Global village 2008

Global village 200818-19-20 Feb 2008
5:00pm-9:00pm - CNAQ Campus
2008 marks the 3rd Annual Global Village at College of the North Atlantic-Qatar. A celebration of the cultural diversity represented at CNA-Q, Global Village is one of the highlights of the year, and is open to all who wish to attend.
The theme of this year’s event “Cultural Crossroads” welcomes visitors who will be able to wander the streets of the villages visiting 15 different countries in just one night. With food, crafts and music representing each country, it’s sure to be a delight to all the senses.
Participating countries include: Canada, Qatar, Algeria, Bangladesh, Egypt, India, Iran, Korea, Lebanon, Libya, Pakistan, Palestine, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Tunisia.
This year CNA-Q will welcome entertainment from Canada. Award-winning group Shanneyganock sharing the stage with student groups and professional Qatari entertainers, including "The Pearl Band". This year, the entertainment schedule truly represents the vast cultures represented at College of the North Atlantic – Qatar.
day and Time
Monday, February 18, 5 pm to 9 pm
Tuesday, February 19, 5 pm to 9 pm
Wednesday, February 20, 5 pm to 9 pm
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if would like have handicrafts from Nepal , i think Mitery club have lot of option of selection
...i just was sooo lazy to check menu on the top of the page...
LOL.. thanks you woke me
This Too Shall Pass.....
[img_assist|nid=71431|title=magic ring|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
Thanks for the info. Is this opened to all. Please do reply for it
i think other countries (specially from south and far east asia, europe and america) should also participate. Most countries in the roster are muslim and MENA countries except from Canada, West Asian countries and Korea. Not realy Global in a sense...
where I can check this calendar? you mentioned it couple of times already.. but i never have time to check where is this calendar located on QL?
This Too Shall Pass.....
[img_assist|nid=71431|title=magic ring|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
I posted it on QL Calendar, thank you for posting it.