don't be dump yourself

I think it is necessary to share some thoughts about earth quake and tsunami
i heard that religious people from around the globe preaching that the earthquake which destroyed japan is from their God( Christians & Muslims ), some Christians are thinking that this earthquake caused by an intolerant God who wants to destroy Japan because of that country's most population are atheists or those who do not believe in their god , Like some Muslims also keep telling that it is because japan banned wearing face-mask in Public .
Religious Girl Thanks God for the Earthquake in Japan
so I believe it is better to educate our self before making such nonsense .
Japan lies at the meeting point of several of the world's major tectonic plates. This means that there is an ever present threat from a range of natural hazards earthquakes,volcanoes and tsunami. The map shows the Philippine and Pacific Plates which are slowly moving north west towards Japan. As they move north west they slip under the Eurasan and North American Plates When one Plate slips underneath another the movement is called subduction. This whole area is very unstable and earthquakes and volcanic activity are common along both sides of plate boundaries.
it is also enlightening if you can study about tectonic boundaries of other countries and the earthquakes affected by these countries in past.
s_isale, a convention of scientists have decided that Pluto is not a planet. (Too small. There are several moons that are larger.) There are eight planets as the consortia of the relevant science departments have decided. That doesn't mean that there are eight planets. It only means that most agree that there are. But it really doesn't mean anything. We should teach our children that 'some scientists agree that there are eight planets, others don't." Now, choose.
Newton's "Law of Gravity" has been shown to be NOT universal. Therefore whatever you copy and paste, Pilgram, doesn't neccessarily make it right. There are numerous ongoing discussions in physics if laws exist at all! Because by definition they have to be universal and invariant.
"Furthermore, the term theory would not be appropriate for describing untested but intricate hypotheses or even scientific models."
When Einstein formulated his Theory of General Relativity there were no ways to test it!!
(It's what we are doing now 90 years later). Your definition of theory is therefore incorrect.
@strangr - whatever
In school it was taught that there was 9 planets in the solar system till a few years back. Now there is a question as to whether it is 9 or 10. Whether Pluto can be considered a planet or not?
So now the facts have been twisted on its head. Did it improve on the existing realms or were we taught something that was made up or blatantly wrong?
"One of the most useful properties of scientific theories is that they can be used to make predictions about natural events or phenomena that have not yet been observed."
Read more:
Prediction - as in it may be or may not be. Not a 100% fact
LP Physicists actually have a different criteria to go by, that's why they use the term Law.
"in physics the term theory is generally used for a mathematical framework—derived from a small set of basic postulates (usually symmetries—like equality of locations in space or in time, or identity of electrons, etc.)—which is capable of producing experimental predictions for a given category of physical systems. A good example is classical electromagnetism, which encompasses results derived from gauge symmetry (sometimes called gauge invariance) in a form of a few equations called Maxwell's equations. Note that the specific theoretical aspects of classical electromagnetic theory, which have been consistently and successfully replicated for well over a century, are termed "laws of electromagnetism", reflecting that they are today taken for granted. Within electromagnetic theory generally, there are numerous hypotheses about how electromagnetism applies to specific situations. Many of these hypotheses are already considered to be adequately tested, with new ones always in the making and perhaps untested. An example of the latter might be the radiation reaction force. As of 2009, it has never been observed directly, but its effects on periodic motion of charges in a time-averaged sense is detectable in synchrotrons. Some researchers are now considering the possibility of experiments that could observe the effects of this force at the instantaneous (i.e. not averaged over periods of cyclical motion) level."
Whereas in other areas of Science:
The formal scientific definition of theory is quite different from the everyday meaning of the word. It refers to a comprehensive explanation of some aspect of nature that is supported by a vast body of evidence. Many scientific theories are so well established that no new evidence is likely to alter them substantially. For example, no new evidence will demonstrate that the Earth does not orbit around the sun (heliocentric theory), or that living things are not made of cells (cell theory), that matter is not composed of atoms, or that the surface of the Earth is not divided into solid plates that have moved over geological timescales (the theory of plate tectonics). One of the most useful properties of scientific theories is that they can be used to make predictions about natural events or phenomena that have not yet been observed.[8]
According to this definition, a theory must be well supported by evidence. Furthermore, the term theory would not be appropriate for describing untested but intricate hypotheses or even scientific models.
sorry s_isale i wont learn science from clerics ,
a scientific assumption , or scientific theory , or scientific hypothesis is different from a guess work . its all based on some supportive facts which is proven by scientific methods
Interesting, Pilgram. Physicists call a theory which they assume to be true a "law". The Law of Conservation of ..., for example. Theories are based on assumptions, for sure. And because a single instance can falsify a theory they aren't any better than hypothesis.
Actually theories are not assumptions, you're confusing a theory with a hypothesis. Something cannot be declared a theory until it has gone through a very rigorous experimental process that leaves very little doubt that it is, in fact, correct. The only reason it is referred to as a theory is so future scientists can and will continue to improve upon it and even challenge it as technology continues to advance. Very few modern theories have been shown to be false as our modern scientific methods are very thorough.
Since they are assumptions, they can keep changing their opinion. If it were a fact, then it would stop at that point isnt it?
Strangr, its hard to believe how "educated" people like you think all those assumptions are "facts"
I suppose you follow the rule mentioned by LP :)
SHIFT happens...
S-isale , you have the right believe everything is an assumption according to the education you have got and the level of understanding . Science always works , continental drift is not a fiction anymore based on science .
do you believe movement of electrons is an assumption .
I agree with your assumption that it was a slip of the keyboard?
It should be "Dubito ergo cogito ergo sum"
well since you say "coito, ergo sum", you again assume that,
Sorry, I assume I've chosen the wrong word.
How are you supposed to know, you are supposed to assume
"Cogito, ergo sum" has been changed to "coito, ergo sum", and in both cases the question still remains.
I know, philosophers have tried unsuccessfully to establish the existence as a fact.
you dont even exist
No facts, only fiction. Even the fact that facts are facts is an assumption.
everything is just an assumption isnt it?
where does assumptions end and facts begin to take its place?
Weather? That's just an assumption. I don't believe there is weather. I can't trust my senses, and the least those scientists (preachers).
GPS systems which lead you to the sea saying it is a road or the one which says it is sea and in fact is a road?
GPS systems are also reliant on weather conditions being good
cabbage are you talking about the restaurant in Canada?
This is a fact :)
Strangr - when scientists themselves say that, their findings are based on assumptions how dore you say they base it on facts?
there was a time people believed that there is god making lightening bolts , like Zeus , many modern religions changed this view , instead of teaching Zeus were behind lightening bolts , they are teaching that Angels are sending this hi-voltage lightening strikes.
hope you know about GPS systems which can give accurate position on earth
sorry guys , i forget to mention
This thread is not for people who believes earth is flat , earth is stationary , earth is the center of universe , sun rotating earth .
if i am a god , i would not make this mistake .
many things common people think as just assumptions might be regarded as truths by scientists who were studying about it for a centuries , at the same time many things common people believed as truth might be taken as just myths by scientific societies.
if you can study about earthquake prone areas on our planet you would have understand it very well even with common sense
Any assumption about the Earth is just what it is: an assumption. So, let's be silent.
u call it the collusion of plates or disturbance of plates, in fact you also know yourself that its from GOD who made earth and heavens
I suppose Pangaea is a myth too :-)
Agree with no merci, a theory that has proven incredibly accurate, but difficult to prove beyond the shadow of a doubt given the plates are located hundreds if not thousands of kilometres below the surface of the earth.
Comments removed
oh and i sale, Japan's shoreline has moved about 2 meters from what I understand due to the force of the earthquake/movement of tectonic plates.
Pilgram - dont you know the concept of plates is a theory and nothing else.
Indeed, a theory that has been proven to be accurate. Have you seriously not been taught about this in school? There is a lot of literature and educational films about it.
Are you seriously saying it could be the wrath of God?
s-isale the shore of Japan has actually shifted, so yes, you can see the land move due to the movement of the tectonic plates.
satellites have never shown the existence of these plates LP.
nomerci - seen this
Plate tectonics (from the Late Latin tectonicus, from the Greek: τεκτονικός "pertaining to building") (Little, Fowler & Coulson 1990)[1] is a scientific theory which describes the large scale motions of Earth's lithosphere.
strangr - plates are just plain theory nothing else.
s isale, this has happened since time beginning. Nothing out of the ordinary. Science has given us the tools to see how and why.
how many communities have we seen wiped out by the forces of nature in the present era?
Only a few remain to tell the tale of their existence in the end.
satellites showed the water moving in not the land mass moving..
Nobody can destroy Japan. They still have the last Samurai. He will save them.
There are no end to idiots reformer. Sadly there are people who need to have an answer for everything, and when a scientific reason doesn't give them the warm, comfy feeling they are looking for, the idea of a p***** off God or evil empire does.
Word edited.
some one in my office just told that america put bomb in the sea that is why it happened. moron idiot.
And here I thought it was because of Godzilla.
what is the purpose of posting this forum...every one have their opinion, whether positive or negative. can we control their comments.