night
*Happy Hour*
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm (Buy one Get one free)
*Hospitality Service Discount*
All Airline Staff and Hoteliers can avail 25% Discount (9:00 pm - 1:00 Am
Entry charges:
Stags: 50 riyals
Couples: Free Entry till 10:00 pm and 50 riyals after
For VIP table reservations contact:
77615898 (MDT Events)
*conditions apply*
More info:
Qatar Super-bike Championship 10th and 24th may (round 5&6 resp) at losail circuit
add here the 3x3 Basketball competition
Project qatar