Can you Forgive????

By True


Did you reach a point in your life when you were not able to forgive someone hurt you alot, what should we do in that case and don't tell me the B*** S**** that we have to forgive, forgiveness is a must.If they are asking for your help, and you know deep inside that they didn't change what is the solution? Let us be honest. Do you feel you want to revenge and how do we cope with such a feeling?

By Vegas• 30 Jul 2008 09:54

You can't teach experience

By True• 30 Jul 2008 09:47
Rating: 4/5

friends, you are talking about things that we can ignore or try to forget, but what if that pain is with us, we have to face daily we cannot ignore. someone you have to deal with, even help and you are forced to do it. don't forget we are in arab countries and things are different here

By owen• 30 Jul 2008 09:45

yep... much as i wanted NOT to forgive that person, everyone concerning the issue will be caught in between...that made me live and let live and not dwell on it more.. moving on but i will never forget...

revenge? oh yeah...but the same thing, if only there would no one who will affected in between i would go with my devilish revenge.. lol

[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.

By dragonfly212• 30 Jul 2008 09:42

yes jack tell me about it. but till to date i dont spoke with them. and my life is fine without them.

Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand

By dragonfly212• 30 Jul 2008 09:41

kenyaqueen, yes killing them with kindness is more powerful then with anger/death.

Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand

By anonymous• 30 Jul 2008 09:40

aaww...dragonfly......thats a loose both your bestfriend & your guy on the same day.....Phew!

He sure must have been a nutcase to risk loosing you ;)

By dragonfly212• 30 Jul 2008 09:40

passion thats the way to do it too sometime. normally is like that.

Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand

By Passion• 30 Jul 2008 09:37

... but i don't forget....

learn from it....

By anonymous• 30 Jul 2008 09:37

I can forgive, but cannot forget, I have tried.

"To be a part of my life you shud contribute positively"

By kenyaqueen• 30 Jul 2008 09:35

If you can't forgive, kill them with

By dragonfly212• 30 Jul 2008 09:33

kenyaqueen, i can really related and understand your story. thanks for sharing with us.

Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand

By kenyaqueen• 30 Jul 2008 09:31

as a young girl I lived with my aunt. I did something "bad" at least in her eyes I did. she beat me for this bad thing. I hated her most of my life for it. When I became an adult she came to visit me. I told her of the pain, showed her the scar she left on my face and how I hated her so much for doing this to me and how it caused other issues in my life. Of course she said she was sorry. I accepted her apologies and forgave her. But because of the scar, I can never forget as it is a reminder. After my aunt apologized I realized that I did not really hate her but I was rather longing to let her know what she had done to me mentally. As an adult I learned that people don't always know the pain they can cause you. It was only after letting her know the pain of that issue that I could release all ill will towards her and even myself. forgiveness is a blessing given to us by the all mighty. We should absorb it when ever it is needed.

By someonenew• 30 Jul 2008 09:30

Agree with Gypsy!

I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown

By Nefertiti• 30 Jul 2008 09:29


By Dianapilar• 30 Jul 2008 09:24
Rating: 4/5

I been hurt a few times by members of my own family and so called friends, but never again...i was far too trusting n wanted-needed to believe in them, but not more, i never taken revenge like others have said here the only thing that that accomplish is to make one bitter and i don't ever want that 4 myself, my sweet revenge is knowing that my life always much better than theirs ever be, my boys-husband-work-other friends all over the world n all the travelling that i do...+ more, that is my sweet revenge.....but no, i cant forget, the scars run deep...

By Gypsy• 30 Jul 2008 09:23
Rating: 4/5

You don't need to forgive, you just need to walk away and stop dwelling on it. Cut the person out of your life and act like they never existed. That's the best thing to do.


By swissgirl39• 30 Jul 2008 09:20

yes i can.notting will be eaten as hot as it is boiled.time is helping and the pain goes away.i forgive and hope others forgive me because nobody is perfect but some tends to see themselfs as perfect.sad but true.

"who is without trespass throw the first stone"as Jesus said,so who of you here is without any faults?

By dragonfly212• 30 Jul 2008 09:14

someonenew and oabazeed, my first step was to forget by time i get stronger then i can forgive them. it was such a relief when i finnaly think over. i dont hv hate in me for them anymore. i feel free. so you might want to think about what i said.

Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand

By dragonfly212• 30 Jul 2008 09:12
Rating: 3/5

yes True, let the time heal your wound and forgive and forget is the best medicine for broken soul.


Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand

By oabazeed• 30 Jul 2008 09:11
Rating: 2/5

Forgetting is different than forgiving, if you ignore someone that doesn't mean that you forgive him.

Some times I feel that there is no hope in a person to get fixed, then no way to forgive him, and in the other hand I don't want to keep my mind busy about him, or about revenge which I don't like, so i just ignore him, and foreget about him, but this doesn't mean I forgive him.


By someonenew• 30 Jul 2008 09:11

Dragon I totally understand how u feel... been there..done that types... I couldnt forget it neither cud i forgive.. but i guess I've moved on...

I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown

By Andrews• 30 Jul 2008 09:10
Andrews policy is I will not take any revenge.

But that scrars will remain. And I canot have a healthy relationship with them anymore.

By dragonfly212• 30 Jul 2008 09:10
Rating: 2/5

i hv my best friend from long time ago sleep with my boyfriend, it was hurt like hell. i dont know which one is more hurt, am loosing my best friend or my boyfriend. in the end i dont spoke with both of them. i move on and never look back. after she tried few times to re-connect with me but i just igonore her. now... after 10 years later, i have forgive her and i dont mind to meet her again. but she wont be part of my life and considered as my best friend.

so by time you will learn to forgive and forget. so give it a try.... beside, if you can forgive and forget you are the biggest person.

Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand

By True• 30 Jul 2008 09:09

thx guys, for all this support, it really important that we speak and let it go, maybe that bird will fly and never comes back to us

By labda06• 30 Jul 2008 09:03
Rating: 2/5

Brandylady,Bakamuna, Someonenew.. Im not the mean kind but I just couldnt help myself :P

P.S Brandylady Happy Belated Birthday!

Dragonfly, that really sucks what they did, a plague of fleas on them (uhem, I mean its good you were able to move on, I cant imagine going through that)

"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek." Barack Obama

By Tabugie• 30 Jul 2008 09:00

depends on how severe that person has done to you! Forgiveness takes time but when out of the blue just the mere thought of that person suddenly appears, its all coming back again - grrr....

By anahmed• 30 Jul 2008 08:58

Sweet lady.. i am sure with all of us next to you .. to cheer you and to lift you... dont worry... just forget but never forgive... as said earlier.. "scars remain"

If you keep thinking over it all the time.. you wont ever get out of it... so just be happy.. mourn for a while then MOVE ON!!

Never Ask for a SMILE..just GIVE it..

By brandylady• 30 Jul 2008 08:58

excellent statement and very well put :)

By anonymous• 30 Jul 2008 08:56
Rating: 5/5

True ...when you take are unconciously becoming the person you hate.

Over a period of time you become exactly like the person you hated (took your revence on) 20yrs ago...

This is because you are changing your emotion from passive reaction to an active reaction that bears no fruit for you.

How you channel your emotions is very important, you cannot deny the feeling of hatred....but how you channel your resulting emotion sculpts the person you become!

By someonenew• 30 Jul 2008 08:52

Nice Labda! Way to go! LOL!

I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown

By someonenew• 30 Jul 2008 08:51

I agree with labda in the point that "The best kind of revenge is for you to be genuinely happy, live your life". Showing that u dont care abt the whole thing is the coolest thing to do. BUTTTT Do not forget it. So that next time u dont make the same mistake again. I'd say forgive but DONT FORGET!

I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown

By bakamuna• 30 Jul 2008 08:50

good work labda :) i would just wait for the right moment to take revenge and untill then just try to be nice :)

By brandylady• 30 Jul 2008 08:48
Rating: 3/5

but the sentiment is true, keeping things inside, wanting revenge etc doesn't make us feel any better,

move on

By Nefertiti• 30 Jul 2008 08:47

I always forgive but i never forget everything because the scars remain!

Just go on with the flow as long as you are enjoying the moments with someone who hurts you!

By anonymous• 30 Jul 2008 08:46


R7 Da nude...ROFL

By labda06• 30 Jul 2008 08:43

The best kind of revenge is for you to be genuinely happy, live your life. People come, people go. If you fixate on the past, you'll always be knee stuck in it. A little bit of revenge is ok, like when my cousin asked me to help pick a gift for his witch of a girlfriend and I so happily picked the most foul smelling perfume for her. I had my chuckle but after that I just erased her from my life.

"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek." Barack Obama

By r7• 30 Jul 2008 08:43
Rating: 4/5

From forgiveness to Da-NUDE how did tht Happen ?!!

By Formatted Soul• 30 Jul 2008 08:42
Formatted Soul

neither forgive nor take revenge...thats a closed chapter for me..

By slave_diva_in_heaven• 30 Jul 2008 08:42

I can't forgive.

(((God has created the man kind Free, why do we Enslave ourselves?)))---(((Only God can Judge me)))---(((Don't mess with me unless you'r Ready to Bleed)))

By True• 30 Jul 2008 08:42

we cannot forget, from time to time we have to remember

guys i need to revenge but i don't know how:((((

By ksarat16• 30 Jul 2008 08:42

Why would you imagine out of all Darude without the Boxster...hey man the next time we meet you are maintaining atleast a 10 ft restraining order from me...LOL!

By anonymous• 30 Jul 2008 08:41

Revange taste better when it is served COLD :)

Ban Spoon Feeding not Me

By ksarat16• 30 Jul 2008 08:41

Indeed my friend most of the times Revenge is utmost teach the opposite person a lesson and people who deserve a place in humanity do learn from revenge...

and wtf was that with come on dont give the ladies the wrong impression as to you saw what I might be wearing dirty boy...and lets not talk about what R-7 wears...shall we...I know you two are pretty close to each other...LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!

By anonymous• 30 Jul 2008 08:40

I am imagining Darude without...the boxer

By DaRuDe• 30 Jul 2008 08:39

so peautipul sho aweshome :D




By brandylady• 30 Jul 2008 08:38
Rating: 5/5

just try to forget and move on with your life, bitterness festers and will only make you feel worse.

By Vegas• 30 Jul 2008 08:36

You can't teach experience

By DaRuDe• 30 Jul 2008 08:35

i dont wear THONG LIKE YOU :?




By ksarat16• 30 Jul 2008 08:33

You actually fell for Darude's post...yuck!!!LOL!

Well to answer your question, its quite rightly put by hell with what the world thinks, you need to do what YOu think is right, if you feel like this person has hurt you...then so be it...and as people say, The Success of Revenge is the you might as well screw the person who messed around with you, there is nothing wrong, and dont fall for that crap, forgiveness is the way forward...nonsense...LOL!

By True• 30 Jul 2008 08:33

so there is a sweet person inside you after all

By DaRuDe• 30 Jul 2008 08:31

no i forgave him.




By anahmed• 30 Jul 2008 08:30
Rating: 5/5

revenge is the sweetest passion... and its one of the few things thats better served cold... ;-)

You seem hurt at the moment... just give yourself couple of days and think how you can get back to the person who has hurt you... Or else.. you can

"Just forget and NOT forgive"

Never Ask for a SMILE..just GIVE it..

By True• 30 Jul 2008 08:29

you felt sorry for him right?

By DaRuDe• 30 Jul 2008 08:27

when the laundry man lost my expensive black boxter. and its no more available in landmark :?




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