A guy is standing at a bus stop in the pouring rain with no coat or umbrella, when a
car slides up to the kerb and stops beside him. Thinking he has just been offered a
lift he opens the door and gets in relieved to be out of the wet. "Thanks pal I
thought I would never......" he looks across at the driver and there is no one in the
seat. Next thing the car moves off silently and for the next four miles it stops at
every red light, obeys every traffic law and finally comes to a stop at the top of the
road where the guy lives - he is by now is in a severe state of shock and anxiety and
the only reason he has not jumped from the car en-route is because it was travelling
so slowly that he knew he could get out at any time if something unearthly happened.
Anyway it was going his way and keeping him dry! Now it is stopped at the kerb again
just up the street from where he lives and the guy gets out, closes the door and as
he turns to head off home he bumps into another guy who is going to get into the car.
"Hey buddy I would not get in that car if I were you there's something weird about
it" "Yeah, I know" says the second guy " But I've just pushed it four miles and I
really need the rest".