By skdkak closed 1... •
I got them all back today morning and by after noon lost all. Now it has stopped giving any more points.
Its all pointless.
what about other members....
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you want to go to office now or to beer guzling places... Now I know why ur face looks droopy.. u are already down with few drinks.
..**.. ""They walk among us. They vote & they even reproduce"" ..**..
Moeed gets mine. This is just more of an excuse for me to post things with my bad grammar and spelling. ;P
"You don't have to like me for who I am but we'll see what you're made of by what you make of me." Ani Difranco
LOL its time to go office.No beer.
"Drink Beer Save Water"
Not for long. U will loose them again. just keep drinking beer and forget points. it will make us crazy
..**.. ""They walk among us. They vote & they even reproduce"" ..**..
HE HE i got mine points.keep it secrete.
"Drink Beer Save Water"
well shoot..
see if they add this to it...
Hi Scar
Ping pong is ok but what about adding new points.. It doesn't happen any more.
..**.. ""They walk among us. They vote & they even reproduce"" ..**..
beginning to feel like a ping pong ball...back and forth, back and forth..
..**.. ""They walk among us. They vote & they even reproduce"" ..**..
Got mine back too, they're not much but i love them! :D
..**.. ""They walk among us. They vote & they even reproduce"" ..**..
i quit editing comments now, instead have to use the preview button every now and then...:D
Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
hmmmmm. u want all of them back.
Be patient in what you got or you might even loose what you have.
On a secondary note, close your eyes and say it loud A B C D E................. X Y Z and you will touch 400.
..**.. ""They walk among us. They vote & they even reproduce"" ..**..
I had more than 400 earlier. Now I have 378 only. I need to get all of them back.
Either way Yaasar ghost has to enter one of the comps.. your's or QL server's. Lets give him a chance to change places for infiltration.
..**.. ""They walk among us. They vote & they even reproduce"" ..**..
infiltrate my computer or my account?..lol...maybe he's ghost is doing so..:P
Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Yaasar Arafat died a long back.. I guess he is using ultra modern internet to infiltrate your comp. hehehehehehe
..**.. ""They walk among us. They vote & they even reproduce"" ..**..
i got them :P
"This is where you lose your mind, And just let your heart on wind !"
yup skdk, at least its qatari who is "stealing" your points..lol...mine is yaasar (dont know who he is...)
Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
thats great am back on topppppppppp :D
but why twice??
Its not 100% perfected yet.
I edited my post a while back and this is what I got, ""User qatari earned 1 points! Total now is 1489 points.
User skdkak lost 1 points! Total now is 584 points.""
..**.. ""They walk among us. They vote & they even reproduce"" ..**..
lol...not dedication, its coz we got nothing much to do last night and we arent still sleepy so might as well mess with some Qlers..lol
Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
you guys are so much dedicated towards QL... give it a relaxation time in the night.
..**.. ""They walk among us. They vote & they even reproduce"" ..**..
we all did last night skdk, around 11PM i guess..:D
Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.