Car clubs / Car Stereo shops?

Hi, I just moved here to Doha and was interested if there are any car clubs/car forums that might be online here for the enthusiasts. I am interested in finding out about car stereo shops and car speed shops here since it is my passion and would like to continue it here as well. I compete in car stereo competitions and drag racing events back in the states and would like to find others with similar interests and/or start a competition organization for such here. Can anyone point me to some sites or places in Doha that might help me out?
it really depends on the police during inspection, when they're in a good mood. you'll pass even with your engine modded. it's a case to case basis(sort of) I used to have 17s, lowered and few engine mods on my previous car before and it passed sometimes, there are times they ask you to remove it. well a few friends of mine remove their modded things before inspection and after they pass they put it on again : )
with regards to sound competition...well we can't have noise pollution too. even a bark of dog is not allowed. i've got an 8incher sub only for already one year and upto now is still on "break-in" period.that means i can't play it loud.
if you're into sound system well i think you can have a good business since people here know nothing much about sound systems, then again, they won't buy it since they're not familiar with those things. only asians will dig it.
do you really build your own speakers?i guess you're a genius, i can't even compute to build my own box.haha. gears here are mostly sony, pioneer jbl. though there are shops who sell DLS,JL,soundstream kicker and focal. i've got cadence and RE audio for my car and i ordered them thru ebay,i know it's not within your "taste" but hey, it's for everyday driving only : )
Hmm, thats strange on the modifying thing, in just the last week of me living here I saw two stanced vehicles on 20's and some mazda car with a body kit and lowered so your comments confuse me. I would however like to get something started in car audio competiion here since I am a certified competition judge and have the equipment to meter vehicles. I usually build my own speakers since the crap they sell in the stores are well...crap. I don't mess around with low end equipment like JBL, Kicker, JL Audio etc.. so I was curious what was actually available here.
Thanks for your reply though!
Hi, welcome to Doha, unfortunately car modifying is illegal here and got stricter during car inspection unlike before. there are no sound competition also(though i would like to join one). there are car clubs here mostly run by filipinos(honda guys hehe)they're into sprint(might start again when winter comes).
people here knows only pioneer, sony, jbl. there's a kicker shop near landmark, guys there are pro too.can do anything. got my gears from US since it's not available and unknown here...