The gay perception in Doha

Just so that I observed and was told many stories in relation to the topic title, I analyzed and conclude the following in relation to gay approaches in Qatar:
- A South Asian guy accepts cute Asian gays (whether Filipino or Nepali or Burmese or other Southeast Asian countries) and will try and take advantage of them if they can't get to a hooker girl anywhere.
- A South Asian guy cannot accept nor tolerate gays of his same nationality no matter if it's obvious that they have.
- An aggressive Arab will stay masculine and will try to abuse cute Asian gays (same description above) to come and give him a blowjob.
- There is still a fear amongst South Asians and Arabs to Western or Causcasian gays.
- An aggressive cute Asian gay forces itself to be taken advantage after several traumas got into his own experiences in living in Qatar.
Every possible attribution of gays and gay perception in Doha are perceived around these descriptions and now becomes a common routine for several mentalities around some people around here.
Ah yes.. remember this post ..
"There is still a fear amongst South Asians and Arabs to Western or Causcasian gays." ????
He is kinda right
what an old post !!
well God made only a man and a female. adam and eve. not adam and steve nor ellie and eve.
I think britexpat's observation is quite valid, not only among gay but probably man-woman relationship as well.
watch your word !!!
@ phoenix2009,God created human beings in His likeness mate & gave them a brain to decipher/decide for themselves what's right or wrong,that's the only thing that differs us from animals,the power of choice,that's what He gave us,the choices are upto us &'s been scientifically proven that people can be born with homosexual tendencies so until as such time you can scientifically prove that's not true,you'll just have to accept that fact mate...please note,i'm not saying ALL gays/lesbians are born that way but some are & the rest are as a result of their environment...
yeah, why not!, we can set up a meeting.
We can't blame God (mine or yours) for creating all of the above, they choose what they want to be, or the community is forcing them to choose(sorry i had to repeat myself), after all everyone, one day, is going to harvest what he seeded , God (at least mine) has nothing to do with this, He sent his messengers through time to show the right way, this is my God's way in dealing with humans, but after all, He's the God!
It would be so disappointing if God has really created humans with "negative urges" , and then He says I forbid this act!!!!!!
Yalla! stop fidgeting plenty of innocent men (and women) who somehow always were preconceived to be gay (or prostitutes) and get abused because of their fair complexion.
...specially one QL member (and similar ones who change perception when drunk) who always does the same similar 'abuse' on plenty of other QL members I know who met him in several gatherings.
By the way, you can consider 'the giver' gay and not just 'the taker'.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
you perceive to be negative urges and tendencies, like people who get a kick out of torturing others, men who are sexually aroused by little children, people who love getting drunk, married couples who enjoy anal sex...that sort of thing?
Would love to have my God meet your God.
"Marriage is a wonderful institution...but who wants to live in an institution?" -- Groucho Marx
well ummjake, from the way i know God, He would never create humans with tendencies that He forbid and they can't control, it's a choice, they choose to be like this, or their surrounding forces them to choose it, but never innate.
That's my view.
be attracted to the opposite sex, or did you just naturally feel so inclined?
Same same for homosexuals. Most gays and lesbians I know realized they were attracted to same sex people from an early age -- even before school started.
And Dali, LGBT means "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered".
"Marriage is a wonderful institution...but who wants to live in an institution?" -- Groucho Marx,9171,978923,00.html
- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -
Please discuss this subject to death so that we can all move on with our lives.
--------Do I look like Bambi's sister???-------
You can be gay muslim or whatever, yet, i don't believe that some people are born homos, they must have acquired it from their environment, their surrounding, the way they were raised...etc
acknowledges that some people are born with homosexual urges and tendencies, but they are expected to not act upon them as the act is sinful in Islam. So based on that, I would argue that you can be gay and Muslim at the same time.
"Marriage is a wonderful institution...but who wants to live in an institution?" -- Groucho Marx
Discussed many times!!
A male is born male, cant be a female
A female is born female , she cant help it too.
So is a Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual.. they are born so.
- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -
Islam emphasized the prevention of homosexuality and making death penalty for those who do it
a large % of gulf arab men have been with boys/men @ some stage in their lives & the very simple reason for this is the segregation of the sexes that their society enforces,they are afer all human & it is not in human nature for men & women to be separated completely with no mutual interaction whatsoever with any one other than their mothers/sisters,but obviously they're going to turn into arse bandits...not all of them are gay per se but A LOT of them have had homosexual experiences @ some point in their lives & that's bound to mess them up psychologically right?...local men don't seem intimate with their wives or local women complain about their husband's lack of intimacy for the same above mentioned reasons...these guys have never had normal platonic relationships with any women apart from their mothers/sisters prior to marriage,but obviously they're not going to know how to be intimate/build a relationship with their wives...why is this so surprising or hard to comprehend?...a lot of men in this part of the world, local or expat end up buggering or being buggered or both simply out of frustration over the lack of normal heterosexual sex,they're not gay so there's a large gray area to this issue in this part of the world due to this reason...guys who've had/still have homosexual sex simply because of the lack of normal heterosexual sex,they're not gay but they can't be termed completely straight either so bi-sexual i guess,also, very confused...
Gays are everywhere in the world, male or female.
It's just because they deny it here in arab world then it's something big to find some. Taboos are Taboos, even in 1000 more years, as long as it's absolutely forbidden by Islam and society, it will never be exposed freely.
BTW, I know a woman who demanded divorce for her husband cheated on her with another man.
I'm not sure if a man would divorce his woman if she cheated on him with another woman?? just t.o.l.
Well said Dali...
Being gay is not about what you believe in, its about how you were born and how you feel...
Hero, what does LGBT Muslim mean?
"an honest testimony of gay Muslim life"
This is sacrilegious because no Muslim can be gay or homosexual.
Yes you can have an Arab gay, but that is only ademographic description of ethnicity and sexual tendency.
But you can NEVER have a gay Muslim, because a Gay can never be a Muslim as a Muslim can never be a gay. It defeats the purpose and teachings of Islam, period. There is absolutely no grey area to dabble in.
If you are speaking about the Qataris who prefer men, then I cannot call them practicing Muslims.
Or even Muslims in my opinion. Allah is all knowing.
The act of sodomy is so terrible a practice that if a man does that to his wife, then their marriage is no longer legal in the eyes of Allah SWT.
This just goes to illustrate how big the sin is.
Gawm lut: Sodom & Gomorrah were annihilated because of sodomy.
What more can I say, again one cannot be a Gay Muslim this is not negotiable regardless of the double standards or the hypocrisy of the rest of their Islamic practice.
There are arabic words used all over arabia that perfecly translate to homosexual, perhaps not found in dictionaries, naturally they are derrogatory but that's because the practice is also derrogatory.
Snowyowl Thats funny to hear that even a gay expat who has experienced life in other Gulf countries oddly enough shares the identical woes as that of the Qatari wives
A gay man who has visited here and other parts of the gulf informed me that this region was his worst experience with gay sex as there was no intimacy, just purely physical pleasure. He was curious as to was it just men wanting an outlet or denying themselves (both due to cultural reasons)
smile lots laugh more
It does conjure up all manner of ideas... :-P
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
The Arabic Word for Gay is Not Pervert
by Michael A. Jones
Published July 15, 2009 @ 10:41AM PT
LGBT Muslim
One of the first LGBT books to be translated into Arabic from English has hit the press. Gay Travels in the Muslim World, a collection of true-life stories explaining what it's like to be gay in a region of the world where the issue of homosexuality is commonly perceived as complicated (to say the least), has been translated by the publisher Arab Diffusion. The only problem?
The publisher did a number on the title, choosing to translate the word "gay" with the word "شاذ" (shaath) -- which in Arabic happens to mean pervert or deviant. Unfortunately, "Pervert Travels in the Muslim World" doesn't sound so interesting and informative.
This incident raises important issues about LGBT rights and the Muslim world. Neither are monolithic blocks, of course, but as Global Voices Online points out in some truly excellent commentary, the concern over this translation chosen by the publishers highlights a larger concern over the pejorative terminology used by Arabic media to descibe LGBT people.
The issue isn't new by any means. CNN reporter Hala Gorani (who has received plaudits from the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation for her LGBT reporting) wrote several years ago about trying to cover the issue of homosexuality in the Middle East:
I then asked our Arabic speakers at CNN what word they thought was the best translation for "gay" in Arabic.
Heads were scratched. "Luti," one suggested. "Shaz," another offered in an e-mail.
Those terms are widely understood, but essentially translate as "pervert" or "deviant" in Arabic.
The only neutral term in existence is the recently coined "Methleen Al Jins," meaning "the same kind or gender" -- the closest equivalent of the word "homosexual."
So this is an issue so taboo, there isn't even a commonly understood non-pejorative word to describe it in the Middle East!
Yikes. What's an LGBT person to do when the only words used to describe their sexual orientation are akin to people who break the law or do disgusting things?
Well, in the case of the translation over Gay Travels in the Muslim World, one can protest. That's what one of the contributors to the book, Richard Ammon, is doing. Here's what Ammon said about the book's unfortunate translation of the word "gay" into "pervert":
It is doubly regretful for me to have this book, an honest testimony of gay Muslim life, have its title mistranslated with the use of a pejorative term that demeans gays. It is regretful that we have come so far in the struggle for gay rights and recognition only to be publicly smeared by a single unaware Jordanian publisher.
The issue of language is just the tip of the iceberg. With the uptick in violence committed against LGBT people in Iraq, with the Iranian President blaming the recent uprising of activists on "thieves and homosexuals," and with Ethiopia leading the campaign against a UN statement calling for global decriminalization of homosexuality, it's clear that the issue of LGBT rights in Muslim parts of the world will continue to be a hot topic (and one that will require serious changing of minds and hearts).
Looking at the web if there was no Arabic word for 'gay' to see if the problem on 'keeping the obvious' on plenty of people in the Middle East begins with the missing Arabic language translation of the I just got stumbled to this interesting blog.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Next time you are out take a look at the faces and actions of Qatari couples, yes I've had the pleasure of observing happy interacting couples, I've also observed many 'forced' couples sitting face to blank face not even saying ONE word to one another during the course of their meal. It's really quite heartbreaking to notice the huge lack of intimacy & it does coincide with what the local women have complained about.
Next time you're out observe a bit, you'll see what I mean. Oddly enough in Islam men are reminded often how to treat their wives with love & respect, but as a few of my Qatari male friends responded to me in a tongue and cheek manner when I ask that "men are superior to women" Adding a very patriarchal twist to an Islamic mannerism meaning that men should be the provider for women
We can't really say that it's scarcity of women or as Lonewolv interjected -forcing women to cover their shoulders and legs- because we're discussing the homosexuality of the Qatari married man who goes home to his a trendy uncovered beautiful wife, so his gay tendencies can't be blamed on the lack of visual stimulation.
As the posters above confirmed it's something that a considerable number of Qatari men have been known for and accustomed to in their teenage years.
I doubt that even my previous scarcity of women is to blame as local men travel and Qatar has changed considerably and there is an abundance of , excuse my term 'useable women' often joked about on forums here with reference to the Ramada and the Chinese, was it?
Still we see the youth with long hair and tight toubes and a very questionable gait.
Disclaimer! I know a great many local friends of mine some of whom are great family men that also share my opinion. To the Gays reading this, If I offended any of you, in the closet or out, my apologies but I don't approve of your lifestyles
LOL!! that's damn funny.
And when u catch them in action, they would say " Blame the society.." or " blame my ugly wife, she couldnt satisfy me.."
and I agree with Gypsy, I've heard many stories about lesbians here.Looks like homosexuality's on the rise in Qatar. Government is banning drinks,and forcing women to cover their shoulders and legs,while their citizens are chasing after young men...
Save a cow, eat a vegetarian.
It's not just the men, it's equally as common among the women. I went to the women's rink at City Center with a group of high school girls I was teaching English (field trip) and was shocked by the aggressive behaviour and cross dressing of girls that were there from an all girls school.
I agree with many of the posters above as I have been told by several Gulf friends this about gay tendencies in Qatari men, they have even gone as far as to say that Qatar has the highest percentage of homosexual behavior..
My wife who due to her work, has many Qatari female friends who have informed her that most of the local women are unhappy in their marriages and intimately detached from their spouses. Interestingly the husbands often tell stories of a cousin or friends, notice never about themselves, that used to be 'da man' in school and practiced homosex during their adolescencant years often repeating that it was a common brag that they would conquer other boys.
In their adult lives when rifts occur between these men, they would often trudge up 'someone else's' homosexual past.
One thing my wife mentions is that not only do these women lack intimacy in the marriage but they are often nagged by their husbands to allow them sexual practices that are clearly prohibited in Islam, maybe because of old habits and preferences?.
Could that possibly be a factor why the Qatari divorce rate is higher than the rest of other Gulf States.
Could it also be assumed that since Qatar developed the last in the Gulf that men used to revert to sexual gratification with men due to the scarcity of women?
Ummjake, that may be so. As I said: "At least that's been my experience."
I've heard of one Qatari father reporting his own son to the police for homosexual behavior. But I've met perhaps a dozen guys who've had 'fun' in their youth, and their parents would either be particularly stupid or particularly tolerant, since nothing was ever said.
Perhaps the families that allow their sons to hang around with white western guys are typically more liberal?
I can't claim to have had known a scientific sample of Qataris, but of those I have known, their fathers, mothers, brothers and friends have all been well aware of what happens on a boys weekend at Sealine....
"friends who have been arrested for simply hanging out with their partner in public (not doing anything PDA-ish)"? Because I see so much of that and would be surprised to know anyone actually got hauled into the police station for it.
I also don't find Qatar more tolerant than many countries when it comes to homosexuality (except maybe Somalia); but I do find them closing their eyes to many things if they involve the right (or wrong) people.
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
It IS common here for men to engage in sex with other men. Families DO turn a blind eye to it -- I guess they just figure that "boys will be boys".
But I wouldn't call it more open and accepting here. I know of several people here who were given their walking papers simply because of this lifestyle "choice" (which they were very discreet about). I have friends who have been arrested for simply hanging out with their partner in public (not doing anything PDA-ish).
So I would disagree with you about Qatar's level of tolerance for this lifestyle.
"Marriage is a wonderful institution...but who wants to live in an institution?" -- Groucho Marx
were open enough to tell me about some of their early sexual experiences that involved other boys/men. Through these same people, I have heard tales of their friends and colleagues who have solicited sex from other men -- their employees (that one really pissed me off -- I have no problem with consenting adults doing whatever sexually, but forcing your houseboy to let you blow/grope/violate him is a gross abuse of power), lady boys they see at parties, etc.
Observer: why do you think gays are consciously choosing this lifestyle? If you were them, knowing what you do about how the world at large views homosexuality, would YOU choose that lifestyle?
Think about that. Just invite all the abuse and misfortune that being gay brings into your life...who in their right mind would CHOOSE that kind of a life?
"Marriage is a wonderful institution...but who wants to live in an institution?" -- Groucho Marx
I've found that the Qatari society, far from being intolerant and homophobic, is actually far more open and accepting of alternative lifestyles than anything I've encountered in other countries.
Many Qatari friends have confided in me that in their teenage years it was quite normal to have sexual encounters with other guys. It's just normal and accepted and most families just turn a blind eye. At least that's been my experience.
Anyone who has been to one of the traditional weddings here has seen the dancers that are brought in to wow the crowd....
Sorry, but there are benders in all societies and all races..
Heero: I used to share a house with a Gay Western guy in Saudi.. He used to boast that he could have any Filipino or Asian he wanted because "white" gays were in demand in the region..
and discussions about how many African American men who are married and appear to be homophobic are actually down-low. Oprah even did a couple of shows on it! lol But seriously, it does seem to be an issue that has come to light in the past few years.
And I presume this is what Genesis is referring to.
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
Quote from ummjake
"I guess I am more familiar with openly gay men in the USA than I am with those trying to hide it"
Do u know why they hide it? that is becasue its a sin and a mistake! when u do something bad u'd beeter hide it so that it dosn't spread in the society, at the same time u should stop doin it! when in USA they r open about it then this is a serious matter! becasue like that they don't admit its an abnormal behavior and will continue to do it for the rest of thier life!!
God created us ALL to be attracted to the other sex but gays changed that BY THEIR CHOICE!
"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."
uncomfortable? I have no problem at all talking about this stuff, so I guess I don't feel the need to use a bunch of euphemisms.
(BTW, khaleeji means "Gulf Arab", jackmohan2007)
I guess having lived here as long as I have, I have known and witnessed enough local guys here trying to hide that aspect of their lifestyle...and I genuinely find it kind of curious and amusing, that they engage in this behavior but still work hard to maintain the facade that they're straight as an arrow.
I can't speak about African or Mexican American populations because I haven't lived among them as long as I have here. I don't doubt that you can find this behavior in a lot of cultures. I guess I am more familiar with openly gay men in the USA than I am with those trying to hide it.
"Marriage is a wonderful institution...but who wants to live in an institution?" -- Groucho Marx
and what is the benifits of doing this research? its a waste of time and its useless! unless of course if u r a gay or care about gays!
Being a gay is sickness that need to be treated.
"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."
They are straight when they are at home with their wife and family, but when away from them here in Qatar, they are full on givers to gay guys, many don’t take, but most like to have give to a guy or receive head instructions. I was bailed up by an Indian taxi driver only last week, when I tole him in nice words he could understand he left me alone. But its not the first time Asian or local young Arab men have chased after me. Lucky most connections have banned TAGGED. It is only a gay pick you for Arab and Asian men.
Power to the non believers, it’s a great feeling to have and hold.
Did he jus use the term '' Blow Job'' in here!!!! Crazy Post!
This have been discussed 1000 times before on QL.
ummjake, what's with your Obsession with khaleejis sexuality?
you could've just said "down-low"--without all the gross details. As if that's not common among African /Mexican Americans !!! long till this is deleted????lol
There is no homosexuality in Qatar.
Everybody is busy praying and doing good deeds for their neighbour.
What is a "khaleeji" ?
Discuss? If your thread made a hint of sense maybe. Geez. do you yourself know what you're on about?
--------Do I look like Bambi's sister???-------
interesting research mr PM , congrats..........
That with the large amount of wife-less men population (whether married or not) in Qatar, plenty of them will deny 'flaunting' their obvious to keep themselves "shamelessly representative" to their respective countries. LOL
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
which category do you fall in?
consider themselves gay (or bi) for letting another guy suck them off, or for rear ending another guy (basically in their minds if you're the giver, not the taker, you're not gay).
And the vast majority of khaleeji men (IMHO, having lived here for almost two decades) have had sexual experiences that the rest of us would call homosexual in nature.
Any port in a storm, I guess...LOL!
"Marriage is a wonderful institution...but who wants to live in an institution?" -- Groucho Marx
Interesting research. Any special reason for choosing this topic??
"Hurricanes are like women : when they come, they're wet and wild, but when they leave they take your house and car."
Asian, yes. Cute, I don't know. Gay, who knows. I met him once or twice (not alone, QS.) He seemed to be relatively ok.
I am afraid, he is a "cute Asian gay", MD..
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."
Oliver Wendell Holmes
And you are from ..... South Asia. Right?
I don't really have much to add but you opened my eyes to a side of Doha I don't know too much about. rofl
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM