D& D(Drink&Die)

Alcohol will claim more than 90,000 lives over the next decade without urgent action to tackle the country's increasingly ruinous relationship with drinking, experts warn today.
They predict that 90,800 people will be killed by diseases directly linked to drinking, such as alcoholic liver disease and chronic hepatitis, and alcohol poisoning.
Deaths due to drinking have trebled over the last 25 years as per capita consumption has risen to become one of the highest in Europe, according to research by Prof Martin Plant, of the University of the West of England, one of the UK's leading authorities on alcohol-related harm.
If recent trends continue, the number of people each year who die because their body can no longer cope with alcohol will reach 9,080, a study by Plant and colleagues shows. That is more than one fatality per hour every day of the year. The figure does not include people who die as a result of alcohol-related accidents, such as drink-driving, or those in whom alcohol has exacerbated their ill-health, such as various forms of cancer.
"This is an unacceptably high death toll and the worst part is that all of these deaths are avoidable," said Don Shenker, of Alcohol Concern, which commissioned the research. Currently 8,724 deaths a year are directly attributable to alcohol, according to the Office of National Statistics.
Alcohol-related deaths have risen in every age group since 1990, with 55- to 74-year-olds seeing the highest mortality rates and steepest increase, Plant's research reveals. He and his team analysed alcohol consumption per head and drink deaths over the last 25 years. They say their findings prove definitively that the more people drink, the more deaths will follow.
Plant said the government needed to make reducing drink-related deaths the top priority of its alcohol strategy. The report prompted fresh calls from medical leaders for ministers to implement tough measures to curb consumption, such as introducing a minimum price per unit of alcohol, as recommended by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (Nice) last week. Gordon Brown has ruled out such a move, but the minority SNP government at Holyrood is exploring its introduction in Scotland.
"Over the next decade alcohol misuse is set to kill more people than the population of a city the size of Bath," said Prof Ian Gilmore, president of the Royal College of Physicians. "Much of this tragic loss of life, often in young and otherwise productive people, could be prevented if our policymakers followed the evidence for what works. Confronting the culture of low prices and saturation advertising, along with investments in accessible, effective treatments for harmful and dependent drinkers could make a big impact on what is becoming a public health emergency."
Dr Peter Carter, head of the Royal College of Nursing, said: "For 90,000 lives to be thrown away as a result of excessive drinking would be an absolute tragedy. All political parties … must think carefully about the steps needed to … prevent the predicted devastation from becoming a reality."
The public health minister, Gillian Merron, said: "Any death from alcohol is a death too many. Although the majority of people who drink alcohol drink responsibly, we must take action to reduce the health and social harm caused by those who don't.
"That's why the government is working harder than ever to reduce alcohol-related hospital admissions and to help those who regularly drink too much or are dependent on alcohol.
link to the news
Drunk Or Die
thank Allah for the blessing of having mind.
"It could be a picture
It could be a medicine
it could be a bullet
depends on how you see it
But it is not a cultural ignorance
and it is not blind following ....
My friend was telling the same thing. No drinking.. thats good right.. will save the liver..
No one seems to care about the Ambient Air quality. With all these petrochemical/ GTL plants around..
I work at Pearl GTL project, Ras Laffan. I just got here like 2 weeks back. There were atleast 4 times in this 2 weeks I felt the Air was a little thick to breathe.
The government cares less about the deaths than the "costs" incurred by the National Health service :O(
Ban coffee in Qatar!
Gadarene, got points!
In fact, every excessive thing can kill us...Water is vital to us and still many people are dieing by "overdose"...:(
2 points come to mind here...
a) alcohol is very much a drug,which is by definition anything that alters the normal state of mind,so are caffeine & nicotine,they're just legal,socially acceptable drugs.
b)"drink & die" as the post is titled actually should read "drink excessively over a significant period of time & die"...people having a couple of drinks over the weekend are NOT going to die because of it.
c)The report above concerns the UK only,where binge drinking is fairly common,it is not however a reflection of global alcohol consumption.
no , but have you watched the video
how can i try this?
maybe if i want to do it , i will tight myself
"It could be a picture
It could be a medicine
it could be a bullet
depends on how you see it"
-----can you tell me something NEW?--------:)
i'm drunk again
why you're asking if you dont know and never tried?
i think they came up with their results after they saw this video
how a man on earth could allow himself to be humiliated like this ?
"It could be a picture
It could be a medicine
it could be a bullet
depends on how you see it"
Alcohol is keeping the pathogen agents out of the body. Is a excellent disinfectant, dis-inhibitant, analgesic, conservative. It is used in hospitals, cooling systems, cleaning liquids, cosmetics, thermometers, technological processes...And also is changing the reality (or bringing the reality)when it is used as a drink.
hahahaha...you crack me up Flan....good stuff
follow the community guide rules, and plz don't hijack the thread.
even dot.com
"It could be a picture
It could be a medicine
it could be a bullet
depends on how you see it"
we should not punish the majority for a minorities crimes
all of us agreed on that
"It could be a picture
It could be a medicine
it could be a bullet
depends on how you see it"
banning religion would save more lives.
as for drugs, they just have a bad rap in the news. anything that makes you feel good is great.
Majority shouldn't punish for minority!
A nice step towards, improvement .
thank you exiled for this ,really....
You should not punish the majority for a minorities crimes
"It could be a picture
It could be a medicine
it could be a bullet
depends on how you see it"
However OS it is most interesting that more people die of alcohol related deaths in places like the UK than from illegal drug use.
You're right if they use of alcohol harms others such as in drink driving, their freedom is taken from them. There is the deterent. You should not punish the majority for a minorities crimes. Same as for stoning for adultery in Sharia, a deterent so that the masses know the punishment for wrong doing.
some people are very stupid to give them this ability of choosing ;)
they could harm themselves or others .
freedom stops , when it attack others rights
"It could be a picture
It could be a medicine
it could be a bullet
depends on how you see it"
ever u google the statistics for those dying by alcohol, and those dying by human???
I agree alcohol related health problems are a concern in the UK and action needs to be taken on education (Its started already) and making sure it is very difficult for minors to get hold of liquor. (Which is also happening now).
However prohibtion is not the answer for two reasons.
1. It takes away an individuals right to choose
2. Its ineffective. Look at the countries that have the death penalty for drugs and people still use them
no..., but they mentioned this in the news just to give your attention that
this loooong enough time will be shorter , otherwise it will be waste of ink and paper
"It could be a picture
It could be a medicine
it could be a bullet
depends on how you see it"
Hey on a long enough time line we are all dead, but at least some of us with have some fun on the way out....
we have our traditional drink that we call
Yakh da Gwadey :D
without Drink.....:( Dry DOHA....general comments.
Anyway we all will DIE one day so what is the difference....today your turn tomorrow is mine......(Pun intended)...
Have Fun and DIE
most of the time, i usually smoke in working hours :P
i think they measure their lifetime by minutes or seconds not hours
"It could be a picture
It could be a medicine
it could be a bullet
depends on how you see it"
what about drugs??
they considered the factor of drinking only , not mentioning other factors
you could go out your home and a rock fall down on your head
"It could be a picture
It could be a medicine
it could be a bullet
depends on how you see it"
beside all these, any good news for smokers?
Good reason why alcohol should be banned here.... For health reasons ..
If you don't drink, still you die. Non drinkers dying rate would be much higher than 1 person per hour as well..
When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity. - Albert Einstein
unless you are superman or superwoman then you can complete your life :D
don't worry ;)
"It could be a picture
It could be a medicine
it could be a bullet
depends on how you see it"
1 person per hour :(
in uk only
"It could be a picture
It could be a medicine
it could be a bullet
depends on how you see it"