
I dont know if anyone can help me but i just moved here last wednesday from london and me and my friend (also british) are looking for a 3rd person (preferable expat as well) who needs a place to stay. We found a wonderful 3 bedroom apartment in West Bay area. We are in our 20's and We both have jobs here in Doha. If you know of anyone please feel free to message me back. Thanks a whole lot. btw I am loving this place already.....AMAZING
wild animal O.O
pls call me on 66257058 for further discussion
She's just saying she hasn't got the time nor inclination to housetrain a wild animal
No need of the rant. Just say you prefer people from your own country.
I believe that most posters specifying nationality do so because where there are similar social/cultural behaviours and expectations that it makes it easier to cohabitate.
Sorry, I wouldn't want someone in my shared living space who felt it was OK to spit, hawk up various bodily fluids or scratch various body parts in the shared spaces of the house. I wouldn't want to take on the task of re-training an adult on what I felt comfortable with. I would look for someone whose mother had already trained them properly from my social perspective.
no...just western preferable
Does it always have to be British? just asking, if you don't mind...