The Life of an Ex-Pat

By olubamidele •
Interested to hear what motivated you to leave home and set-up in foreign climes. I'm moving to Doha next Friday, so thought I might try to generate some lively debate.
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nice one
Agree ZuperZue, and you get see legends like Zico, John McEnroe, Björn Born, Robert De Niro roaming around..:)
taxfree & lots of oil & gas = great experience for a young engineer!
Came to Gulf because I was fascinated with the real estate boom and wanted to see all the fascinating things happening here. Now stuck here as Gulf experience is considered worthless back home.
Good, enjoy the perpetual sunshine and a very non-British winter :)
You little tinker..
What about the visits to the Ramada (Radisson) and QDC ?
Change of Scenery............. which turned out to be a disappointment but then the compensation for staying here was well worth it..:)
Yes aiwa6 thanks for asking - money (most would not believe me if I left this out!), and also to experience a different culture as I have scarcely lived outside of London let alone the UK, so the excitement that comes from moving out of my comfort zone appeals. And of course the opportunity to miss out on a British winter!
money mostly
'Tis fate :)
Well, it's usually the promise of greener pastures (not literally). And as Fathima put it so aptly, to 'earn more moolah' :D
For families it's about supporting and accompanying the breadwinner.
So, Olubamidele, care to share your motivation for moving here?
I came because my work needed someone and it looked like an adventure. We've stayed for pile of gold we've been accumulating.
Qatar is one good place for a practicing muslim to work.
lol you come up with some absolute howlers man:-)
didn't choose to be here..was raised here by my parents.. love it here as much as i love the motherland and other places i've been..besides, the GCC bloc is pretty much perfect for laid back and easy going folks, for whom good food, deep sleep, family/friends plus a few other indulgences are all that they desire from life..and yes as said by fatimah, its easier to be muslim here lol..
welcome and wish you a pleasant stay:-)
to answer the OP... money... is the only reason.
To get away from the Mother in Law :O)
And now? Please continue =D
In the beginning it was adventure and curiosity.
Which means we have the freedom to practice our religion without discrimination and opposition,that and of course the ability to earn more moolah is also a plus point,as is the satisfactory lifestyle.
$$$, and the oil and gas experience in the middle east is sorta like a 'tick' on your CV ;)