Chinese food, new business

By ChineseLover •
how can one start business, is qatar good for business, what are limits?, please help. I make Chinese food, good chili chicken, please help me , i give food.
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We're not spending time in front of our laptops for hours just to bully somebody here in the community. You might not have an idea how oweful this chinese guy can be. He's always on a negative side whenever a new posted message apeeared here in QL. Instead of offering help to someone, he 's gonna gate crash by sending a very nonsense topic trying to be funny whatsoever....This is his KARMA! Now that he is the one asking for help, he's now being attacked by people like us who used to be his victims before. If you feeling a bit of sympathy for this guy, Im so sorry dude, but we dont. He deserve to be treated like that, coz that's what he want it. peace to you, Islamia...
come on give the man some space,
hey chinki, do you deliver to hostels?
Chineselover, go back to china, when you get older, come back to Doha and keep QLing,,,then make business
"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches you a lesson profit from it then, forget it.
There is no use of crying over spelt milk"
Is that so, MG? Hahahahahaha! Anyway, we better leave this post to the flies! He should open a stand-up comedy bar instead with him entertaining the audience just by opening his mouth and using all the few words he knows in his vocabulary. That would must have been better.
All I can say, before I finally leave this post is this, chineselover should take into account the population of the Filipinos in Qatar who could be his potential clients. With his condescending behavior, do you think the Filipino community would still go to his joint when Chowking will already be here?
Chineselover, with your "business acumen" coupled by your devious attitude, your business might sound good for the first few weeks or so but beware - once people have gotten over the novelty of your food, that is - if you will be able to serve quality and hygienic food at all without touching melamine tainted wares, then you just might go into flyswatting business.
Word of advice, if you are starting out a business, you have to have a pleasant attitude. You know why? In these fast paced times with many options for clients around, it's not actually the product that shall make you win clients - it's customer service and sincere dealing with all people.
Now, come on, MG. Yalla! Let's go! Let chineselover rant and froth in his mouth. He's nothing but an infinitesimal being who must have landed on the elephant's back to make him think he and his country are over and above us.
There's really something funny and hilarious about Chineselover. But b4 I tell you the story let me laugh aloud...HAHAHAHAHA! here's the catch:
I also argued with this chinese choo-choo last night and he's screaming to the world that China is independent, smart, can stand with their feet, bigger than Europe etc. etc......He told me they are the strongest of all coz they have a powerful soldiers and blah blah......It's so funny that now he is seeking help here in the community who,where,when,what to do here in Doha to make a bzness! hahahaha! You chineselover, before thinking of anything else try to finish the 7th grade first so you'll know how to deal with different people, ok?!?! hahahahaha
Start a business but dont let your ladies here to cook the dishes. And dont hire them or else you'll gonna be selling different product....hhmmmmmmm???? You know what i mean!
Jealous??? Nahhhh!
You are the one who's jealous as evident in your nasty comments bashing the soon to open Flipino fast food chain in Qatar. How can I feel jealousy in the first place when I have no vested interest in commenting unlike someone I know who would bash in another forum and then have his ulterior motive found out! hahahahha! Jealousy???? Hahahahahahaha! Go find another word! Expand your vocabulary, please!
We haven't eaten a good chinese food for a long time. India has better chinese restaurants than here. Is chilli chicken chinese food?
i meet lot of friends, they tell me everything, i don't know anything, only friends help me. I sure they don't cheat me, because they happy for me not jealous
for your comment, but sorry I smell jealousy. Get well soon
Try something unique and should be that authentic chinese food..
why not ask govt authorities in charge in putting up businesses here in Qatar for u to be aware of the rules and regulation and other compliance/requirements...
important thing is...u have passion in the business u want to set up... Good Luck...
I am happy you learned the word troll, quick learners indeed, how old u
Having worked in China for about two years I was lucky enough to try many Chinese dishes from different regions of the country. I love most Chinese food. But if you are going to open a Chinese restaurant in Doha, and I hope you do, please make real Chinese food (the same as you have in China) and not the Westernised Chinese food we are accustomed to.
Starting a restaurant is much more than making a few good recipes and good chicken.
in order to save yourself loosing a lot of money make sure you learn restaurant business as a profession.
then again apple, there's never a day in QL without trolls eh?... :P
I second.....bow! :P
too early for trolls... :P
My temper just got a little overboard... :) Have a nice Sunday! Now I go to greet the sunshine!
Virgo ... Don't feed the troll.
Under 18 and wants to start a business here - get real.
So this is why you were bashing the Filipino restaurant in another post! Self-serving, indeed! You know, try to come up with excellent marketing techniques, a strict compliance to food safety and hygiene and delicious food instead of saying bad things about your competitor. That is too pathetic, unethical, unprofessional and downright immature.
Alot of good opportunities in Qatar...
"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches you a lesson profit from it then, forget it.
There is no use of crying over spelt milk"