Life is Unfair, Isn't it?

By aliasbahadur •
Life is unfair!
Why there are those borne rich,
while others are suffering of poverty?
While the poor strives to earn more,
the more the rich getting richer.
While we, the honest ones do good thing,
the more the evil ones triumph!
Life is unfair, isn't it?
To those doing the unfairness,
I hope your weekend will be blessed and happy,
and can sleep tight! Urrgghh
"I think therefore I am"
You are what you think
You get what you give.
As simple as that.
Your right Ali, arrogant people like the pope and other religious leaders that persecute and divide humanity.
AS for me, life only becomes unfair because of the arrogant people...and they always cause injustices and evil in the world. they are the ones breaking the balance of life and because of their greed of power and everything others are left in a helplessly unfair situation, and so chaos, unpeace, crime exist.
Complex and apparently unpredictable happenings which are highly sensitive to their initial conditions are termed as chaotic systems. Chaotic systems are mathematically deterministic - that is, they follow precise laws but their irregular behaviors appear to be random to a casual observer.
Some chaotic phenomena in the universe are births and deaths of stars, planets, formation of space debris and movement of meteors etc. If we consider our societies, happenings like outbreaks of diseases, growth in populations, heart rhythms, sudden weather changes or even the fluctuations in stock exchange figures may seem to be chaotic. They may not be predictable in the long run, but all have short term predictability.
Now, to an independent observer, our births, lives and deaths are also chaotic. The choices that we make in our lives are based on our thoughts that are molded by an infinite sequence of inheritances of genes from our ancestors and the influence of ever changing surroundings both of which are chaotic phenomena. Also, for any independent system the disorderliness cannot decrease by itself, a thought which is taken from the concept of entropy. Local disorders are fractal images of global ones.
I believe, this world is not unfair but it's a chaos so we shouldn't complain.
Happen to me? now that was offensive lol
Blasted ;)
it depends on people not all of them can withstand my Wisdom, some got crazy , and others ran naked in the street.
i don't want this to happen to you, people have dreams and feelings.
@one_shot damn it man, I really need to take lessons from you guys to brief whatever I need to say lol.
Life is Life.... but people are Unfair
The universe is interconnected,in other words everything is linked together, from the atoms to the bacteria kingdoms to the very space.
If a side takes over its need (Which is usually not found in nature except if it is pressed by outer forces), there will be side effects to the equation.
By that sense, side effects are not positive or being jealous.
But Humans have developed brains to cause those outer forces.
If you feel my drift.
What is unfair for you maybe fair for someone else! See the positive side of your existence, then you won't feel jealous.
Life is as unfair as its citizens.
Life is neither fair or unfair, it just is. You are at the mercy of your self replicating DNA. It's only mission is to force you to reproduce so it can continue. Your life is irrelevant
Life is not a bed of roses .. for all .. rich or poor.
Agree with FathimaH
In this life, if we are poor then there definitely are people who are more poor than us. So we are not alone :) rather we keep on working till the last second
If life is fair, everybody will drive Ferrari..:) >> lolz
If life is fair, everybody will drive Ferrari..:)
hmmm....Britx, to experience life is to know the mysteries behind it. not being able to transcend over it make life miserable for it remains at the level lower than what human life is suppose to exist for
Well said FathimaH... thanks guys.
“The mystery of life isn't a problem to solve, but a reality to experience.”
Some are just more obvious than others, but in truth you never know the kind of issues even seemingly blessed people maybe encountering. So whilst you were making yourself miserable wanting what you assume they got, you may actually be far better off than them, though you perceive it not!