Bryan Adams comes to Doha on Dec 16!!!!!!

Bryan Adams is having a concert here in Doha on Dec 16, OMG!! HE came in 2006 and I didnt see him, for sure now I am going...
Ticket sales will be announced as his official website states,completelist&view_...
The tickets are on sale online.
Here's another.This was evergreen.I remember it.
If the tickets have been sold out already,then that is quick,they just announced it this week.
how much each ticket? if anyone has an info please give.
will be watching this one,! weeeeeeeee!!!!
Hey man..the main prb with qatar is..there is no good venue for shows to take place...they built a khalifa stadium and thts the only thin! ideaaaa
Tickets will cost QAR 300 and will be on sale starting November 16th. If you have Facebook, join the Intercontinental Doha page and you will get all the latest updates :)))
What a fantastic way for me to say Good-bye to Qatar!!! :))))))
Please email at [email protected]. Thanks.
are "Don't Let Go" and "Here I Am". Is there anyone can sponsor me a ticket? Even to the farthest side of the venue I'll accept it from the bottom of heart. Thanks in advance.
WoW! So good to heared this great news. He is my Fave.. Singer. I will be there but, where can i get the ticket?
No matter how much I love Bryan Adams, I won't waste QAR300 riyals on this kind of BEACH concert.
so it's going to be at the Intercontinental Hotel..
Please tell...
One of the best male vocals I heard!!!!
Im Ready
Have you Ever Really Love a Woman?
Do I have to Say the Word?
Everything I Do ( I Do It For You)
Please Forgive Me
I Finally Found Someone (Duet with Barbra Streisand)
Baby When you're Gone (Duet with Mel C of the Spice Girls)
The Only Thing that Looks Good on Me Is You
Night to Remember
Coming Back to You
Ill Always Be Right There (my most fave song from him)
When You Love Someone
Cant just wait for Bryan Adams to sing all these songs!!!
all exicted..
TB and Tinker..3 tkts now..:)
reysaj, I have no idea so don't ask me.
Oh no don't do this to me, u're KILLING ME, is there any way i can get one plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, knowing Bryan is in doha and i can't see him is too hard real hard.
Plz help me.
That would be like a dream comes true, i must be there.
hey, must get ticket too!!! weeeeeeee!!!!
prettyice I am not happy with you :|
So now I am back to being excited yay!! Must get ticket, Must get ticket, Must get ticket, Must get ticket, Must get ticket, Must get ticket, Must get ticket, Must get ticket, Must get ticket, Must get ticket, Must get ticket, Must get ticket, Must get ticket, Must get ticket, Must get ticket, Must get ticket, MUST GET TICKET!!! Or errrr... two to be precise :D
rock n' roll........
unsure when MJ.. :(
so when will they sell tickets here?
TB.. no, tix arent out yet...
Ohh.hope i could watch..
TB, no more Summer of 59, I mean 69.. :P
Picture this --- an Iron Maiden gig in Doha or Metallica !!!
LMAO Qhris
I am confused... first I get excited, then I read it is sold out!
Great News
They want to come but they need a venue. I want to bring them....any suggestions on venue would help
why doesnt good bands like incubus, LP, Bizkit, oasis, coldplay etc cme here?..they sure do knw Dubai...oh wait!!'s qatar..maybe bryan adams discovered it like Columbus discovered US!!:-P
lol imaginary milk
Wait a minute... But i wasn't drinking milk...
saeedkan better luck next year..
Heard he will have to sing 'Summer of 59', because the authorities think 'Summer of 69' sounds too sexual.
i sure hope qatar would allow other international artists to perform here because it is so limiting. understandable in way because of qatar's culture but somehow it's the loss of those who's really a fan of big stars like - black eyed peas, katy perry, beyonce, rihanna, ne-yo, alicia keys, lady gaga, etc...
anyhow, an agreement can be made with the performing artists to wear appropriate clothing and limit vulgar words, right?
hahahaha... tickets sold out..
wwaaahhh!!!!! i will definitely watch the concert!!
just him? no one else tagging along? :P
Great News..
I am shouting along you B2D!
Guns N Roses should come here -- We need them to Rock Doha !!!
I always wanted to see him perform live in concerts.
GREAT NEWS. Yes, I am shouting!