Can you revive a dying Relationship?

You’re on the verge of breaking up. Why? Because your relationship feels dead to you. You’re not in love anymore, you say. The two of you are fighting over everything and anything. The good feelings you once had just aren’t coming back. You’re thinking it’s hopeless. But are you sure?
Can the relationship that you enjoyed once, come back? Is it worth it? If you think it can be revived, do share your experiences. Although I strongly believe that no matter how hard it seems to finish an association, no matter how much it hurts, just move on and don’t look back. It works out best, life goes on….
now Strom made it interesting :)
BG: Haaaaaahahahaha....... really ? :O
Cuz i thought this thread was boring, :P
its my signal to call you BG , u still didnt get it :-P
hahaha 2 comments again ;o(
hahahah i like CL to COL ;-)
hahahah i like CL to COL ;-)
@ Storm , Hey Biryani is worth it. We can always continue with the topic after some food.
Is it baygon???? No man.... Cant be... Has to be chicken or mutton. :(
Ok, a get together with all the dead and alive, with biryani, haleem and makhni handi to be served. ;)
So who is on board now? :))
P.S CL - So you've become caring all of a sudden :P .. I hope you've not learned to cry out loud too :)) COL :''( , LOL!
are you Filpino?
I told ya all ealier~Tahsinmim is the most annoying QL'er on board. Bloody hijacker!
wait i will complain to no merci for all those who talked abt biyani
Its Awesome when The OP TOPIC Turn to anyother TOPIC :D
why every other thread turns into biryaani craving thread ?????
tahsin u already are in every thread talking ... :-P
OH NO.. i want Muttttttn or Chicken :D
tehsin how abt me ?? :p
Nad.. doonntttt check your inbox.. deadman's msg could be dangerous for you.. :(
dead man we need to talk more :-)i guess
PP can i bm too
tahsin me and DK will also join for the biryani
Biryani hmmm ..Tahsin & Nad - Check your inbox
Brit: Interesting.... a dying relationship is like a tooth ache, not much can be done once felt. Apart from throwing it away..
Tah invite me to ur home pronto, neve mind I will come there even vthout invitation. yummm biryani& baigan...
@ Strom: I guess ever since i came from my Country, all i come across are such people :P
dead man , what kinda frnds u r having ???
1. who dont know how to propose a girl
2. before getting egneged they wanna get rid of girl
3. and thirdly who wanna revive dead relationship
u need to change the compnay ASAP :-P
DD used to but now I its not very good, any other good restaurants??
They are bringing Biryani for u and that too from Paradise.. awww I miss tht Biryani. I went a month back for a week but couldn't go there.
So thts y u are in Qatar, u should have been in the Caribean LOL
Hi Tah Thank You, u seem to be in full force here, me a bit busy with work.How have u been?
BG.. hellow (sorry i just saw your comments) was lost with and023 in her taj mahal :P
nad023.. they say Aim for the 4 stars land one only one :P .. (thats my version, btw) haha
hahahaha ThankU :D
No problem LOL.XD.. its your very own IM chat box, this thread :P
U jumped from 0 to 4th CL good going, Let me think about it and I will PM :) u. And I want Taj Mahal plzzzz
hahah What RISK ??? Sorry OP
LOL.XD.. I have seen such links and pages before.. so, im not taking any risk bro :D
nad.. lucky for you.. im still single.. ;)
and even if wasn't i would have taken you as my 4th wife.. and build a palace for you :P
ROFLOL - CL - Good one!
hellow capzain lost
eerrrrr..just anything haan, lets c if ur wife knows about this..
hahaha CL, its not looks like.. if you Singin Once surely u will see the Full UPDATED nEW WEBISTE..
the MEMBER AREA PAGE IS 100% Diffrent then FB and i got a Legal Permission about It..
Yes I would walk away... I don’t believe in giving 2nd chance. There is no point in reviving the dead relation. If there was something left it won’t die in the first place!! just my view..
nad023.. I want your PM, AM.. 24 H Time format... JUST ANYTHING !! :P
same boring topic everyday
Ah CL y do u want my PM??
LOL.XD.. yes i did.. looks good but honestly it looks like another facebook page .. and i wont sign in such suspicious link if you know what i mean :D
Opesss.. i might stop using QL :D
Can you revive a dying relationship ?
yes, in some cases. However, you have to identify the problems, communicate and work togetehr to do so.
Should you walk away from a dead relationship ?
Dont worry LOL.XD don't get disappointed :) Might be posting a stock exchange review soon. :P
i know yaar u were joking... but did you open the Link i sent u ?
Nad .. but i didnt get your pm yet :P .. LOL
yeah LOL.XD .. i got it .. but im not a MOD
CL, did u got my PM ?
It can be revived I would say but do u really want to revive a relation which is half dead already??
Man.. i think its the best time to use my "FRENCH" here :D
he just got few minuts here i m sure he will b Opss soon :D
Nayek: Seriously, Dude, chill out!! what's with you? Don't spoil the fun by using abusive language.
CL post my ADVERT :D
DEADMAN, Dont know what to post in comments.. :D cant read your Forums anymore :D
CL and Khanan: So you two wanna play sisters now, LOLZ! :P :P
Khanan.. and I seriously doubt deadman's gender !!
I think he's not even dead :P
It takes two to tango. So a dance it is. It can be revived if it's worth reviving, and again, if both partners put in the effort.
Otherwise, time to part in harmony and move on. Easy breezy Japanesey.
Khan Bhai!!! O come on, what do you want? Seriously, there are rapes, murders, suicides, mind researches and only God knows what else is going on in other threads.... So lets lighten up things! :PP
P.S And ya you're right.... I have been hiding my Anglo-African / American - Mixed origin... :P
LOL ! :)Its getting boring and now I suspect your nationality!!