
familiarity breeds contempt.i was raised in a home with this rule.
im just disappointed that a lot of people i work with and the accomodation i live in seem to have time to gossip about everybody.they even gossip about me.i really don't bother to listen to it,,,but it eats me when they fabricate and invent stuff to piss me off.
or is it just me?i try mot to level and comment about it but it seems that the quieter ive become,the more things they invent.
ignoring them is one thing but when you hear fabricated stuff it drives me crazy.
the other day i just went bonkers when i caught my co-workers gossiping about me and told them to say it straight to my face rather than talking shit behind my back.
put-up or shut up?
preparing them a knuckle sandwich for lunch.
your advice?
You are a foot fetish. so they rumer
Each to their own I think if it was me I would confront them..You don't have to stoop to their level,but if you ignore it it will only continue and maybe get worse..Jealousy is probably the motivator or they are just bored or insecure within themselves..
Many a times even without someone saying or doing something can be a subject of gossip... just out of jealousy, in an attempt to bring him/her down.... and whatever I may be in life or my priorities or likes and dislikes or lifestyle, it does not give anyone the right to gossip cos as it is said 'its my life'.
Cos they can! We all may at times either find ourselves victims of malicious rumors and gossip OR be perpetrators ourselves.
For the perpetrators all I can say is..get a life! Yes.. pronto. Clearly the life you lead must be very sad for which reason you need to constantly speak ill of others.
As for the victims well know that God created all kinds. Just be glad you are the one spoken about and not the one speaking. Pity them losers and deal with them in a manner than will bring you justice and not violence and anger that can never be any good in such situations. Ex: If you are working and find out workmates are gossiping about you, you might consider reporting them depending on the level of seriousness of their acts.
In my pre hijab days I once had to tell on this gal who was spreading vicious rumors about me and my boss which was harming not just my reputation but my career as well. I hoped she will be warned but due to the fact that she had already done other misdemeanors, she was fired. And while I was sad she lost her job I still feel she had to be set straight.
When anyone gossips about you, remember that you have contributed to it at the initial stage by saying or doing something. By the time the discussion reaches a few people in the form of 'he said' and ' she said', you have a completely different story. Thats where the gossip gets interesting for everybody and gossip mangers feed on this.
You can't changed others but have you, for a while, ever introspected as to why your mates love to gossip about you..?
Your profile makes me think you are a guy with weird fetish and queer obsessions. This could be one of the reasons why they wanna discuss you behind your back.
You decide if its better for you to ignore them or stop giving them a reason to gossip.
People gossip when they are totally jobless, and jealous. You can either get into the whirlpool of this gossip, where you will be always defending yourself or trying to set yourself right, but no one will be convinced of anything you say, or just ignore them completely. Ignore........
You do have better things to focus on, in life, right? Let them be.
knuckle sandwich seems alright...:) anyways, laugh it off as if you don't care.....actually you shouldn''t care, until it can bring some harm to you.
give a nice pinch to the ear....
Dude, you are a shoe collector for gods sake. People are gonna talk about these stuff, people love talking about homos.
Change team, come back to home team, then people wont talk about you anymore.
1. Ignore them!
If you pay more attention to them, they will eventually take advantage of the situation. The only thing that keep gossips going on is the fact that people would think that there is some kind of truth behind it once you react to it.
2. Karma is NOT a bitch! :D
Always try to understand that whatever you do to others is what you will be returned in the future. Believe me, time plays a vital role in nailing bad people.
3. Patience is a virtue
God gives the best things for those who wait.
4. Don't give a damn!
"Don't walk as if you rule the world. Walk as if someone rules it and you don't care who rules it."
Hope it helped!
makedeal.situations like these drive me insane,but then again youre right.keep the positivity flowing.maybe ill inspire them to be better people.
God give you two ears, so listen from one side, and let it go from other side ....
u will just hurt yourself by keep thinking about that ...