Getting Drunk in Qatar
By punkrox2k2 •
I'm a 21 year-old Brit about to move to Qatar and I'm somewhat confused about the attitudes towards drinking and being drunk in Qatar.
For example, in the UK it's quite normal to drink in a bar for a few hours and then stagger home (often visibly drunk). How would such behavious be recived in Doha? (I'd like to set the scene by noting that it would probably be at night with the individual causing no public disturbance at all.)
Call me for a drink once you land.. will
and either take yer home, or invite yer to spend the night inspecting their beautiful cells....
Just be careful matey.
as for drink driving, ZERO tolerance !!
It's highly unlikely that you'll be walking anywhere, even after a skin-ful! But if you do find yourself considering it, it's certainly not recommended and it's likely you'd be arrested if you were seen visibly drunk outside.
I heard that they disapear with Poofs!
Magicians are also suspicious.
Just imagine that you are levitating, instead of walking.
"Don't make me write your name on my TURD List!"
you will be suspicious because you walk!
Sid Vicious style :D
Plenty o' drinkin' here. Just don't get caught, or there'll be a public hangin' matey ;)
Remember, no harm, no foul. If you don't disturb the peace, there will be no problem.