How to stay young...Don't worry and be happy

First by reading the title you may laugh. By posting this thread I want to say the ways to live long.
1. Throw out non-essential numbers. This includes age, weight, and height. Let the doctors worry about them. That is why you pay them.
2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down.
(Keep this in mind if you are one of those grouches!)
3. Keep learning: Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain get idle. "An idle mind is the devil's workshop." And the devil's name is Alzheimer's!
4. Enjoy the simple things
5. Laugh often, long and loud: Laugh until you gasp for breath. And if you have a friend who makes you laugh, spend lots and lots of time with her/him!
6. The tears happen: Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person who is with you your entire life, is yourself. LIVE while you are alive.
7. Surround yourself with what you love: Whether it's family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge.
8. Cherish your health: If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.
9. Don't take guilt trips. Take a trip to the shops, even to a foreign country, but NOT to where the guilt is.
10. Tell the people you love, that you love them - at every opportunity.
dmigtysolomon should be punished for his disrespectful remarks.
OMG, the simple topic has turned into an ugly spat..Cool down guys...Both of u r fighting like a kid..Atleast the conversation shld get stop by someone..
Khattak bro, Franky, I don't care about this thug. However, the most aggravating and disgusting thing about this idiot is that he tried to use Holy names to push his agenda offending Muslims and Christians equally. He is lucky that he is hiding himself behind this virtual curtain.
Anyway, I am out of this thread as I don't want this thread to be used for his malicious agenda.
Khattak quotation is easier to understand than yours. This is not a dirty game, because if you don't post the quotation, nothing to discuss. And I would stand by my belief, the usage of the Lord Christ name in that proverb is offensive to me.
"I'm back, simple as that"
It really hurts when a nice thread is ruined because of an egoistic & stubborn person. The thread may be removed from the forum but will remain as a stigma on my mind for long.
mathboy...I feel bad for you as I know you tried your best to keep it clean.
----------------------------------------------------------------Give me some SunShine......Give me some Rain
Give me another Chance...I wanna grow up once Again
whyteknight, I don't think this idiot does not know what 's means. He certainly does. He misquoted my quotation taking out 's, and then he is trying to manipulate this whole thread.
He just forgot one thing that Jesus Christ is our prophet (prophet of Islam) like prophet Mohammad (PBUH). I will not let him play this dirty game.
lol what a discussion..
MathBoy no worries you can tell them I forwarded you this email :)
And you can use Hindu Gods in your quotes next time, it's ok, we got lots of them, we won't get offended ;)
By the way 's means of
As Dracula would say, Stay Cool Good People....
**** Aal Izz Well****
"I'm back, simple as that"
DMS... Christ's (having 's) of course means "of Christ" and not "The Christ". We believe and respect all the prophets and Jesus Christ is one of the most dear to us after Mohammad (PBUH)...I believe making it an issue here wont be wise.
----------------------------------------------------------------Give me some SunShine......Give me some Rain
Give me another Chance...I wanna grow up once Again
I carry our Lord Jesus Christ's name in our religion so don't even think about disrespecting His name! Please!
"I'm back, simple as that"
Everyone on this thread. I am reporting dmigtysolomon to QL management for blasphemy and requesting them to remove this thread as he has used offensive language.
I am sorry that I engaged in discussion with this fool hoping I could persuade him to delete his offensive remarks.
I changed my way of knowing you even not physically! You are nothing!
And yes, I will turn 50 but stay young at heart. You, I hope you stay young!
"I'm back, simple as that"
all I was asking was very simple and yet you make it complicated by bringing these issues. You even brought the holy names in the picture, why, young man?
"I'm back, simple as that"
dmigtysolomon, This is my last post to you, you idiot, you pervert. I am not going to respond to you hereafter. My final word is to remove your offensive remarks about our prophet Jesus Christ and disappear from here.
I hope you turn 50.
why in this proverb, the name mentioned was that of our Lord Jesus Christ and not the name of other prophets?
Can you explain that to me, Khattak since I heard this quotation only this time!
If we are in a religious discussion, maybe it's acceptable but the mere fact that we are not in a religious discussion, it's offensive to use these holy names! And Mathboy initiated the mentioning! And I was the one advicing him to stand down! Hope he really stay young!
"I'm back, simple as that"
I said Christ's.. when you use 's.. it means 'of'.. I hope you know this little thing.
Edit yours where you did not use 's.
dmigtysolomon, I will not edit mine because I am right and I know what I have written. Let me see what you do to yours where you have not used 's. You have misquoted my quotation. You think you can befool people here with such tricks.
"For God's sake... you are suggesting me to quote the name of the friend who forwarded me this by e-mail.. "
"I'm back, simple as that"
Mathboy may erased it!
"There is a Persian proverb which says "A donkey, even if it was Christ's, would not become Haji, after he had visited Makkah."
khattak your quotation is clear..but sorry to say to MATHBOY that his quoted sentence could be interpreted in negative way...but no offense please...
Khattak, I fully understand the quotation, check the posting "the donkey even if it was Christ....". Yours is differently worded as that of Mathboy! Check it out again if I misread it! And this cheerful young man accused me of stupidity! I hope he stay young! You know what I meant, Khattak! Do you!
"I'm back, simple as that"
nice .. :-)
Khattak, He does understand very well. He is trying to be cocky.
My quotation was very clear in its meaning but you wanted to give it a different meaning, thereby making it offensive. I suggest you edit your posts where you tried to play this stupid game. Also, learn to respect the religion particularly Islam and religious personalities which include all prophets. Jesus Christ is a prophet of Islam. Never use their names to play your tricks. took him wrong. There was nothing wrong with the simply meant...."A donkey, even if its owned by the Christ cannot be a Haji just by visiting Makkah".
This has nothing against the Christ, God Forbids.
----------------------------------------------------------------Give me some SunShine......Give me some Rain
Give me another Chance...I wanna grow up once Again
bring it on and let see who is saying who. You started the quotation and now you want to pass on to me. Bring it on cheerful young man. Really hope you stay young!
"I'm back, simple as that"
I find you saying this about Jesus Christ offensive. I could not imagine someone would deliberately or stupidity think this way. But you do. Be careful when you make such statements. It is very sensitive, maybe not to you but surely to us (Muslims).
One of the basic beliefs of Islam is to believe in all prophets, so never ever try to twist and manipulate things about great messengers of God.
that's our difference, I maybe old but very respectful when it comes to such words. I advice you to be! You could have cited other proverbs but not as you have quoted. Actually you can quote it but have used another words for Christ, Hajji and Makkah! And the donkey thing? Come'on, young man!
"I'm back, simple as that"
Another nonsense. You don't even understand what I am talking about. Jesus Christ is my prophet and it is not about him. Improve your reading skills before you start writing.
No more discussions with someone of this caliber. I put you on ignore.
All 10 points are good...if we could all do that then no one would get old. Especially no. 3. If we stopped focusing an what we are doing and what we could do more and achieve instead of watching the bio clock ticking. Every age has its advantage and priviledge - we should live to the fullest.
dmigtysolomon, It isn't about whether I am intelligent or not. Responding to you does not make me intelligent or otherwise. It's not about feeling young or old either.
I will not change my views just by knowing that you hobnob with preteen kids or 80+ elders. Even if you were surrounded by Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr, that too would not give me a reason to change my views about you. My views are entirely based on your arguments and how you add weight and lend reality to them by using logic, common sense and good judgment.
There is a Persian proverb which says "A donkey, even if it was Christ's, would not become Haji, after he had visited Makkah." In simple words, association with great people does not necessarily make one great. One needs to have a capacity.
Let's get back to the question you raised and my last post in response to that. Do you have a say on it?
tats a gr8 tip...........
i wud like to follow all these if i get a chance to grow up again...........
maybe you forgot you are in the main forum!
"I'm back, simple as that"
chodo na..... unse bahas karke koi fayda nahi..
because if you are not, you won't respond to me. Regarding intellectual gap, it's up to you how you view it. I feel young because I don't surround myself with people like you! If you will just find who are surrounding me, maybe you'll change your views! Good evening!
"I'm back, simple as that"
dmigtysolomon, It is intellectual gap..If I stated it as you suggested, what difference would it make? It is not someone's research work, we do not have the name of the author.. so what is the point? What is 'realistic' and why it has to be the way you suggest?
Can you find out who is the author of underlying note?
OK.. another scenario.. I claim that I am the original author of this note.. I forwarded to a couple of people, a chain was established and you were one of the thousand recipients.. then?
generation gap! Way to big!!!!!!!!
"I'm back, simple as that"
by just saying "from my friend.... or from my inbox...or I read it somewhere else" before posting make it more realistic.
Three of your four active threads are in my inbox almost a year now. Yes, I agree with you when you say I am an aged person, bu I am very young at heart. But the way you say that word "aged" you are a typical tackless young man and you suggest to be a cheerful person to stay young?
Hope you stay young! Me, I will grow old but will stay cheerful and young at heart! Stay young but grow-up, young man!
"I'm back, simple as that"
Thank you Anteeca.
dmigtysolomon, I looked at your profile. You are an aged person and I respect you for this reason. I assume that a person of your age would have some exposure to life, but you appear to be an exception. You must know that these 'fun notes' do not carry authors' names. They just fly into your mailbox from somewhere. For God's sake... you are suggesting me to quote the name of the friend who forwarded me this by e-mail..
maybe Mathboy is the source of many of my friends. I just check this one, sent to me from Sri Lanka by a Filipina friend way back August last year. But don't get me wrong, the reason I kept such in my inbox is because I love it!
Mathboy, no offense. A lot would start a thread by saying "got this from so and so...."
And I would say, the title is somewhat misleading, unless you die young, no one can stay forever young! Maybe stay living happy life! "Don't worry"? Can you be in this world?
"I'm back, simple as that"
dmigtysolomon, Why would you think they were not forwards? Why they had to be ORIGINAL?
It was research work and research work should not be original and should always be presented without quoting the sources and references...
those mails comes to your inbox,,for us its fresh and very touching,,we learn from it so whats the big deal if he post here...grow up man...PEACE...MB Bro..u r the best
hmm dmighty,,may be that someone is originaly MATHBOY.....
I tell you the sign of a believer, when death comes, there is a smile on his lips(SIR. ELLAMA IQBAL)
soniya, Don't trust those creams who promise to turn Negros into blonds within a few weeks' application. Hoping to become Scandinavian one day, I became victim of Fair & Lovely, who made me more 'unfair and unlovely' than I was otherwise:)
almost all your threads are in my yahoo inbox sent by many friends of mine. Saying you received it from someone else means this is not originally yours! Good evening!
"I'm back, simple as that"
lol mathboy..i know u must be joking..i m not into much cosmetics..I m happy in a way the GOD has sent me here..hhahaha
I tell you the sign of a believer, when death comes, there is a smile on his lips(SIR. ELLAMA IQBAL)
I really liked the point no.3,4 & 6..
But mathboy, what about those cream manufacturing companies that shouts from top of the roof that their creams are WRINKLE FREE, it LESSENS AGEING SIGNS n blah blah???
no.8 the most important one, which we all conveniently ignore.
Unfortunately I am surrounded by grouches only... I have passed on this note to them so they ‘abandon’ me before I ostracize them.
em one of those "grouches" :P
----------------------------------------------------------------Give me some SunShine......Give me some Rain
Give me another Chance...I wanna grow up once Again
Good tips ... thx for sharing:)
No. 2 noted...will stay away from
I regret not telling often how much I loved my brother:(
Hakuna Matata!
What a wonderful phrase !
Hakuna Matata!
Ain't no passing craze !
It means no worries for the rest of your days....
Love-da-philosphy ... hard to follow though .. but one must surely keep trying !
i wish we can live a life without worrying all the time . i guess its the nature of life , i worry everyday of what the future will hold for my child especially if your pearnt its even harder when i was singel i felt my life was so much easier , but i am gratefull for what i have . i think the most important aspect of life is being healthy and people dont reliase how important it is until they get ill , i just wish to stay healthy and be able to give and live a happy life :)
Keep your wheels in motion.
and every one thinks i am 25.