have a time to teach some arabic language?

By chipsandchicks •
if you have time even just by chatting at your own time convience it will be great and I'll teach you the language I know as well.
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that's great will join you..
Guys I created a group here "Easy A" you can join if your interested
I am in :)
Gosh I forgot that i posted something like this, but I guess this is a good time to have so friends out there, for me learning language is easy when in group. Why don't we try the skyping or coffee/tea session during any convenient time. Anyone interested?
Hey i can help :), And we can make language exchange as well :), Please contact me
Hello...I like this idea... I can join a Skype call too... I need someone mentoring me and together as a group it will be great...over weekend we can meet over tea/snacks and run a quick gd...:)
message me the fb group name or your contact details or Skype id.
Thanks in advance...
I also would like to learn Arabic , can some some one help
petro... how much is the class? what's the program & sched?
qais, I can't open my fb when I'm in the office... ;(
www.facebook.com/asalarabic or book for the class 66172952
hahaha the name sounds fun, but i dont think creating it here is a good idea. i would go with FB much easier
ok.... we can create a group here... like: " wannabearabi ".... hahahaha!
sounds good , when can we start ?.. im welling to help you guys out with some arabic
I m also interested in learning Arabic. how u think to do it shall we make a small group conversation in facebook.
good! let's start!
i like it. its good.