How and where to find poor people in Qatar?

By landloverreview •
Is there a chance I can find some needy people who really need some help?
Do you think the old people working in Souq Waqif are the really people in need?
Or the one waiting for any job near round abouts..
As a general labour has a job..when we travel to third world countries we can see thousands of poor who really need some help and you feel good helping them but in Qatar..i think we dont have any other option than monetary transactions to charity centres..isnt it?
Share your observation please.
I need urgently money about 25000 qr,for giving my loan in Pakistan,,,when i come qatar for job i take loan from peoples,its estimated 2 millions pakistani rupees,agent take from me,now these loan giver peoples want there money back,and my salary is not enough for giving loan back,from my salary my family expensive also,so i need urgently money
Here is my oreedoo wallet number 55783851,name Muhammad Atif Khan ,please help me
Do you really have trouble finding poor people in Doha?!!! Take off your blinkers and look around. I see people rummaging through garbage bins in the dark. Just drive through the more populated areas of old Doha and you'll see.
Charitable organisations here are selectively charitable (as mention by the previous posters). I have never ever seen a charitable institution in Doha reach out to underpaid labourers here in Qatar.
Go to Syria & help
oh only to muslims...
You can also check with Hamad Hospital reception/cashier section, there are many expat workers/family members/children who cannot afford surgeries/procedures which are not covered by the Hamad hospital and these people are required to make the payment themselves and they cannot afford to pay these amounts/expenses. I am saying these things from my personal experience. Yes, there are many patients who cannot afford surgeries at Hamad Hospital as everything is not free in hamad.
Appreciated idea Inox....
i too have been wondering wer does this coupon money go?
When I give money to the charity desks in the malls you get to pick one of those vouchers that I assume determines where the money will go. Since the vouchers are in Arabic and the people sitting at the desk don't speak English, I just guess about what where the money will end up. But from what I could see, they all seemed to be for projects out of Qatar. Which are the specific charities to help the poor and in need within Qatar? (Not that I have a problem helping girls in Asia learn to read, I just kind of think that we should do our bit to make those in our home better off.)
How and where to find them, does not really matter here i guess.
But it's how and where WE (good and average earners) could send our Help to them...
We could probably start a QL Charity outreach programs:)
Do volunatry work. help with a charity. Good luck!
We've had the mother and baby coming knocking on our doors a couple of times. I just pretend not to understand the words miskeen and falooz etc and say "I think you have the wrong address". Lately there's started to be a few old women doing it too. They turn on the waterworks and start wailing. What are you supposed to do in that situation?
every friday some rich arab giving foods stuffs here, especially during ramadan.
I wish you are right tahsinmim.
But it's the fact, based on our experience. Every year (not less than one) a mother and a child came to our doorstep asking for money.
We always advice them to go to some charity offices for better help, but they DONT understand english at all. My wife speaks average Arabic, but still they just ignore what we said:(
you can find lots of children here, much of them they can't afford to let their children go to school.
there is no other labour camp in abu hamour (zone 56) near baladiya car depot. u can google the map, it is parallel to medical commission in between of them is wuqod fuel tank..
RADIUS: Child Factory?
andloverreview : No, but you can volunteer.
The true "poor" people aren't allowed in to Souq Waqif. That's why the men pushing wheelbarrows around are usually wearing name tags hanging around their necks. This allows security to keep out poor beggars/laborers/unemployed.
You only need to walk a few blocks from Souq Waqif to the areas behind Al Fardan to find poor people.
And, strictly speaking, the guys sitting around next to trucks and on roundabouts are unemployed - that's why they are sitting there, they are waiting for someone to give them a job to do.
Not sure if this is categorized as needy people. Few Arab Women with Child Knocking on Door Houses asking for money. Unyet if you showed them tens of riyals, they'll bring out their 100 bucks emphasizing that they need the same amount :(
I still feel pity on them, inspite of it...
Thank you Khanan Macro and others..
Is it possible we get a list of needy people from the charity centres and do something physically like visiting their homes...
Radius..Where exactly is that children factory?
tahsinmim : what's so funny about this?
tahsin... beware!! people selling perfumes are frauds and not needy
go to abu hamour labor camp, the so called children factory..
LLR.. i think old people at souq waqif really are poor and in need.. they dont really jobs.. they collect papers, cans other stuff from that area and sell it to make money
You can contact NGO's like Qatar Charity, Awgaf,RAF charity origination, Red Crescent Qatar, Eid Charity origination. and so on.
I mean people with no job or cant work etc...labours has got a job & earning few bucks daily..at the end of the day they are sure that they will get X amount..
if you are interested to help some geniune poor and need people in Qatar, Visit Q-Charity or Eid Charity.
They got database of needy people who are sponsored by them through generous donors.
How and where to find poor people no need to find keep ur eyes wide open
Mr. MOD..thanks a million for editing it. I really appreciate it.
Oppps i dont know how that buy2 get one picture appeared which is not in my pc at all.