The Earth Has Been Rumbling...

By Happy Happy •
I'm not being gloomy, but thinking aloud. Earthquakes, volcanoes, epidemics, severe weather conditions, hot ash, floods, snow storms, and, or, and, or, and...:(
What have we done to deserve this and how many of us are stuck alright?!
Infact it's more fun if you go with the family. Most of the tourist destinations are suitable for kids and you'll find plenty of things to do. On the other hand if you go single,it's only the nightlife which seems interesting :)
FriedUnicorn, is it suitable for a family, you think?
try Cebu City. I can bet that you won't regret it. It's one of the best places to be.
Any other suggestions for summer vacation this year? no honeymooning..:))
I can't wait :)
Bali doesn't figure in the list of top ten honeymoon destinations. Neverthless its a great place to be.
Olive, I hear Bali is a great place to be.
Enjoy life.
Thanks Happy Happy. We're off to Bali, I can't wait!
Olive, mabrook, I've been wanting to congratulate you for your wedding. Wishing you and the groom prosperous joyful life.
Where are you spending the honey moon, so I WON'T crash...LOL
Roberto, beware, they may be sending a scouting party to check out URANUS!
:) I wish my future was brighter.
My future's so bright I gotta wear shades 8-)
s_isale, they keep talking about saving the environment for the next generation, what about us?? aren't we supposed to enjoy healthy life too?
Tragedies aside, where to spend this summer, in a SAFE place?
maybe its time we sit back and think about everone's future
I'm still too young for hyper pressure! that's why I've opted to avoid the other thread. Besides, the clerics I have respect for are so very few, I tend to give the rest of them a def ear.
Well it could be worse we could live on Venus..
Maybe god doesn't love us anymore and is teaching us a lesson before He moves onto another planet....
;) Such claims by clerics would make a good reference material for my studies going forward lol
Eco-savvy, now I feel much better...:))
FriedUnicorn, where is my region in all this mess in your study? It's a good effort though.
here is what I wrote:
This report is a result of my painstalking research and compilation of rare natural occurances in the recent past which I conducted between 2006 and now. I have studied multiple events globally and arrived as some stunning conclusions.This work was published on some websites and I'am planning to have it published in some other forums.
Mother Earth is our sole habitat in the entire universe and provides us with the bounty of her natural resources without which we would not have existed at all. We drink from her numerous springs and rivers,we breath the air that caresses her being. We eat food which she provides us from her flora and fauna. We have expolited every opportunity that she has provided us for our betterment. We have dug mines into her to satisfy our mineral requirements. She has been the most enduring and loving parent,whereas we have acted like erring children eversince the dawn of history.But have we gone too far?
Angry Mother Earth Theory(AMET) which I'am introducing now is my way of expressing that this is the time when Mother Earth has really decided to show us her anger and frustration and is trying to show us signs by reminding us to be aware of her fury. The Tsunamis,Tornadoes,Hurricanes,floods,droughts and earthquakes have increased not only in frequency but also in intensity. There are lot of places which have seen unprecented rains and floods. New records in weather extremes are being set every year around the globe. I'am presenting to you several facts below:
NOAA reports maximum number of Tornadoes in the history of US in 2004
The winters are becoming colder with lot of places recording above average cold.Below are some of the links related to the Record Cold Phenomenon to prove my point.
Record Amount of snow in Texas
Record Breaking Cold in Indiana
Record Cold in Nevada
Third snoweist November in the History of Colorado
Nevada witnesses Record Cold
Wyoming records Record Cold
Record Cold,San Francisco,US
Southern California reports Record Cold
Record Cold:Florida
Record Cold in South Carolina
Record Cold: New Jersey
Record Cold in Ohio
The summers are becoming hotter through out the world. Many places have recorded extremes in terms of summer temperature. Below are some of the links to prove the Record Heat Phenomenon
Record Heat in Australia
Record Heat:Italy
Record Heat in Japan
Record Heat in Virginia
Record High Temperatures in Montana
Highest Temperatures recorded in Washington DC,US
Record high Temperatures in Russia
Record November Heat: Canada
It's not only the hotter summers and colder winters that are breaking the records. We have floods more too often and they are creating what I call Record Rain Phenomenon . Rains are lashing out with all their might all over the world leading to loss of life and property.Below are the links to prove my point:
Record Rain in Arizona ,US
Record Rain floods California roads
Record rain in cotton regions
Record Rain with a death toll of 21 in California
Record Rain:Mississippi
Record Rainfall in
Record Rains hit South Africa
Malaysia records worst flood in 40 Years
November was Texas' wettest Ever
Wettest Fall on Record: Kansas
Now let's talk about some of the more bizzare incidents. I have put them under Bizzare Weather Developments
Rare Desert Snowfall: Nevada
Rare Winetr 'Heat Wave' Continues
Lack of Snow creats record in Huron
First Snow in History for UAE
Largest Iceberg in recorded history put penguins in peril
The recent multiples typhoons in south east asia which calimed the lives of hundered is one of the latest addition to this list.
I'am sure that Mother Earth is at her most active phase now and we will witness some unprecedented climatic natural events in our lifetimes.
Men are included lol
Earth's cycles, it's nothing new.
Thanks Soniya for the clarification. I was so baffled by Olive's input!
I mean why women are always claimed to be the root cause for every disaster, and they name them after women too?!
I'll visit the other thread, Olive.
aiyyah olive, i can read ur mind it i thought the same and posted on ur
happy happy, olive isn't in gud mood
Kindly take a look at the below link..U will come to know why she said that??
LOL, check out the Affairs cause Earthquakes thread Happy Happy. Just some word's of wisdom from an Iranian Ayatollah.
Olive??? what do you mean?
Let the nature to take its own course..
Everyone has to die one day...sooner the better so that v shldn't see some of the cruelest form of
It's cause of all the loose women.
Arien, I don't believe in the 2012 myth.
flanostu, you've got quite an opinion there, how do you think humans killing each other has to do with natural disasters?
Interested in your feedback.
what have we done to deserve this???
humans are parasites. we've been killing each other & the place we live in for ages.
It explains it all:
heading 2012!!!!!!
bleu, rain, thunder and lightening in Qatar, in April...:)
Your prayer has been answered.
marie_2, accidents happen, the problem is there are no outer outlets, it's either we dump our toxics in the sand, or make a hole in one of those upper layers.
Either case we're toast, because we breathe and/or eat it. What's on your plate for lunch today?
Great, maybe it can make the weather here better :)
We are doing everything we can to destroy what has been given to us... And It's frightening to think what kind of future we will be passing on to kids
FriedUnicorn, don't bring up oil. Travelers have jam-packed ports and waters to get to their destination, last thing we need to hear about is an oil spill!
Oil, Wind, Ash, Sand, Snow, Rain, Clouds, Water...etc all these are taboos
Maybe there was more oil in the food that earth ate last night...damn....when will this QL be alright!
whyteknight, for all I know, I've made one safe trip this year, but two other travel plans have been ruined this year, and one at the end of last year...
genesis, no please! I'm afraid Earth would want to run a quick human cleansing, off its face, for the this detoxification exercise, and start a new beginning.
I'm not ready to leave yet..:)
I wish the end comes quickly, I am bored of this world
The earth is detoxifying its self
LifeisBeautiful, the Earth is unstable and so is QL, what's up what that?
Where to go now?
Its the price of meddling with the nature...:)
End seems to be closer than we think....
It's not WE :) Please don't worry.
Go to my thread below for more: