Is casual sex a stress buster?

Anything and everything is fair in the name of 'sex'… casual sex to be precise! One-night stands many believe have the potential of possessing a feel good factor. Be it a sexual encounter with a stranger or just a wild act of passion to kill boredom, casual sex induces a high in people often making them forget the drudgery of their lives. The pressure of urban life, loneliness and boredom in relationships often leaves one feeling adrift and sidelined. In such situations, casual sex becomes an easy way out for them to forget their daily routine problems. While the sex maybe immensely gratifying as it often comes with no strings attached, such casual sexual encounters may end up causing emotional turbulence and feelings of guilt in the person concerned. Is it right to say that sex on-the-side provides the much needed kick? Can having sex with a stranger lift your mood or does it bear grave psychological side-effects?
This debate is going on in timesof india.
What's your opinion?
casual sex...aaah all that of extras
I'd say yes lol
thinking about this one???
hmmmm i will try it tonight... lol
Not sure how affective it is but sure about the side affects.
please think twice before getting in to action.
some time back we used to hear that every copy taken from a copier will have numbering device just to denote how many impressions are taken for next maintainance,where as in human beings no such numbering for evey time they have sex to know how many times it is used may be legitimate or with neighbour partners.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
you get some extra income back home as well.........
A person out from family in another place or country just to have casual sex to release his/her stress, imagine for a minuite, if their partner back home also try for some casual sex with the neighbour what happens for the family bondage,love affection etc etc, will it not collapse
you said it already...Just a wild act of passion.
Guilty but stress-free ha..... well, it happens a lot nowadays. Not debatable anymore. Don't agree though, but It's personal choice
Casual sex reduces self-esteem and it is a 100% truth.........................and I am extremely against gay marriages in India as I don't want more competition in our Dowry market.I mean if a woman doesn't pay dowry, you can burn her. But man to man, the question is who will kill whom?You see Indian society is not ready for it.
I prefer a little recreational shopping.
casual sex is a temporary stress buster with consequences that can be lifetime stress giver
You devil you... Don't worry, your secret is safe with us..
If I was working in my home country 100% of the time where my wife, kids, parents, brother and sister all live; if I was home every night and had most weekends off work and could spend time with my family; if I was thoroughly integrated into the society as a member of a society, club or organisation etc; if this were the case it's most likely staying faithful to one's partner is much easier. The problem is when you work away from home in foreign countries for long periods of time. You get bored, lonely etc. In some countries there are many opportunities to meet people of the opposite sex. Under all these circumstances it is far more likely you will flirt with the opposite sex or end up having a sexual encounter. The only thing is to make sure your partner doesn't find out.
This thread is not for the underage.. Rizks.. Now go back to sleep..
So Much of Sex in this Thread.
M feeling HOT !!! :(
I thought casual Sex = a quickie
Formal Sex = all the above you wrote plus, playing before the big entry?
lol britex, i almost choked on fries :P
Casual Sex - shorts , t-Shirt, sandals
Formal sex - leather trouser, whip, studded belt, mask,
casual sex a thing of the past ahhhh
What is Casual Sex and what is formal Sex?
Sex is Sex right?
I guess I like to see shits everywhere. :P
Casual sex outside the marriage cricumstances will lead to a very bad sad hard ending and finally break the nearst person to you mother, father, wife, husband, brother, sister or all of them.
In my opinion Casual sex outside the marriage cricumstances is a shit and who support it is a person who likes to see shits every where.
For some this casual sex with stranger will comes by hard. Try mastubation. Sometimes it gives same result and satisfaction
guys are starting comin' out of the closet... here they come!! ahahaha
"Just because it is... IT DOESN'T MEAN IT SHOULD BE.. "
Khalid saw the aswer from Britexpat, he couldn't sit for a week after the act, this makes him start talking about gay/lesbian thing!
I'm not a big fan of casual sex myself, and definitely finds it creates more stress then in relieves. But hey, if it works for you I suppose it's better then cigarettes.
lol why has this thread into a gay/lesbian thing... :P
Oh Khalid, you will NEVER get it. I pity your existence.
Why so many people are aginst nauture or what is called common sence?
Why some people want to allow man to man sex and woman to woman sex?
If we consider any man is a positive charge and any woman is a negative charge, then the positive will be attracted to the negative and vice versa.
Then which charge shall we give any gay / Lesibian?
If we consider it neutral then nothing will be attracted to it.
From chemistry point of view it is possible to change the neutral charge and make it positive or chemical by some special chemical processes or reaction.
yeah sure... but it can't be applied to all. case to case basis... I have friends doing this deed but they are so well.
"I don't go back on my words, that's my way of ninja"
Casual sex with whom is very important,if it is with their legal partner it will stress release, if with an unknown or stranger Stress is increased with fear,guilt,as britpat said side effects for one week,why unwanted invitation,many ways to release
..the reactions of so called 'sexually liberated' folks from the west on the issues related to sexuality and the debates in India. Talk about
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
Modernising India at what cost?
Gay parades, legalizing gay sex, now casual sex for stress relief..
What is India coming to ???? This would never have happened in the days of the Raj !
If your middle name is "D.W.B.H."(Don't Worry Be Happy with A.I.D.S.,Hepatitis,etc...)go for a one night stand and release your stress until you die with the disease.
different societies will definitely have different views about it. In my view, casual or not, it's still sex! Is there another one?
"Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship"
Everything desirable is not advisable.....
eVeRyTHinG dEsIRAblE, Is eITHEr eXPEnSIVe, bAnnED, ilLOgiCal oR SeEING(maRRiED to) sOMEonE ElsE...... ;-)
Casual cheques always seems to work wonders for me at times of stress. Anyone?
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
I am tense today!!!!!
- A study Conducted by FriedChicken - Vol II (September,2008)
Belive me it is........
It feels relaxed, no more hyper bahviour. Stranger, non- stranger any one.
dont take me wrong guys..its not my hobby to relieve stress in such a way on a regular basis....
pinoyaccountant is right.. risks is everything dude! and brit.. why don't you try a lady next time?? that way, sitting wouldn't be a problem anymore!
hey, just kidding... :D
"Just because it is... IT DOESN'T MEAN IT SHOULD BE.. "
..proper precautions...
EDITED: Let me add - I would not do it. but for those who are into it. ;)
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
come on. It is just for a thrill seeker!!!
If you do it, you must be ready for the consequences.
"Adda ti adal na, ngem awan ti sursuro na."
It can have dire side effects or even behind effects..
Last time I had casual sex with a stranger, I couldn't sit for a week :O(
Well.. sex isn't the only escape goat we can get, we can enjoy with some other things, besides... having sex with a stranger/s needs a lot of guts and risks of course.
The bottomline is... anything you have to be responsible.
"Just because it is... IT DOESN'T MEAN IT SHOULD BE.. "
with a stranger? maybe some agrees, i dont. my advise to them, careful careful...