Cell Phones in Class?dammaged ear!!!!!!!
By santhosh20 •
hi guys .. this question really bothers me a lot .. actually should we use cell phones in class rooms or hospitals . or place of workship ..?? if no why ??
i have also heard it damages the ear of small children faster ,,
hey guys a piece of advice .. pls dont use the phone to ur right ear always .. it is our tendency to talk always from the right ear .. but studies says it is more dangerous ..
As we all know,While the mobile phone brings great conveniences to people, it also raises new challenge on the security of confidential work. In recent years, the wiretap, cheating in examination, medical negligence and gas station explosion with mobile phone occurred and it has aroused great concern of the society. Maybe it's one of the reasons that promoted the appearance of [url=http://www.jammerall.com/categories/Cell-Phone-Jammers/]cellphone blocker[/url].You may be watching a nice movie or enjoying your nap when you get free for sometime. Still you have chances of getting disturbed with your most loved ones and close friend chatting near you on the cell phone. At such hours, if you really care for your free time then you need to buy a cell phone jammer.
I have an experience to share with you guys. Once I was in a remote place, my signal in my phone got jammed, i thought the problem would be with my service provider. After coming back home i gave black and blues to my customer care highlighting my issue. They pleaded me saying that the problem is not with them. Then i browsed through the search engine regarding my issue, i got a remedy for my cell phone, there i came to know the problem called signal jamming that is experienced in most cell phones. They have a product called cell phone jammer could be very useful to get rid of these problems. Check out the details here [url=http://www.jammerall.com/categories/Cell-Phone-Jammers/]cell phone jammer[/url] and hope this information would be beneficial. Hope that u would pass this information to all your friends, so that they too would benefited, Stay safe, Cheers
a matter needed to be studied
i found out that all indian schools and government schools in qatar has banned the use of mobiles ..
it is more dangerous to the young brains
click to know the possible damage http://www.newmediaexplorer.org/chris/2007/08/22/cell_phones_ear_eye_damage_high_blood_pressure_more.htm
yes .. right ear ,it is
'it is our tendency to talk always from the right ear'....really? Are you sure about that??
No such thing santhosh. Only time phone is radiation free is when it's switched off...
Motivation is when your dreams put on work clothes.
- Ben Franklin
is all phone have a lot of radiation ..anyone knows
cell phones should be banned .. in class rooms .. there is a device called signal jammer .. it is usually used in hospitals .. so that ur cell phone does no interfer with the equipments in the hospital .. i think such places should use jammers ..
place of workship
place of study
place where people gather ..
its always to keep ur cell phones in vibration mode
and not in class .. it will surely disturb
or put it in silent mode. But inside the church, it should be definitely turned-off.. If anyone can not set-aside 1 to 2 hours of himself to served or worship God or Allah and thank Him for all the wonderful things he or she continue to get from HIM, he or she doesn't even deserve to have a cellphone....
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
So you, too. No, santhosh20, it was Ali I caught.
i wrote this post to find u .. so u r he who caught me .. jhmm
great work
For schools, there is a clear instruction from the Ministry of Education: "Cell phones are not allowed in school!" - However, who cares?
By the way, I caught one student in the exams having the answers stored on his mobile!!
The future is made of the same stuff as the present - Simone Weil.
It's unethical, especially in place of worship.
duh, because it's rude!