
Can anyone recommend a Friday brunch that is more about the drinking than it is the food?!
I am not expecting there to be party like brunches that there are in Dubai and Bahrain but just wondering if there was one here with some music, a bit of dancing and plenty of drink!
I went to the Market by Jean-Georges brunch in the W last week. Food was pretty good and they kept the bubbly topped up, was a very chilled out vibe though. A good one to take the family to when they come visit!
Hmmm Intercont. the City and Spice Market sound good - haven't tried either - might have to check them out! All the brunches I've been to with live music in Doha (including the Ritz) have very much been background music, not 'everyone get up and dance'. Try the Sheraton for a laugh - the cheesy lounge keyboard players crack me up :) But yeah Ben_130 just do the rounds and see..... there are worse ways to spend your Fridays!
Hi I've been to Spice Market for brunch...they have a live band playing there..wen I was thr, they let the guests sing with them, but they were a big mayb they made an exception...though they do, do song requests...
their brunch also includes cocktails as well..In Ritz Carlton they have live Cuban band during brunch as well...
I can recommend the Intercontinental In the City (the one with lots of flores and a big I at the top!). Went there a few weeks ago just before ramadan, the atmosphere was very jovial, excellent food and could drink what you wanted ( bottled beer, wine, sparkly, etc). I can't remember if there was music or not but there seemed to be a near party atmosphere.
Cheers Rubsty.
I knew there wasn't any like Dubai or Bahrain.
I guess my best bet is to try them all out and see for myself!
Sorry but I don't think there are any like that here.... I haven't been to any in Dubai but I'm friends with a girl who used to live there. We've been to a fair few in Doha together and she reckons none of them are any where near the party vibe of Dubs - they are all a similar atmosphere to the W. I haven't tried the 'night brunch' they have at the Marriott on Thursday evenings (their Friday one is pretty good though - wide selection of food). At least at the Marriott beer and wine are included as well as bubbly. Maybe worth a go?