Can men cry?

I know this weird question. But well, this is life of mine. My parents started looking for wedding proposals for sister. Just heard. Am howling in despair.
Am kind of too attached to her. I cant start imagine her married.
Is it normal for men to cry in such situation? I know i sound sissy, or am i?
What say forum? I hate it, but i cannot crying stop!
copper, *got stabbing pain now*, thinking that i will be part of your trouble...will really tell on you, and let mom scarlett pull both of your ears..:P
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]
Comeon Gyps...dont come in and spoil the brutal whacking that i m waitin for Copper to get...
We know what kind of trouble u r ... simple and straight forward but not too easy to solve and get rid off... aint it girl...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
I told u...dont talk bout ladies like that...its inviting bad fame for u...i mean look how u fired up she is ur she cud maybe not smack u...but imagine if ur own sis feels this r the other ladies gng to be reacting...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
Meh, I for one know I'm trouble.
"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco
hmmmm...ladies synonymous to trouble for you copper????...and to think that i got you as my brother (here on QL)..wait till mom scarlett gets here..:/
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]
Why me...its u who referred to the ladies as TROUBLE...dont edit ur POST COPPER...BE A MAN FACE THE CONSEQUENCES>>>HOW COULD YOU CALL LADIES AS TROUBLES...Sheeesh...disappointed i m ..;i hope no lady is reading this...i dont want her to get hurt, angry, violent with u...after all u r fasting also...;)///
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
I would blame it on you if the ladies are gonna whack me..Dont you think it's a good idea to edit my post???
I must say...thats well said there...and fair enuff i shud accept once again...(i always do)...God is very calculated in making us...isnt it copper...he knows the pros and cons...what do u say
O i can jus see in a distance all the ladies here are comin with their slippers to whack the crap out of u boy...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
Didn't you know God knows better???He didn't give me any sisters...
Even if I had a sister,I GETTING MARRIED would just mean bringing another lady into my family.So sont you think it's me who is inviting trouble home..(Sorry all the ladies out
Thank you, for kind comments 2 me. My sister being married, i attached very much to her. I am not there to oversee things, i wanted to.
I wrote it yesterday because i was in sad mood, i suddenly hear about it. I come to term with it. Thank you all for reassurance.
Your words helped, me being in country so far away.
Thanks again, all!
Jauntie, i happy for her, please dont misunderstand what i write!
Ah I wasn't serious King, I was making a play on the use of his word "can" rather then "may." I was being a grammer witch. :P
"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco
I know someone who does, all the fingers that you got are not the same and ... I don't consider this feature in some men [Can't Cry] a sign of strength or the men who cry [Weak].
The first type is weird, it is a sign of being cruel or having a cold heart.
The second type is sensitive, it is normal sometimes to cry your heart out to let it out.
LOL...Copper...good one buddy on Jauntie...dude if u have a sister i wonder what she wud say when U R GETTING u doin today buddy...hows things goin...
Jauntie: someone else's responsiblity...i wud really not ask u how were u back home...ur bro there sounded quite quite relieved i wud say...infact it was like he winning a Million Pound Lottery...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
I'd rather you didn't :P
Should I comment on that now?? haha
owen--- hjsarwar say me -- why not wear clothe today also -- owen get angry. i not to be say anything for you. so now you beat hjsarwar. okay.
crying is a nice way to relax. but u shud cry like a woman and i cant really do that so it is useless for me.. just a drop or 2 doesnt help u relax.
I think the exact sentence in my brother's speech was 'thank goodness she will now be someone else's responsibility!'
He was always a bit of a wag, but to this day I'm unsure whether he was serious or not.
No men cannot cry. It is a physical impossibility. They are born without tear ducts.
"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco
DOuble post
It's normal for a man to cry..But I have no idea why you're crying when your sister is about to get married to someone!!I think you should be happy for her...
Jauntie,if your brother sounded relieved when he sent you away,I wouldn't blame him.Who doesn't like some 'peace' at home???
My brother (in the absence of my father) was the one delegated to 'give me away' when I married. He sounded rather relieved in his speech at the wedding :D
I guess I don't know what religion Creeker adheres to, although his profile says he's from New Zealand. (not that that gives me a hint either).
Also don't know what age his sister IS ! Very young?
Anyway, whatever, I'm sorry to hear you are so upset by events Creeker.
ok, normally i wouldn't care...but hjsarwar, may i know what are you and friendraj is discussing involving my name?...:)
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]
raj g namaste,sasriakal .balle balle tusi aaj phir cloths nai pehne.................owen phir naraz ho ga
i to be say be brave. help sister do right choice. tell parent sister choice. become good brother.
so what if she is married ... she is till your sister ... you still can talk to her and visiting her. Am i missing something here?
everybody, why would you be an exception? besides, she is your sister...:)
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]
Hi Oryx, thanks for the stereotype! Yes, some men here will most certainly cry if one of their falcons dies. They build up a relationship with them in the same manner as some do with their pet cats and dogs :)
Love is the answer...
hey........ u are not crying as a man rather as a brother so go ahead and cry in louder volume coz it has no effect on the reputation of men
Usually men only cry when their football team loses the FA Cup.
or depending on nationality other things:
ie Qatari - trashed landcruiser/dead flacon
Nothing wrong with a good's healthy to let your emotions out instead of bottling them up. Probably you feel protective of her and see her very much as still a little girl. Also it means a change is coming and quite a major life change at that. Change is never easy but you'll come out of it allright when all is said and done.
Just try to support her and help her to make the right life decision she is now faced with. Her happiness is what is important here.
Good luck!
Love is the answer...
all feelings are for human. i think that's normal.
we are human beings with the same emotional content as women. often a man does ot cry until he reaches a very high threshold, but after that he "opens the dam and lets the reservoir flow".
If you feel strongly about something, and you cry for them, its not wrong, its a beautiful emotion, thats all it is. dont ever be afraid to be who you are and do what you really want to do because of society's stereotypes.
dont be afraid to be weak, dont be too proud to be strong
just look into your heart my fried, that will be the return to yourself,
the return to innocence.
the path of excess leads to the tower of wisdom