British Guy Moving to Doha - Advice Required!

So, am moving to Doha in late July from London, and really just wanted to get set up with an idea of how I go about joining clubs, meeting people, socialising etc. Am a 31 year old single guy, into the usual sports/bars type of activities and need some advice on where to go, what to join, and how to get the most out of life in Doha. Am completely open to suggestion at the moment and look forward to reading your suggestions! Are there ex-pat clubs I can join in the first instance to get settled in? Are there particular bars I should be heading to? You guys know what I mean am sure....
Many thanks.
Right, sign me up for a bit of kite surfing! Also, seems I need to join some clubs when I arrive too...
Sorry its the diplomatic club and kite surfing is where you get pulled by a kite on a surf board! kinda cool! ive done it on sand so thought i would give it a go on the water as it looks good! They also do lots of watersports there! I know plenty of people who did sailing lesson, i could'nt as i work strange hours!
That sounds like a good idea! No idea what kite surfing is or indeed what the dip club is, but am up for some of that! Ha ha ha...
Join the rugby club and there are lots of sports you can do, I'm going to learn to kite surf at the dip club!
send a pm message when you get here if you want to be shown around or want any help.. Hope your looking forward to it!
Thanks for the heads up folks. Getting quite close to my move date and excited about it... Yeah, I knew about Ramadan and also the booze license, but good to get it confirmed... Interesting times!!!
As soon as you get your RP get a letter from your company and get your booze licence. Ramadan is on about 22 August this year, (can't remember exact date) and everything pretty much shuts down fun wise. At least if you have your booze lience you can have some parties at home....
Just don't do it!
Hey what is the Hash House Harriers?
One big obstacle to your social plans will be Ramadan - starting sometime just after the middle of August. No bars, no food or drink of any kind in public for a month. However, on the up side - it means you'll have time to relax indoors during the hottest time of the year (50C/120F and 100+% humidity)
When Ramadan is over you'll be able to get yourself sorted - I imagine all the previous suggestions have some activities going on during Ramadan but they'll be kept low key (is that possible for rugby players and HHH?????)
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"
All the bars are situated within the Hotel establishments, As Baldrick2dogs suggested, Rugby Club, Golf Club and Hash House Harriers are some way of socialising here. The rest is just going to the Pub and Bars at the Hotels.
Join the rugby club & Hash House Harriers. That will get you an instant social life! PM me when you get here.
Your first car here should be a Toyota Land Cruiser to be par with the elite and status.
Thanks very much!
"Kind of laddy"?! He he he...
I think you should try the Admirals sports bar in the Ritz Carlton hotel... its a nice bar on the beach, sporty and kind of laddy...
Hmmm... what else, if i can think of anything else i think will suit u i will post it :)