Expatriates- If you were a Qatari, what would you be today?

By landloverreview •
If you were a Qatari, being a citizen of the world's richest country
Where would you be in your life today?
Note: This thread is not for bashing or something, just think for a moment and tell what comes in your mind. I would appreciate if you all keep the discussion relevant to career.
Thanks a million.
i would abolish sharia law and embrace islam in a modern way that is not against the fundamental human rights of women and children
I will be rich so I will not do anything but play video games and make money out of it.
YCHikal, You are absolutely right. My context was similar to this story I read long before. I dont remember the source but hope you know it. Once Moses[PBOH] was travelling, he heard a man wishing "if he has a mountain full of grains, he would distribute the whole of it to poor people", it was just his wish but he was granted rewards equal to the action. ( Similar story , may be I change some words)
Hope you understood my context.
good comment..one for the qataris..i too feel they are an underestimated and under appreciated bunch..i also said i'd never go to work if i was qatari; but that was not to say qataris don't work..merely that i am such a lazy sloth that if i could afford to, i'd not work..its so difficult and anguishing for me to wake up for work that i sincerely believe i am doing the whole world a favour by doing so, you included lol:-)
I would use my educational background and expertise to educate other Qataris. This would give me tremendous inner satisfaction. I would also take strict steps to ban those very cruel employers who are playing all sorts of games to rob the hard-working people from across the globe who sacrifice so much towards the development of Qatar. Such employers are simply bringing a bad name to the Qatar.
I find some of the comments strange, Qataris are no different to expats but some comments show self centered you really are.
Change the sponsorship system. Why? If you are Qatari it does not affect you and you probably think its good.
Respect other nationalities and religions. On the whole I find Qataris do do this. It's some of the expats that are ignorant bigots.
Do no work!. Well some Qataris work really hard and make a big difference where all you do all day is moan on QL...
With all that privilege I'm sure I get more higher education and much better career right now.
But who can tell, money and power causes people change for good and sadly for worst. But such a blessed for them to have all this... In sha Allah they will be guided for good..
Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:The strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than the weak believer, although in both lies goodness. Keenly pursue what benefits you, seek help only from Allah, and do not give up. If something befalls you, do not say, ‘If only I had done otherwise,’ but rather say, ‘Allah’s Will be done,’ for ‘if only’ opens the door to Satan’s mischief. (Al-Bukhari)
I will do nothing... drink karak and smoke shisha... after all I will be getting multiple income...
and whats wrong in that...
if my dad was qatari , we would be soo rich
There’s nothing a Qatari can do that you guys can’t do, and all these dreams they don’t work unless you do..
Writer and a Journalist
And will also Establish an engineering company, who knows I may lose all my money As I will spend a lot traveling everyday :O)
An I don't want to forget, I will also Establish a driving school :O)
hahahaha i didn't get the joke initially..lmao
If I was local someone actually might want to listen to the ideas I have and appreciate my expertise.
I would first work hard to attain an influencial position. Then I would try to improve Qatar.. and build a better future for future generations... I would also initiate reforms and strengthen human rights protection... I would definitely improve infrastructure and enforce traffic rules... and prosecute violators... I would try to contribute towards elimination of gender segregation and equalize female rights...
Basically do something good for the country.. but since I am not local I dont have a chance.. which is ok.. I can do that in my home country.
if i were a qatari..(myself being born here)...i would first kick my GM out of his position...rofl..:))
Secondly i would change the look of industrial area and give 5 star accommodation to the labourers
Thirdly i would deport RIP from qatar for always going offtopic in qatar living..rofl...:)))))
for the last : I will over take rizk emporium and make it a world class emporium
I would be a professional race car driver and will own a collection of muscle cars!
Kinky! Are we talking both males and females ?
jade03, Good one!!!
Good morning LLR - missed you & QL
Well! I would be the Finance minister or Labour minister and diverted funds which are used for show-off in 2022/katara/etc. in paying to poor workers who are not paid by companies for months and are still the contributors to this country.
I come from a company which has paid 1/2 month salary in last 95 days to staff and 1 month salary for workers. I hold the qatari government directly responsible for such a country's work and business culture.
To my information qatar has more than 60% companies of this type.
LLR, wht about?
Me, I will have lots of money, so no need to work!! will want to build a mosque n help poor people all over the world.
because they will not find a suitable job in lebanon :(
at best a math/physics teaching position in some school or university if he's very lucky. no advanced infrastructure (CERN in france, FERMI lab in the US, ...)
StaceyR, not even in your dreams....
if i were a qatari, i would've studied mathematical physics.
A Doctor.
You can say you are from Africa but not a Son of Africa.
LLR wrong again, we are all sons and daughters of Africa. It is where we came from and is the cradle of humanity. No human comes from chimpanzees, we only share a common ancestor. Even Qataris!
I will also make sure that Babu & his meatpuppet GJ000 will take the honorable responsibility of wipping clean all Prada Handbags and Givenchy shoes that belong to the ladies in my building.
you're welcome my expat friend..i love pink/chrome wrapped cars and would pay any price to have a fuchsia/magenta kia that i can take to london on holiday and that has lovingly been tuned by a Brit..they know a thing or two about tuning after all:-)
I will be buyin alllll the shoes that i want :D it doesn't matter if it looks good on me, or not., at least I have 'em all. Why, Im a Qatari!
Oh, and bags too! :D
I would probably have the chance to work at the senior management level in Ras-Gas. With Huge Good salary , 4 fully Paid vacation every 2 month, working 4 hours per day 4 times a week while sponsoring and owning 10 companies working on muti-billion dollars projects .. and with the help of my Family i would be on the top 5 billionaire.
Well its only just a fantasy :(.. Now i must wake up and go back to work . lolx .
I would sell my Pink Kia to Mohdata at an exorbitant price and retire :O)
being the hedonistic sort, I'd never work again, buy all my dream cars, eat the best food, sleep even more than now, drive even faster than now and basically just chill:-)
come back here and do nothing but drive all the latest sports car that I can have.
join the biggest earning company and do nothing but stare at my computer while browsing my latest gadgets.
StaceyR, For sure i will call you MIL
I will become first commie feminist that will lead Qatar to the height of glory. I will make sure that 87% of the highest positions in the country will be held by a woman. Women will call me the Mother of Women's Liberation.
I would be Senior Manager in my field with 5 times more salary
I wud like to join police and ban all those illegal happenings at Radisson parking
i would have bought brand new land cuzr and a black berry new mobile and will b roaming all over Doha....
may be some time i will stop middle of the road if i revive a call and some time put my leg on dash board.....and order food costly one and eat only little and waste more....
RIP, Why are you hesitating to call yourself a Son of Chimpanzee? Son of Africa is technically wrong.
Anyway, less population (less competition) , more GDP and GNI , full support from authorities.. which is of course not possible even in west because of more population..
I guess I wouldnt be able to get the standard of education, in my childhood, within the country which I got back home unless I left the country at std. 1 itself which then would have deprived me of the love, care and guidance of my parents. And if I stayed until I completed my school, I wouldn't be able to comptete elsewhere.
However, if the combination worked well, I would have sure tried to get to the best of the institutes to learn and be the best in designing the cars or be a fantastic guitarist or drummer.
P.S.: First part of opinion based on the standard of education as heard from the people, mostly from India.
It would make no difference, I would still be a son of Africa and still a citizen of the world.
Reminds me of Captain Scarlet with Gypsy Gal and Snessy as Symphony and Harmony Angels :O)
Where ever you may be, last destination remains the same (death)
i wld want to be a crew then for that air ambulance
I like that GG. I would want to be a pilot too but for Air Ambulance.
I'd be an Engineer to get a Licence....!
gj10110 Mate, It is not about your character.It is about career.
I’d buy me a shuttle and fly to the moon
the liars via sea ... on foot ...
I would study for a history degree and Phd and then teach somewhere :O)
Ir-respective of any nationality, i would be myself...the same.
i would be a normal human, do something good for the society and severely punish any criminal who commits rape,murder and robbery.