just thaught of sharing this with you all,
The add that are placed on QL and Gulf Times...and then the special remarks beside it "FILIPINO ONLY" etc etc....
i feel this should not be done as we all are here away from our home country to work and to earn money.....
for instance if they all even think it for a while that what will happen if the localites here will add vacancy for job --"NATIONALITY NAME ONLY"?
[mod note: Discussed many times before, and the obvious sensible reasons for why this happens explained. Please search before starting new threads.]
here we go is not mean at all...
don't bother yourself reading those ads if you don't like the frst place,who pays for that ad? The person paying the ad has the right to put specifications if he/she wants to..
good evening QLers! :)
This is Mahatma Coat, the Indian cloack room attendant at a local hotel. I tried to call your number many times, but always busy.. WHY ??
You are very mean..and very racist
Life is never boring, but some people choose to be bored.... Boredom is a choice. - Wayne W.
“Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful,”
My hopes of sharing my bed space in My confession Booth with you have disintegrated into dust..
Please, no more confessions coming out from you.
So tell me, How do you like to be cook daily? Salty, curry or garlic. Do you have a dancing pole in that spare room?
Don't tell me, that you have your own Indian strip club of Chippendale's?
“Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful,”
i have a bedspace in my bedroom. I will share it only with the male indian who cooks curry every day, listen to the indian national anthem every morning, speaks to me exclusively in hindy, brings in at least 10-12 indian guys bachelors every night, and they switch on the indian folk music and dance indian folk dances.
If you match the above mentioned description, pls cal 555-5551
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
luck comes on the way for all........
Bless, dont dwell and be emotional too much on this issue, this is how its done here...u
it doesn't bother me at all.... it has been called "disgusting" before, and now it's being referred to as "mean"....i wonder what is so mean about it.....
No, Maybe they only have available work visas for this certain Nationalities...u
actually, some do advertise like that,... they post a job vacancy, then down below, you'll read "Qatar Nationals only"... so what... it's no big deal,.. same with the ads for flats and accomodations, it's the advertiser's choice... i dont find it mean.... and like charan said, it's been discussed countless times before...
Discussed for the 111000000000000000000000 times :(
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me