Boycott Google

By MarcoNandoz-01 •
Analysts forecasted that the planned move “will not have an impact on Google,” adding that less than 0.5 percent of Google's profits are generated from the Arab /Muslim world.
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Iran is a tiny pot
Iran tried to boy/girlcott youtube and managed to knock gmail offline for a day or two. Apparently the place was chaos. "we haven't yet got the technology to do this properly" some poor sod was heard to say.
I say, BOYCOTT the Boycott, and invent and use only GIRLCOTT! More peaceful, and can multitask........ *^ * ~
I would definitely encourage the boycott. That way the search engine will run faster for the rest of us.
Boycott Brexpat's unfunny jokes!
Yea I don't think these boycotts tend to get results especially when you consider googles competition. What are we supposed to use bing LOL.
And I say lets us all Boycott ALL BOYCOTT
Painther.........How you could boycott all my favourite BRANDS? If these would not impact in anyways.
Brit....Roundabouts like Piccadilly circus/circle to hold memorials.
Another useless thread started by a useless moron.
Boycott everything & get a 'BABY COT' for yourself…LOL MY DAY
Right away.
Roundabouts are cool. We invented them. Gave them to the Commonwealth (stands up for the Queen).
Just a pity that people don't know how to use them :O(
Painther BMW is German and they're talking about American products here.. :P
Stupid move i'd say..
lol yeah.."ship to us as usual..just don't ship the cheese and cookies"..and hey I didn't realize Maersk was Danish; always thought they were German/ Dad brought me a Maersk merchandised toy trailer long ago from his visit to Germany so it's his fault haha..oh well, you learn something everyday:-)
Don't all join at once.
Boycott round-abouts! Who's with me?!
And I love your answers too. Will deffo be borrowing em, if you don't mind! Really,very well said..
CL, i know
mohdata you could see Maersk line (A Danish company) containers everywhere in gulf when they were boycotting Danish cookies :)
buddy i'd like to compliment you for so may of your comments where you use your knowledge of your religion to portray it as it really is and not how the world sees it. i myself see no point in anyone boycotting anything as it doesn't really accomplish anything but that was just instinctive. but i now also have a valid and strong answer any time a fellow muslim tells me i should be boycotting youtube/google/danish products and what have you..besides, boycotting inevitably reeks of double standards; you'll buy the iphone5 but quit'll gorge on American fast food but quit Danish for the video, i say see no evil hear no evil:-)
boycott Internet instead, It'll solve all the misery of today.
Boycott MacDonald, KFC, Subway....
Boycott Nike, Adidas...
Boycott GMC, BMW, Ford....
Boycott Planes, jets.....
Boycott Iphone, Ipad, Nokia....
Boycott everything.....
Lets go back to few century back, live life peacefully,
(it's a sarcasm, who think otherwise)
Sadly, there are many sick people around :O(
Damn! I always miss the good offers!
Claimed he loved your comment and knew in his mind you were beautiful. Gave you his email too but sadly he has now been (virtually) killed. Hope you get over the disappointment!
What did I miss?
Don't look now,..but I think you have an admirer! That too a!
Edited : he's gone now...too bad!
But this guy "murrayanderson" should be removed!
I always wonder why such a big deal is made of such minor news.
Yes , someone has called for boycott of Google. People are always calling for boycotts. It is their right. I remember a few years ago, there was a call to boycott meat and milk from cloned animals. I went on a march once to support the boycott of South African holidays in the days of aparthied.
As the article says, Google has already Google already blocking access in some countries. Google is a behemoth and such actions o not affect it ; or its reputation.
A government can ask Google to remove illegal stuff. As long as showing videos such as the one shown is not considered a criminal act, there is no reason to remove it.
I truly had no idea. Well as for my opinion then I will not support anything that is not from Islam, and boycotting in general was not from Islam..period. If our Prophet(Peace be upon Him) continued to have business dealings with Jews and other non Muslims, despite him being the ruler of Mecca and some of them having attempted to kill him, constantly slandering him, and even wishing him death as a form of greeting, then how can we call for boycotting an entire media due to the misdeeds of a few trouble making idiots?
On the other hand the article khanan posted was interesting too. Good to see some people showing others that not always can you go about hurting people's image, and ruining their lives, all in the name of freedom of speech. I believe steps like this are best taken by ruling bodies though, through non violent methods. That way true justice can be served minus any illegal acts and unrest.
USA has requested Google to remove more links than any other country in the world during the last year so its not a phenomenon unique to the Arab world, everyone wants Google to censor information.
Google's job is to help people find information not to stop them from finding it.
If countries want to block access to certain information then that is their responsibility not Google's.
Governments should not abdicate their responsibility to someone else.
Not that I would argue against Google if they chose to block access to child porn, religious and non-religious material and anything else I don't like. But it is not up to me to tell them what they should any more than it is up to them to tell me what to do.
Boycott Villagio!
rioting + laziness = nothing
Talk - Action = Nothing
I think its an excellent idea. Than all these idiots who get all murderous over a stupid video, won't see any video's anymore!
Iran is blocking Google and developing an alternative to it. Maybe the Arabs can request Iran to let them use it as well.. Maybe..
there was a FB campaign to boycott google, giving number of alternative search engines as it didn't censor the links to the abusive movie.
Maybe the OP is pointing to that.
Here is another interesting story from Brazil, somehow related to this.
Sis Fatimah you can read the whole article here
waht happened to your face. Clean it up!
Who's trying to boycott Google? Why?
He has no point.
Why? What is your point?