Help i updated my iphone to version 1.1.2.

By markusjorell •
anybody here in Qatar knows how to fix my iphone, i updated it to 1.1.2. and its its relocked again. i try to restore and downgrade it, but now its not working anymore. it wont boot it just stay at loading & just the circle...i wait for 1 hour already but still at booting page. please help i want to fix this phone.
yep no problem. ur welcome.
thanks man for the help i appreciate it! ;)
yep i'm always a fan of DEV team. i read and post question sometimes in there site. BUt i also read other forums to see what best so that i update my self for the DO's and dont't.
and yap, it is really a waste of time for 1.1.2.. because if there nothing good news on it.
and if the new update will come soon, the 1.1.2 will be phase out easily.
and i also found out that your one of DEv team. is it true? then im one your fans. hehe. by the way, thanks for the help in answering some questions on iphone things because i really can't answer them all.
(i just email them some sites so that they will read it by themselves so that they can understand it more better..)
the international language hack was in 1.1.1 since it was first released.
If you join that site, you'll see alot of my posts and tutorials and even a few of my videos.
The shorter method might be out but the dev team aren't focusing on it.
To be honest we're quite sure that a new version is a few weeks away and don't want to waste time.
yup they already crack and jailbroken the 1.1.2. but the good things only to that update is the international language which can be found in 1.1.1 now.
so 1.1.2 is not that too good at the moment.
but if someone ask for me to update or unlock to 1.1.2.
its very easy but long process...
im waiting for shorter method. :P
contrary to popular belief you are not out of luck.
The 1.1.2 firmware was hacked hours after it was released.
Go to
You'll find a tutorial how to convert to 1.1.1 and unlock it :)
lol. yeah he violated the 11th commandment. i remember that i always post "DO NOT UPDATE TO NEWER VERSION" with the caps letter but still they don't listen.. that is what happens when they don't read or follow the post (also my post) hehehhe.
thanks darude for the name you gave to me yesterday.
because he came with a
to MarkusJorell, don;t worry you are not the only one who update there iphone by mistake. :) you are 99th to be exact for i remember. lol. i will just wait you today (1pm as you said) and fix your iphone.
HAHAHAHAH GOOD ONE! Did he violated the 11 commandment of the Iphone? After the burning brush gave everybody the warning on the Iphones?
The Red Pope of Qatar Living
Egomania goes with the territory of decoding your own genome.
yeah he is my long lost brother who went to Mount Sinai and then came back with an Iphone saying "can u fix my iphone?"
hehehe. L:)
Good luck with your Iphone brother!
The Red Pope of Qatar Living
Egomania goes with the territory of decoding your own genome.
Thank you thank you a lot.
now i know you are not a poop.
you really are the Pope.
the guy just PM me and SMS me. tnx.
Thank you thank you a lot.
now i know you are not a poop.
you really are the Pope.
Sorry that your phone, just poop out your 500 USD investment.
I have being called worst, it just makes me laugh harder.
Sorry for your Poop troubles :)
Check this link:
The Red Pope of Qatar Living
Egomania goes with the territory of decoding your own genome.
i thank you for the advice. i am asking for a help here nicely. i you want to help, just help. Your name does not suit you, Pope is suppose to be kind. maybe im correct you are "Poop" Red Poop.
how can i return this to Apple store if its in states? and its not loading..
Is too late for restoring the phone. Have you bother to search the net on Iphone upgrades?
The Red Pope of Qatar Living
Egomania goes with the territory of decoding your own genome.
thanks for the reply i appreciate it, Red Poop. but really i need help..
Your phone is SOL. Just use it as a paper weight for know.
The Red Pope of Qatar Living
Egomania goes with the territory of decoding your own genome.
i wish someone can help me with this... i will pay more if needed... i just need to fix my this phone..