leaving qatar..uhuhuhuhh;((

qatar is my first home....
i'm not a qatari, but for me
qatar is the best place i want to spend my life in...
living in qatar for 2 years meant since birth for me...
when i step on the ;and of qatar i was already fascinated in a weird way...
the streets r so clean
the people r so nice
money is not that much problem
finding fun is so easy
but when my mom told that i should study in my mother i was so sad...
i couldn't i magine leaving qatar so soon
but i know i have to go......
now that i'm in phil. i still open the qatarliving to know what happing in my so called father-labd..
sounds ridiculous but that is true...
i promised myself that i will will be bacj no matter wat.
share your Xperence...when you were leaving the most wonderfull place ever...
......or watsoever
QL can be accessed from any where. Do post something n keep in touch. ..Adios Ameriigos..
So that when you come back I may now understand you. LOL
There's more to life than Lil Wayne, fruit_flower.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
I hope that you will be able to return, if that is your wish.
I know that you will miss your school friends here, but you are young and you have your whole adult life ahead of you!
You can start making plans for your future now and if Qatar is where you want to be, then I'm sure this is where you will be.
Good luck to you always :)
those 2yrs ... it was like he lived all his life in Qatar (since birth)
Now since he is back in his home Country, he still visits QL to see whatz going around in Qatar :-)
i cannot understand you. huh????
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand