Locals think their country is being invaded!

By MarcoNandoz-01 •
Living in a diversified country like Qatar is interesting to say the least. You hear things from some locals and things from new settlers (Expats). The sad part is there really are some people on both sides of the fence that prove the other right by their actions. Locals think their country is being invaded (Yes they do! I heard it on the Arabic Good morning Qatar ( Watani al-Habib talk-show ) Radio) Expats think their freedoms are slowly but surely gradually being taken away from them.
This is a question to the masses out there... Do you believe its OK! for any man and his dog to walk into your backyard and act any way they like?
yes i agree that qatar was invaded by expats......invaded in a sense that expats were a huge help in building the country into a better one! they were here to work and work and work!
So Marconandoz, you are admitting that the workers are not being paid enough for their work. If the goverment has the workers goodwill at heart they should be paid decent wages. Looks like you have been brainwashed by the system so much that you talk as the system wants you to talk
LP plays with Mimi, Mimi plays with smoke
Tinker plays with WilliRizku, Rizku is happy again
Timebandit plays with UkEngQatar, Marco plays with stealth
strom builts a bonfire, baburao plays with it
-Whistling tunes we hid in the dunes by the seaside
-Whistling tunes we're kissing baboons in the jungle
In games without frontiers-war without tears
Games without frontiers-war without tears
there was a time when getting citizenship was easier. You will find a lot of Yemenis, Pakistanis, Indians, Iranians etc who have got citizenship here.
Its become difficult nowadays to get citizenship.
There is one thing for sure, the world will never be peaceful as long as there are borders and sides.
I do symathise. I agree that anyone who has been living here for say thirty years and speaks fluent arabic should be given the chance of indefinite residency, if not citizenship.
This is a difficult topic because no-one forced them to stay for so long...
Smoke is right.....What about those that have lived here all their life some of them even second and third generation and love Qatar as their home...is it right for them not to be given citizenship? I am here as wife of Qatar born man who has lived all his life here, and is more A native then most Qataris....So you can leave if you get permission etc,as Mary Catherine says..
but I have to stay with my husband. its the only home my husband and his family, and their family has ever known
Im just sayn, once the development is done, from ppl who were paid to come here have finished their contract, they will not be needed anymore, rent will go even higher, no one
can continue to stay due to the high cost of living expenses, so it will be just for Qataris and the other wealthy ones.
OK I have to get permission to come, permission to work, security clearances, permission to buy a car, permission to open a bank account, etc. etc. etc. and I am considered an invader?
More like someone who is able to jump through all the hoops and over the hurdles (not to mention the barricades).
But Marco, should it not be the worker's decision if or if not they want to buy alcohol?
In fact, should not EVERYBODY be allowed to make such a decision for themselves?
What is your opinion?
Good old joe :“This guys don’t even allow the poor workers to enjoy the weekend by having a bottle of beer or a glass of wine and they have the big nose to call this workers this and that. Looks like they only want you to build their castle and then you cannot even enter into it”
Yes how cruel is this country’s govt for trying to protect law-paid workers from spending all their saving on alcoholic drinks! Very inhuman indeed!
Ok. On a more serious note, A bottle of Beer costs= something between 27, 37 to 40QR, and triple that for a bottle of wine or spirits.
Poor workers can’t afford to spend that much of money on drinks or else they be broke the next day and won’t have any money left to send home. You dig it?
Live and let live.
I was invited here to drink the beer. When that dries up I will leave
This guys dont even allow the poor workers to enjoy the weekend by having a bottle of beer or a glass of wine and they have the big nose to call this workers this and that. Looks like they only want you to build their castle and then you cannot even enter into it
I was refering to this
''JESUS CHRIST! OKKKIE FINE! should have picked some other word!!! and the word "settler" is a completely wrong choice of word!!! Believe me I FreaKIn GET IT!!''
not your op
Spock "They are not picky: they give citizenship to Brazilians, Ethiopians, even Bulgarians (weight-lifter). It's just that you have to be able to do something to raise the prestige of Qatar in the world".
I think you are confusing the passport for "Special missions" , for the actual Qatari passport. But I tell you, they ain't the same thing!
There was this: http://gulfnews.com/news/gulf/qatar/expats-can-apply-for-qatari-citizenship-1.239793
They are not picky: they give citizenship to Brazilians, Ethiopians, even Bulgarians (weight-lifter). It's just that you have to be able to do something to raise the prestige of Qatar in the world.
I agree that many deserve citizenship. However, was it ever on offer ?
smoke : Cuz govie says so!
What about those that have lived here all their life some of them even second and third generation and love Qatar as their home...is it right for them not to be given citizenship? Why?
Victory 27892... if you check passports of every single expat its mention there that he is worker / labour and every expat is working here no matter what sort of work is.. they are just getting wages (sorry to say but some are still dreaming for their wages)and when they think that its enough for them they will go back.. but some dosent want to go and on the other hand some want to go but they are not allowed to go...
PrarieFire : what's this to do with loving one another, and/or world peace? A: I'm not a local.
B: i'm merely corresponding to you the local's point of view, first hand!
You are only here as "guests". Do your time and move on.
@ Mr. Qatar. You are right to say that all expatriates need and demand fair treatment. But it does not cover the Expatriate's right to complain against how Qatar decides to run its country, its culture and way of life.
By pushing our ideals (thinking that it is superior to theirs) on how we dress (for some, too provocative), how we should have more rights (i.e. to drink alcohol in public or right of single people to stay together). It becomes apparent that we are trying to change them and their conservative culture.
Marco Nandoz should have given this apt example: If I come in your house as a Driver or Butler and start complaining on how you handle your house and family, wouldn't you be pissed off? It is fair that I can complain on how well you treat me, but it is unfair if I complain about how well you are doing in treating your children...
Yes in summary all expatriates are here to work or with specific purpose. and Yes what or where is Qatar without expat.
Yes it is correct its just give and take, we are here to give our services and earn money not to settle down permanently.
Here is the relection of attitudes.
They needs ONLY WORKERS (issuing only work permits) who shall build as they wants and take their wages and go back when they don't need you any more.
So after we "settlers" wrong word choice indeed
develop the country, and got invited and paid to do so, then we will be send home if we can not handle the high, high cost of living when 2022 comes. Same thing will happen as it did for planning Asian Games, rent went up to high, and the natives said, if you dont like it leave, if you cant afford the costs here leave.
Ok, now same thing, need us to build, and develop for 2022, then what, same thing, cant afford to live here, then leave. It is for wealthy only, once us "Settlers" have once again made it what it is today.
Well said MR. Qatar ..... We are all humans we all need fair treatement. We cannot be called invaders here in any context.
well who will drive a truck for them?
who will open a drains for them?
who will be in a grocery?
who will deliver a lolly pop on a cycle to there homes?
who will they beat in HMC if they feel that person (DR) is not obeying them?
who will take there childrens & family to school & villagio?
who will cook for them even at 3 am? who will make karak for them in offices?
Who will drive a karwa for them?
Questions from those who think that expats are invading there country...
There are so many poor invaders who want to go but they cant...
Most of the expatriates here are invited for a specific purpose, and that is to work. If you feel that the country is oppressive and considers you as a second class citizen, then you have a choice to leave and just look for a job at another country that you feel is better for you.
We actually all do that, but it is to where we work. If you are not happy with a particular company, you transfer to another company.
This is quite normal given the demographics of the country.
As posters have said, most expats are invited here. On the other hand, many expats forget that they came here on a specific contract and begin regarding it as "home"
marconandoz weren't you asking for world peace and free love a couple of threads back?
something wrong?
its more of a give and take relationship. they want us to work for them , help them grow their economy as thy cannot do it all by themselves... if we SETTLERS are working for them then in return thy should oblige us too ...rather than complaining that their country is being invaded.... the country is more humanized now
JESUS CHRIST! OKKKIE FINE! should have picked some other word!!! and the word "settler" is a completely wrong choice of word!!! Believe me I FreaKIn GET IT!!
expats are not settlers, they are invited guests,
No expat has come here intruding,
no expat here is without permission of the authorities,
if you dont like them seeing everyday on malls n streets the start managing your hospitals, malls, construction works,
There's no charity from either side, it's just simple business, give n take.
well invaders aren't doing it for free will be the counter argument!
Well atleast this group of so called invaders will leave behind well developed infrastructure, nice, tall and beautiful buildings, green gardens, paved roads, etc when they have to leave when their visa expires and may never be around to watch the fruits of their labour. It takes a wise man to appreciate what this so called invaders have been doing for them
When in Rome do as the Romans do, if it becomes too onorous, leave
its always good to have a little historical context when talking about social issues
Shakespearean lol wut?
More to the point though you have asked a rhetorical question
for any man and his dog to walk into your backyard and act any way they like?
its a straw-man and of course again no one would agree that it is ok
PrarieFire: I don’t think we are in a Shakespearean class here. But thank you for your insightful observations! Now, can we get to some more (To the point) answers?
We have run this story may be million times already on QL and couldnt find the right answer...dont see how that could be achieved now. BTW the tone of the post isn't appropriate, should be some shades lower.
Wrong notion, people are here to make/build Qatar and not for invasion / ruling.
Also the people in this forum are hardly masses and I don't think anyone would agree with that it is a rhetorical question
the word settler has a historical connotation that dates back to colonialism...I don't think it is the appropriate word in this context