Defending Karma

It has been said that Karma bites people in the backside,LOL.
Karma is not a watchdog nor a third party, it is merely a law, the law of cause and effect or more simply action and retribution, therefore sentient beings are ultimately responsible for their fortunes or misfortunes.
This is to clarify that Karma does not dispense or sanction punishments, it cannot be bribed, promised or nor we can use influences on it or hope that it is not seeing, thoughts don't count ,only actions count and does not bite! LOL
karma is another word for retribution. Some will get his/her karma now while everybody will get it on judgement day. Karma is conscience running or haunting you doing something bad.
If you kill somebody and hide it to human law, you could get away from it. But your conscience and if you fear there is Someone there above who see everything you do, then it will haunt you forever and soon karma will come to you.
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
LOL, yeah! even that is a good example!
To the topic creator :-
Did you happened to see "MY NAME IS EARL" the TV series program ??
No offence taken, I did get a little defensive, I just get passionate about it.
I did not ask you to read the bible, LOL
I was making a statement that the words "DO Not Fear" repeats themselves 364 times.
You don't need to get so militant about it.
Sorry, If I did offend you.
Well,let me go back to my Huckle berry book.
"Don't make me write your name on my TURD List!"
No Red Pope I didn't read that "book", It must have lost most of the original meanings anyway after being translated and manhandled so many times.
it is however irrelevant what is written in it is what the people say or do that counts!
karma karma karma karma karma chameleon.
what a great song!
ain't karma a b!tch.
Do you know that on the Bible, the words "Do not Fear" is repeated 364 times.
"Don't make me write your name on my TURD List!"
Many religions are religions of fear and do not appreciate Karma as it would take away the "controlling" factor.
Many are misbeahaving all their lives and on the death bed they repent and all what was done before is wiped out hence "saved", comfy!!
If people were more "aware" and act for the benefit of the universe we would not be in the current situation.
Once I asked my teacher, "how do I know whether I make the right choices (not decisions)or not ?" he then replied " who is benefitting from your choice, one individual or the multitudes?"
oi azilana, how is your karma now a days? hahahaha
btw, Relegion n karma are two different things. as joe rightly put it karma is just a phenomenon, a reality, its not a judging authority.
not sure how to rightly put down the defenition in English, but wud say is a sum total of one's actions, the intentions and the purpose of life(reason of existence) of the being that executes it.
Karma is not fate. You have free will. No God or external force is controlling ones life. It is our own karmic creation.Once we accept total responsibility for who we are, for what we have done or will do, and for all our choices, life straightens out.
"The meek shall inherit the earth."
I tell you it still works. Outcome sounds bad...but it'll take years to see the good outcome...
...but it's there.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Do not do unto others, what you do not want others do unto you...
But sometimes, people who believe in KARMA still do things that THEY think was right (in their opinion)...though bottomline is...THE INTENTION IS GOOD...BUT THE OUTCOME is BAD...
Would love to teach folks a lesson or two...especially those PRETENDING TO BE "GOODY-GOOD SHOES"
thts right katkutter...teh gist is tht regardless of whether you worship God or not , or worship in whichever way, u'll be judged based on ur karma alone.and most of the true proponents give karma yoga preference over 'bhakti yoga..
its central tennet in many peoples belief,its called the bhagavad gita.
It was a Hindu belief...but Indians sure ain't practicing it. LOL
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
I wouldn't say it was one and the same at all. There's similarties but that's where it ends. No human being ever wrote karma and claimed it was the word of God.
religion and karma are one and alike.
so how can it make more sense than religion
Yup Karma makes more sense to me then religion.
Every action has an opposite and equal reaction.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
I believe Karma more then any religion
Live, Laugh, Love and Get Laid.
what goes around comes around....