goodnight guys

By brandylady •
Just wanted to say a goodnight to you all, feeling a bit down, wanted so much to join in the social event tonight.
Hope you all have a great time.
thinkin of you all,
Nite :( xx
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spicemom, thanx am feeling much better today, off out shopping later too.
What pain?? you poorly?? :( xxx
Gudmorning, My day starts now ;p
"You can imprison a Man, but not an Idea. You can exile a Man, but not an Idea. You can kill a Man, but not an Idea." BENAZIR BHUTTO
nightmare? yikes,
okay, my address is !@#$%^&*(, lol
i better sign out now to finish my job,
good mornin speed.
Never go younger by a month, a hard bod is no substitute for wisdom.
i don't mind ! I am well known as nightmare :-o
hey speed, hit the bed or i'll ask you to come over and work with me.
Never go younger by a month, a hard bod is no substitute for wisdom.
sleep tight or sleep loose .... one has to sleep ;-p
and what company is doing for you :-)
i missed that date too, i'm still up working, making my company more richer.
Never go younger by a month, a hard bod is no substitute for wisdom.
hey .. gunnit all...
Sleep tight...
“Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men.”
Martin Luther King.
me in the bed already.. all i need to do is keep the laptop aside n sleep off.. well gonna do it now.. have to get up early.. bye bye guys.. take care n have fun.. !!!
good night ppl my bed is calling out to me, see ya in the morning.......>yawnssssss
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
awww brandy hope you feel better soon , i did not go either , am home nursing my pain.......booohooohoooo
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......