June's weather in Doha

It’s June, the usual month for the World Cups' kick-off.
Its 2011, but it can easily happen again in June 2022.
Now just imagine the vibrant atmosphere the dust particles will have in that important date and how the football fans and players alike will feel!
Just some food for thoughts!
Enjoy the sand storm, and don’t forget that way above in the skies, the sky is blue, the sun is shinning and it’s certainly cooler!
Have a good day and as doctors recommend, stay away from outdoors!
I agree with you on this one.
Apparently FIFA is a bunch of incompetent greedy loosers, run by a maniac for fourth times.
Right Nic?
The planet is a huge eco-system maintained balanced by its diversity, once that balanced its disturbed, a domino effect will take place.
No matter what mankind may do, at the end nature will win!
"The director of advanced studies on sustainability at the Technical University of Munich, said: 'We came a big step closer to the point where we can increase the availability of fresh water to all in times of dramatic global changes.'"
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1343470/Have-scientists-discovered-create-downpours-desert.html
hmmm, don't know how enticing a dusty yellow can be...ah well, maybe some like it...who knows!
Hadn't thought of that.. he'll be bronzed now - even more irresistable to women :o(
His skin won't be red today, it will be a dusty yellow!
I hope Timebandit is OK.. he usually goes to the beach at weekends..
if it sandstorms in 2022, it will be a great World Championship FAIL :(
totally understand you ;)
It's weekend :)
Actually its also about what is happening right now!
Are you enjoying your day at the beach?
hehehehe... heavy night?
I said "most of the people", not "all of the people" ;)
does it matter when its all over the same and entire Doha is covered with a thick layer of dust?
oh I just peeped outside... yes the weather is extremely dusty
I just said what I actually feel and it has nothing to do with my job... prove me wrong, if you can.
Nic, which part of Doha is this...
its quite remarkable to see how most of the people don't dare to say what they really think about the issue ;)
the terrible dependence on their jobs here!
thats right frenchie...we all will be pissing up at the fan zones outside the stadiums...
No one in June 2022 outside of Qatar will care what the weather is like.
I just woke up....
thats a hell of a storm...
Prediction of June 2022 weather at 13:30 Hrs..... nice good comfy weather with a cool breeze flowing across my face and the weather forecast for next week states it may snow somewhere in Dukhan..:)
why cant some people get over it. Dont you have anything else to worry now. Worrying about something which will happen after 11 yrs.
Doha Knight,
Men are capable of achieving great things but often forget that at the end, Nature always wins.
No more ice and still got vodka! :(
An artificial rain will settle the dust and reduce the temperature as well...:-)
I am sure scientists will find some way out in the next 11 years..they already have the technology for making artificial clouds.
Don't forget your ice-lined coffin ...
Brrrrr...deeper in my cave,then!
May God bless You, Nic :-)
For readers out of Doha, this is how it looks today in Doha: