A generaton in the Closet

By MarcoNandoz-01 •
Ok, so I was taking a walk along the Corniche with Mom when we saw tow people with a bit of makeup sportng the gay sleeve shirts and bing a bit too intimate together without arousing suspicion. . Why it is “easier for middle eastern youth to be gay than straight” in a society where everyone, gay and otherwise, lives in the closet?
Your argument is INVALID! gay people cannot hold hands and walk at the beach, gay people only walk diagonally.
Thus if they were gay walking at the side of the beach they would've had drowned.
ahahahahahahahahahahhaa :)))))
i know some people who find it easier to be gay in doha than in their home countries where they'd be under the watchful eyes of their families
Agree with you super cool...Total idiot at times..I think he's in the closet seems to bring the topic up alot..something to hide maybe or secretly gets off on it
I honestly think this post is an insult to all!!! expats or otherwise
u cant just pass judgementy on EVERYBODY like that buddy!!!!
MN...I am truely disappointed in ur choice of topics lately
I suspect she is not the only one.
They come in the same category (pun)
Funny true story..
Labour camp in saudi arabia. Labourer develops stomach pains and is carted off to the camp medical unit. They think its appendicitis. Doctor arrives, removes patient clothing and has a shock. The patient is a female.
Apparently, She had recently arrived, been working in the camp dressed as a male and earning money on the side :O)
If we are talking about prison gay, what about the hundreds of thousands of so-called bachelors in the camps (sorry, I man worker housing in the industrial area)?
lol most folks would be at least mildly fascinated by something like that haha..don't pick on the good gay folk lol
bum deal lol way to wordplay..i work out at home so that's one situation i'm safe from..yeah..stuck in a sauna with an overheating suitor would make me sweat alright:-)
I had a close call at a sauna in one of the local gyms. It was a bum deal :O(
haha some funny comments..qatar like most places, has a thriving underground gay culture, regardless of it being 'prison' or 'no return'. either way i don't judge and don't mind..but have been in some very uncomfortable situations with strangers wanting to 'go to their room and chill' or saying things like 'i like you a lot, if you were a woman, i'd marry you' lol..anyways..to each their own i say:-)
Pretty sure prisons everywhere have a no sex rule. But that doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
You mean in Qatar
Well Brit, eventually they get married and they have a woman to experiment with.
Restrictions on what Shakti? Sex in prison? Yes I believe there is.
But here there could be restrictions on such behavior. Am i right.
So, your theory is that those who are "prison gay" eventually come up for parole ..
Sure Brit, that's why I know all about "prison gay" ;)
Didn't you go to a convent school in saskatooooooon ?
Hmm. Prison gay. Again Hmm.
ROFL @ "prison gay" because of lack of access to women
The problem here is a lot of young men aren't really gay. They become "prison gay" because of lack of access to women.
their poise their bodies and certain gestures.
The shiny shoes and the "we're here, we're queer" badges.
Do tell.. Apart from the gay sleeves, what else gives them away ?
It's easy to spot/recognize a gay person...
Don't get me wrong...I'm PRO GAY...
Yes Eagley, you are right.
I Google it here;
You mean phil gays, just to confirm. I see lot of them near Abu Hamour Petrol station walking freely too.
tank tops gay? not so much.
make up gay? umm yeah i think so.
So if you wear a tank top your gay? heard it all now..Bloody ridiculous!.
We used to call them Tank Tops and i have a few brightly coloured ones :O)
What's a gay sleeved shirt?? ... Aaah, learned something new today ...
Ghazalz, you were kidding, right? http://www.urbandictionary.com/products.php?term=gay%20sleeve&defid=3816356
"Sleeves of a short sleeve shirt that are too short, and only cover about 25% of the upper arm..."
I also wondered, but after Google image I came across it :D
What the hell is a gay sleeve shirt and where can I get one ?
its an open secret that there are a lot of gays in Qatar...but no one wants to admit it or acknowledge the fact.
Its a kind of "in your face" thing...
Because in the Middle East no suspicions arise when two men spend a great deal of time exclusively together--dinner, movies, driving around.