I feel unsafe

By rijwan_khan •
Dear Friends,
I like Qatar, their people and life style as well. But a very serious concern that some Qatar Boys are doing non-sense and naughty things with us.
actually incident happens every Friday when we play cricket outside our camp. We stayed in Simsimah, Al Khor. While playing one teenager always riding his car while playing match. He drives his car between the pitch. This is very dangerous for us n him too. we all just being a silent audience because we can't do anything. As he is the nationalist of Qatar and also the land owner.
What should we can do for this?
lol some of the comments here are reallly FUNNY! IT'S HIS OWN PROPERTY! PFFF!
attack him with stones at first,let him get of the LC kick him and give him a black eye,after that go back home pack your stuff to go back to India to play cricket out side your camp as much as you want :)
land mines will do..
In his own yard?
my god grow some balls and attack him with stones,,,,,he wil not come back
Contact the police.
if i can drive a LC i will join the race..
Not until I leave for good, so please be patient.
If you can't change somebody...Change yourself; I mean relocate your cricket ground.
The effect of too much oil? They have the money, but not enough workforce and we come and suck all this cash like the good leeches we are!
thats the only reason what you don't have!!!
You will waste it.. and finish the money quickly and then will ask for more...
sounds like that..
it has a bad effect for some..
beco'z of too much oil its turning some to act too much as well..
if given the chance to have that too much oil, ill dream big..
i would pay NASA and have a trip to the moon.. actually one did.. He spent $20M for the trip.. thats not much for those who has too much oil..
Easy come easy go?????
that's the effect of too much oil..
You might just as well leave the place to another ground if you can't stop him.
ummm , but on a different note, 'n legally speaking, it's his Daddy's land so he's got full right 'n authority to drive you out of it cuz ur the intruders!
next time if he came, tell him ... i love you, be my priend... :p
OR just throw a dead rotten stinky RAT inside his car....
Viva Bahria - LP ! :(
Rock his car when he do this,, not hard, infact i wil come up and help you
Don't feel unsafe, wear safety jacket, shoes and helmet.. :)
Rizks, I still see things as they are. You see them as you want them to be. Vive la difference!
LP, i didnt knew a Devil is hiding behind tat one closed eye of urs.....:(
Let him enjoy his short life! He's probably one of the kids who will die in a high-speed accident on the 'high-way' to Al Khor.
If you are staying in same locality with locals then drop the idea of damaging or complaining-all would be invain.
complain or damage to them would start never ending enmity and hate.
Better switch to new place.
so far I had found the local kids of Kuwait with horrible character teasing expats.
I think you should PANCHAR his TAYAR!
If its his land what can you do??..I would report him but if you do he can kick you off his land anyway..So the easier option is to find somewhere new, simple really! :)
Obviously a few screws loose, and a cricket hater to boot... I say go with Xena's idea! (OMGod...perhaps the wickedness is airborne!)
And yeah if not either call the cops with proof or stop playing there.
I had a similar incident long ago. We recorded his driving skills. Made sure he is well aware that he was being recorded.
Warned him that we could call the cops if he did so again.
He repeated the stunt again with his friends. Recorded that too.
Called the cops. Submitted the video as evidence. The Qatari got warned. Never had to see him again.
So brave up and action on.
and throw them around the outside of the place you are playing so he will puncture his tyers before he even gets onto the ground:-p
*note to self* I am in such a wicked mood!!!
better to change ur ground
buy the land and build staduim and invite your group to your game , other wise play it on you pc
Rizks seroiusly Fishing to substitute cricket??? :D
Gud one!!!!
Since he is the land owner, the answer is pretty obvious don't you think?
LOL! nice one Rizks :D
1) Ask him politely to drive his car else where coz u are playing cricket.
2) If he repeats again, ask him tat u will report the matter to the Police.
3) If he still repeats, you stop playing cricket and do fishing....:)
Find a new pitch. According to the law, he didnt do anything "Wrong"
you can video record it before calling the police, so you have evidence.
Complain with the police and try to take a video of what his doing.
either u can start playing football n invite him to join u or find a new ground..
or you can stop playing there.
It don’t matter who the fook he thinks he is, so stop pissing ur pant with fear 'n make a complaint with the police. u gotta man up boi.