Crazy Expat!!

By TheSweetiePie •
Beware of these guys who would send private message and would claim they wanted your friendship.
This one guy is a freak. He said he is an architect blah blah blah...
I told him, sorry not interested... and I have my boyfriend too. He said he'll kill my guy. And he is damn serious about killing...
If by chance he'll drop by at your inbox... BE AWARE and BEWARE.
How on earth did u know he's serious about killing?Lol.
Hahahha It seems funny that he/she will kill others Bf/Gf.They can not face other person and claim that they will kill others Bf/Gf A*****. I dont know what these type of people to do in their life. They have lot of time to waste in doing rubbish things. God Bless them.
the OP,this lunatic guy will never stop hunting pinays,my guess, he had a bad experience and will never accept rejection.... :(
/mr_qatar/ please check the word Annulment on google. It might enlighten you ;)
Have a nice day!
Damsel in distress.............waiting for a knight in armour..........say man, are qlers really so stupid?
I said I'm an architect coz i want to study your beautiful structure! And i think you misunderstood me when i said i will Kill your BF..what i really meant was, i will throw him off the cliff and see if he bounces back up...this was purely for research purpose!
PS: Joke! It wasnt me...but i think Rizks has something to do with this.
its a shitty world... a lot of ppl like this out there... shit happens... so take care of urself..!!
@damselindistress, thread hijacking is illegal in this country, however I decided not to have lunch and just wait till i finish my duty.
+1 for the good memory ;)
Khalid strikes again
LoL @ Estekwellek - you punk! I have suspect number 1 already which makes you my suspect number 2 :P :)) just kidding :* (ok enough! this is the time when people say "Get a room!" ;) BTW, how's your pack lunch? :P
Prism- my advocacy for the proper spelling usage is still on.. lol :P
Agree with you damselindistress..
damselindistress...good to know that you have left behind the distress caused by text speak and have learnt to move on and find a new thread that suits your taste ...:)
@damselindistress, you took the words out of my mouth.
Please tell me about you more, I would love to be your friend :) Don't say that you are in a relation because I might get upset and do something really bad okay >:(
BTW I am an architect too, call me suspect no. 1
I agree with you estekwellek on google :)
I think QL is old enough that they already have all the possible topic to be discussed about Qatar.
If you ask some real question- people will answer with "have you heard of google?"
If you post some negative news about Qatar- people will tell you "Go back to your own country!"
If you rant your frustrations people will say "If you dont like it here then leave!"
If you post news about what's going on on different countries- people will comment " What does it have to do with Qatar?"
LoL... well we cannot please everybody though :))
This is an open forum, people can start their own thread whatever they want... best way, I think, if we dont like the thread, let's all move on and find a new thread that suits our taste :)
You are not an expact?
double post
@flanostu , can you be more uneducated ?
sweetiePie im coming to your house tonight:)
When a girl show's off, craving for attention, accusing and pointing to people, she gets 1000 comments!!!
When some one asks a real question, post some news, or ask for a favor, the best comment he gets is to use google !!!
so OP, what did he say ? i bet he said that you have beautiful eyes and hair right ? come on show off it is ok you got all attention you needed.
i agree too,before QL was a side for bay/sale items and finding diferent info about what's happening in Qatar and now it is become a very bad side with diferent crazy people....
Lol... Agree wid u :)
Huh, everyone seems to complain about the simplest of things. Is QL populated with pre-schoolers?
Well sorry for ur story.. But i am confuse u are a mother of 2 & here u said that u hve boyfrend too.. Somethng fishy....
wHat make u think he will kill ur Bf as if he knws ur bf frm before.....
before saying anythng think n say...:)
/britexpat/ I might be wrong about him but no big deal. some guys simply cannot accept rejection.
What makes you believe that he's serious about killing ?
Just ignore him and get on with your life..
am not dropping any nationality here.. I just want to post awareness purpose.
/nbg/ sorry, what's rapish?
did that psycho guy by any chance said that ur rapish
hmmm violence.....i'm guessing an arab
@TheSweetiePie, that's the best move! blocked him on the face of QL, thumbs up!
I blocked him already ;)
sorry to hear about that, well, there are really some people with some loose screws in their heads running around ...tsk!tsk!