Hi Everybody,
If you are boring and interested to do something new in Doha here is a new activity.
We offer you the chance to fly in our Power Parachute and enjoy the nice view of the white dunes and beach, send us an email to [email protected] and we will give you more information and details.
Also just licensed Skydivers can jump from 5000 feet.
Come and join the most beautiful experience!!!
Powered Parachute & Skydiving Association
im not a licensed skydiver.... so what do have for me??? i tried sending email to the adress u gave but i think its wrong...
anyways, can u give me more details...
[email protected]
thank you for the post. Me and my friends done the blokarting before which has been advertised here as well.
*** I don't like to commit myself about heaven and hell - you see, I have friends in both places. M. Twain***
your welcome galgo, anytime i think i have to e-mail you regarding the parachute thing i might be ineterested with it for experience
did u forget our xperiment of mobiles on ur 1st day
i think i welcomed u taht day
hi galgo how r u doing?
Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
Talha (1988-20??)
Thanks amber, is different when we find great people like you.... and worry for the others..I just ignore them.
looks interesting, and welcome to the forum as everybody does here, new comer i just want to welcome you, when i came to the forum nobody welcomes me but it's ok. I guess you could make a good friends here in the forum just don't mind others, and do it your way and still be friendly.
peace y'all
If you want to join us call to 521-8857 or email to [email protected]
I just came from the Sealine area where we flew our Powered Parachute. It was one of the most beautiful experience. We had the first skydiver who jumped twice from 5000 feet. He finished the day with a long smile in his face.
Even a few guys who were riding bikes and quads stop an took a ride with us. The weather was fantastic and we are thinking in place a tent where to spend more hours with out suffer sun burns.
In less words, we had a great day. Next Friday and Saturday will be there for sure.
no comment
We could learn a lot from crayons: some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names, and all are different colors; but they all have to learn to live in the same box.
nobody is a king here we r all equal... but darude is darude thats how he feels comforatble why takes offense when nobody does just get it in one ear n out of the next
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
no coffee, i know that v shud never insult anyone but darude is so stuborn tht he never listens to anybody
i requested him to be polite more than twice but he don't cares wht anyone says.
he thinks that he is the king here and everybody will do what he likes
We could learn a lot from crayons: some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names, and all are different colors; but they all have to learn to live in the same box.
dont insutl Darude by calling him a joker.....he is mr rude ............ lol
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
i have already called him, dont worry
just keep ur mouth shut when i am not talking wit u.
We could learn a lot from crayons: some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names, and all are different colors; but they all have to learn to live in the same box.
Salam ALikome,
I hope everybody on QL is fine and ready to start a new week.
DaruDe, I agree with you. He should have posted it once and on the Ad / classified section. However, I think you could have told him the same in a better and nicer way. You seem to be more agressive than other( CAPS) I wonder why? Do you feel like QL Policeman or what? :D
I have already PM you asking you to be nice with ppl , especially newbies. I hope you will do it :)
[img_assist|nid=38314|title=Crazy Frog|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=180|height=179]
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
well i dont know some ppl really dont get it. he is advertising here just post it once but no why will he do that until he doesnt impress any one. and talha if you are that much interested THEN BE A MAN AND CALL HIM to get all the info at once dont carry on with him on every topic.
DaR is right ( grrrrr) galgo IS using QL to market his parathingie for free - he hasn't yet said how much it costs yet has he? He has now got our attention.
I don't blame him if he can advertise for free in this forum.
However, it's really not nice to monopolise a forum - there is an area for classified I think.
By putting several threads up, on one subject, other subjects of interest to members get dropped to a second page and get lost.
lets say you make a site and i takeup all the space then keepin begging me to get it up on web world again for you. its easy to mess but hard to make it up back.
and for your kind info gaglo is not looking for information he is advertising his services ok fine but that belongs to ad section and to be posted once NOT 6 TIMES WITH IN 24 HOURS.
Well, looks like Talha will be the first on try the Powered Parachute and other 7 persons also are ready to feel this new experience.
After that, you will see the posts and everybody will want to do it.
That happend to me the first time I jumped in one of them.
Make your booking in advance, after a few month will be so difficult to book a seat...I can guaranty you that.[img_assist|nid=41350|title=PPC Fliying|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=120]
I sent you my mobile already too.
i will pm u my cell no. in 2 mins wait
We could learn a lot from crayons: some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names, and all are different colors; but they all have to learn to live in the same box.
[img_assist|nid=41229|title=IMG_9128.JPG|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=120]Send us your name and contact number to our email [email protected] and we will do the boking for you.
yeah whn r u aranging the trip?
We could learn a lot from crayons: some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names, and all are different colors; but they all have to learn to live in the same box.
Thanks Talha10...are you ready to fly?
i already added u to my contact list.
We could learn a lot from crayons: some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names, and all are different colors; but they all have to learn to live in the same box.
Good news !!
We start flying our Powered Parachute the 1st,2nd and 3rd of November.
We just gonna do it every weekend, so if any of you want to experience 100% adrenaline send us an email to [email protected] make your booking and we'll be glad to send you all the details.
Darude stop insulting others and guide them instead
we all know u r good and old ql member but why do u post such nonsense comments?
We could learn a lot from crayons: some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names, and all are different colors; but they all have to learn to live in the same box.
But the way the forum has gone has stopped me posting it has become tedious to wade through off topic comments, insults and general time wasting to get to the information we all want to read.
QL used to be a really interesting and informative place, with a free flow of ideas, information and interests. Now its a place for grandstanding and tedium.
Darude is one of the worst offenders there are others, its a shame I hope one day the forum will go back to being the entertaining and informative place it used to be.
Absolutelly agree with you. Maybe Qatari can do something to stop this people and keep them away from QL.
But when I joined this forum people were all new and wanted information about Qatar, everyone was friendly and posts didn't degenerate into back and forth insults and off topic conversations. QL has gone downhill in the last few months with the whole thing coming across like a little clique where you were no longer invited. I don't think this is what Qatari had in mind when he set the thing up. Darude and others should find another forum for their frustrations and insults and leave QL for those who need or share positive information.
Thanks for your support and for teach me how to run this posts.
All the best !!
Wolfie, stop being nasty and scaring away newbies!!
Galgo, it is true that you have been posting a lot of the same thread, one thread (+ maybe the post in the classified) is enough and you can always bring it up again editing or adding something to it every now and again without the need to create a new one all the time. You are forgiven though since you are a newbie!!
Aviduser, you also have a point, I too get annoyed at times by the bantering and the insults but Darude is not the only one guilty as charged, it is more of a generalized trend on QL. Anyway this post of yours was not particularly nice either now hey?
Peace everybody :)
Stop being rude to people who are new to the site, you seem to pounce on anyone who does anything wrong in this forum. And if you are not doing that then you are generally insulting people or posting stupid replies that aggravate and annoy people. I stopped posting on this forum because people like you made the whole thing a tedious tit for tat exchange of petty back biting.
Now I haven't posted in ages and you are still here, posting on pretty much every topic, which rather makes me feel you need to A: Get a girlfriend B: Get a life.
Now if you do indeed have a wife/girlfriend then perhaps you should pay more attention to her than you do this forum, unless you are a chauvinistic prig who ignores their other half. Which could be possible judging by your snippy posts.
OR !! of course you could be single which would not be surprising as you never leave the house for fear of missing the opportunity to post irrelevant, childish or insulting remarks.
Without your helpful input topics could stay "on topic" rather than descend into a spiral of increasing tedious brick bats and excessive use OF THE CAPS LOCK KEY.
A person with attitude ? You don't reflect that...
Maybe u are an expert using this site...good for u. I am just starting using this and be friendly is something that we were expecting here.
I definitely need to be flying to the toilet. Dammed dog is barking out the door...Maybe is the flocking Wolf!!
Good morning to you Mr.Darude
The Red Pope of Qatar Living
instead of posting again n again the same thing n cluster the site why dont u relive your original post
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
you dumb head every one got eyes and they seen it they can search it and till now you posted it on topic 3 times and ad section 3 times. Nonsense.
If you are not interest let others to enjoy it.
Just stop it ok enough you posted Dunce.