How many moms kill their children in Qatar?

By MarcoNandoz-01 •
How do parents justify smoking cigarettes while their children are in the car with them?
I was driving to work this morning and every time I had to stop for a red single I was baffled by this totally ridiculous and irresponsible behavior of parents smoking in their cars with poor little school kids suffocating in the back seat. ):
I mean seriously!!! You can ruin your own body, but at least give your own child a chance.
really great,keep it up...
Breathing cigarettes is better than breathing Doha's air.
So close your windows, switch on a/c and keep smoking. (oh I was forgetting, no seat belt please)
Anything for an easy life it seems!
I tell you why some parents do not buckle up their children. Because then the children complain and cry and that is too much to bear for the poor parents. Or so I have been told.
Even if so....if the maid doesn't buckle them up.... the parents will still just drive about with them jumping all over the place because it "wasn't their job"?
It is the parents responsibility to ensure the safety of their children.
Maybe it's the maid's job to buckle up the children?
That is fair why do so many people here not buckle up their children then trust in Allah???
That is the big question!
"...Well most people here believe that life is predestined so why would they stop smoking around their children? .."
I would like to mention the islamic view on predestination:
One day the Messenger of Allah (saws) noticed a ‘bedouin’ (desert Arab) leaving his camel without tying it and he asked the ‘bedouin’: "Why don't you tie down your camel?" The ‘bedouin’ answered, "I put my trust in Allah." The Prophet (saws) then said, "Tie your camel first, then put your trust in Allah"
Related by At-Tirmidhi.
So when a person beleives in predestination it does not mean that he will not do what he is supposed to do. (however what is predestined will happen)
Yea . W T H . Why bring them to sheesha cafe
Keidoupe: Are you talkin to me?
Make the smoker realise dangers of it & choose other foods , snacks, drinks which are not harmful.
Same time we need to compensate Tobacco Industry as well.
''''..........I would argue that some of the more effective methods to controlling tobacco consumption have been the socially stigmatizing anti-smoking laws.''
You are only an inch away from religious teachings which can be useful in some places of globe .
dont know if somebody mentioned it before, Mando, but i find it ironic how you're discussing about smokers, while your display picture shows how much of a proud smoker you are, and im pretty sure that you wont hesitate smoking near a child...
Raising price may ... lead to stealing / robbing for money.
I know what worked in Canada. Putting the price of a pack of cigarettes up to 55 Riyal a pack. And not letting anyone smoke them anywhere inside (nothing better than smoking on a street corner when it's -30 Celsius) and banning people from smoking them with anyone in a car.
While I drive to office around 6.15 a.m. i see some school children around 13-15 ages smoke. Its unbearable smell if we come across the cigarette smell,feel like puming. God knows how kids bear it. Its awful, pathetic.
Whoever is smoking have a healthy future pls.
its been a month now of not smoking..
i felt vindicated..
i smoked one pack a day before..
its hard specially if your with friends who all smoke. i felt i am the outcast lol..
I'm not sure it will work either. Although perhaps the intention is less to make existing smokers stop, and more about discouraging the next generation from starting?
I wonder too how elastic the relationship is between cost and consumption, for something as addictive as cigarettes. Many people will smoke regardless of the cost.
I would argue that some of the more effective methods to controlling tobacco consumption have been the socially stigmatizing anti-smoking laws. Banning smoking in bars and restaurants and cafes and malls and beaches and sporting events and playgrounds have turned smokers into socially loathed people who get dirty looks from the rest of society. That must go some way toward making them feel like quitting.
Will it really make a difference ? I doubt it. People who want to smoke will continue to do so - no matter what the packaging.
The only possible deterrent is higher costs.
Britain, I believe, is following Australia's lead on plain packaging.
By the end of this year, all cigarettes in Australia are supposed to be sold in uniform, dull, grey boxes with pictures of diseased and cancerous organs.
Because it would seem that there are people in the world who are unaware that smoking will kill you.
Britain could soon force cigarette makers to sell plain,
brand-free packets as the government seeks to deter a habit which it says is responsible for over 100,000 UK deaths a year and puts pressure on the public health system. Gulf Times - Today
Smoking should be made illegal globally.
What about those Parents, Who Put their Children in their Lap, While Driving the Car????
It amazes me If Parents are Soo Irresponsible, Then Why do they even think about having Kids.....
lol its look like a doll :P
These Duffer Parents !!!
Who (Dont Know / Dont Read On the Cigrette Packets)
That On The Time When They Purchasing A New Cigrette Packet,The Tobacco Companies Also Alert us About
Health Warning: Smoking is a Main Cause Of Lungs, Cancer and Other Diseases
And These All Kinds Of Narcotics Things are PROHIBITED in Our Religion
Isn't that a doll strapped into the car seat ?
This is one topic that gets me on my high horse everytime...I have wound my car window down to tell people, I don't care if they get offended - they shouldn't be allowed to have children.
"Holding a grudge is letting someone live rent-free in your head"
I have decided not to respond to your views directly till May 10, 2012.
So, Please my sister, don't mind , it is my fault , because we fought one time, I remember it.
It is some kind of cooling off period.
MM....the ADULT smokers can look after their own health and CHOOSE not to smoke. A child can do neither of these things and it is a parents responsibility to care and protect their children from any harm, not cause them harm.
truly makes me frothing mad!I have friends who are longing to have kids day and night, and then you got these ignorant, careless selfish folks who produce an offspring every two years, but who endanger their kids' lives by such deadly actions. Sickening!
Fubar, I have less problems with people sitting with their kids OUTSIDE while they smoke Sheisha as opposed to being stuck in a small car with the windows rolled up. You can't protect your kids from every ounce of smoke, eventually they are going to come into contact with it.
Aside from the smoke that causes allergic reaction to babies or kids, it has something to do with the health condition of the smoker if affected as well with diseases that could be transmitted to the by air then that is serious.
Molten Metal: adults have a choice. Kids don’t have a choice.
It is unbalanced.
MarcoN, is least worried about adult smokers' health !!!
We need every body in good health, parents & children and all.
Parents are humans too ;)
You have no regard for common adult humans. That adult human is our 'present', you are worried about kids that is our 'future'.
Help the adult smokers first, kids later.
You said ''You can ruin your own body, but at least give your own child a chance.''
This is very unfortunate on your part for not caring the adult smoking parent, who is always a kid for his own parents. So you carelessly want to sacrifice some body else's kid and save your own kid ???
Flor1212, has given a hint above, but gone un noticed.
And I can't begin to count the number of times I've been to restaurants where the parents put the baby in the pram and sit next to it smoking sheesha.
Seriously? Are they that stupid?
Some people shouldn't be allowed to breed.
parents doesn't care...thats all. :(
Endangering the safety, health and well being of your child is not a legitimate practice. Should be listed next to first degree attempted murder!
Even with the windows open your children will still be breathing in smoke, having many negative health impacts.
yes smoking is more dngerous if its inhailed and can cause oral cancer also.
ohhh i love it when my dad smoked,i use to look ways to sit close to him when he smokes......n inhaleeeeeeee deep deep breath....ahh what a memory!!!! indirect smoking....:-) (though he always smoke in the garden)
but it certainly is bad for health , i guess car shud have smoke alarms...if one wana smoke, halt, get out of car n smoke...its not only bad for kids , its bad for everyone who is inhaling....( inhaleeeeeeeeeeee :-) )
Well most people here believe that life is predestined so why would they stop smoking around their children? I even know an Arabic person who smokes whilst pregnant!
MN - Brilliant thread. Thanks for starting such a meaningful discussion.
I'am on my fourth day of nonsmoking :) Feeling great and want to be like this forever :)
I only smoke when I'm alone.
That's a doll, CTMQ. If that were a child, the United Nations would have taken steps already!
I was smoking for the last 15 years , I left smoking becasue of my son who asked me one day that " Dad how doese it taste like" ...... I left smoking the day onward by saying to my son " it doesn't taste good therefore i will never taste it again"...........
the kid in the "child car seat".
I have kids sitting in the lap of their father, when father is driving the car! What about that?
I think it's "buckle up".
as per the above pic, the kid is already buckled,tuckled in tat childs car seat ! :)
If they can't even be bothered to buckle their children in, why would they bother to stop smoking around them?
i was smoking from last 10 years but when ever childrens r with me i go out but now i left just for them i am not smoking even here i am alone.but Alhmdolillah i left this bad habbit.
of parents make me sick...
smoking in car with windows closed and children seated!!
Sad, but some of the parents still smoke with poor little kid sitting back to suffer....:(