The Facts of Life

By MarcoNandoz-01 •
How often do you think of how amazing Life is? You started off as a sperm cell. One of Hundreds of Millions. You developed from something a lot smaller than a grain of sand. And here you are today with millions of memories. I can't believe that people look at this and say life has no purpose!
Good morning!........
People confuse Life's purpose with OUR purpose.
Life's purpose is to keep going in a fair and just pattern as long as it can.
OUR purpose , like all animals have purpose in their environment ,like all plants also , those all got their own chain of purposes.
But ours?If you wipe us out of the map , the earth will grow greener and with lesser burden .
Anyhow, OUR purpose is collective, we have a brain capable of hundreds and thousands of analysis of thoughts in split seconds, which no other living species has.
Our goal is to use our impeccable grey matter to make this world, to the best for its citizens (animals, plants, environment etc....).
But unfortunately we are too deep in our own made up economical reasons and greed, that this will sadly not happen,if ever!
No need, KR. Have a nice weekend.
LP,Sorry what I meant was the X and the Y sperm. I was unmindful when I typed that...have corrected it now.
The last comment of LP and Brit brought up a question in my mind. We have read that the X chromosomes are about three times the size of the Y chromosomes. So the X sperms should be a little heavier than the Y sperms.Lighter sperms would swim faster and should reach the ovum earlier...for argument sake.
Then why there are almost equal numbers of males and females in this world?
But I also have a serious comment to MM: if you consider that EVERYTHING consists of some so-called elemetary particles, and that there are a few rules of how they interact with each other, then it is beautiful how with such few ingredients all the different things could appear. But the same applies to literature which consists of a few letters (28 or so), and a few rules (grammar and so) and has produced everything from Shakespeare to Shades of Grey all out of the same stuff. Obviously it isn't so strange at all. I'd say it's quite normal.
XX sperms wouldn't be sperms at all. XX is the signature of FEMALE. Where a male has a Y-chromosome, the female has an X-chromosome. Two X-chromosomes make it definitely female!
A baloon is larger than a cricket ball, but weighs less :O)
Your comment is slightly misleading. The picture above probably represents the male / female ratio at the Cube or similar venue.
In general, the picture is MISLEADING! The average ratio male to female in the world is 102/100. However, the picture above could represent the gender ratio in the Gulf States. (Which eventually would make it relevant)
Rules of Life.. Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.....
imagine how lucky are they...amazing race. lol!
I liked Tutti...
That explanation is hard to swallow.....
All lost souls... heading towards the tonsils ... all are going to die ... there will be no winner... lol
So which lucky one won the race?
Not to mention a good reminder. Yes the cycle of life- birth, living and dying , is by far a truly amazing phenomenon. Though we are mostly caught up with living our lives and all the trials and triumphs that we go through day and night,it's when you start pondering over the whole birth and death bit that one can feel so bewildered..,still AlHamdullilah for it all!
Ha, ha, ha, ha.
This is the last picture of my planet Galambatus VI , home of the triple breasted wh0re. It shows the unwarranted misile attack by the Rizkonians after she spurned the advances of their bald headed leader .
A few of us managed to escape and ended up in Doha. We exist, but life has no real meaning :O(
Is this a picture of a Rising Sun? or a Setting sun?... hey what do I know about modern art ;-)
From a biological perspective life's purpose is to survive and replicate. This reason doesn't seem to satisfy most people so we look for higher purposes.
suitable--but his tag line is? haha
What about you Marco Nandoz? did you have different evolution process?
LP, its just a picture of sun with negative color effect :P
This picture is not suitable for a family site!
Good morning Monk.. how are you doin :)
can say that LIFE has no purpose....(good morning fea_) :P
With each breath we should thank Allah for blessing us this amazing life !!
However .. later we define the purpose ourselves according to our own priorities ..
Life is meaningful when really want to do something meaningful :)
Good morning
thats simply motivating for a days start