Beach Party at Intercontinental Hotel

Beach Party at Intercontinental Hotel …
I received an invite to attend this Beach Party at Intercontinental Hotel, 7 years in Doha I never been to any of them so I thought I will give it a go. Being our first ‘Beach Party’………… what to wear? So it is at the Intercon, does that mean black shoes? shirt? trousers?
You know what some of these night places are like. But we needn’t have worried, though we eventually arrived somewhat over dressed, my advice next time to anybody going is that shorts/bikini and bare feet are just fine, Hubby said he never felt so square in his life!! :-)
Any way, we had left the house just before 8 pm … drove all the way to West Bay area … and reached the hotel. Staff were stationed on the approach roads directing traffic, this the first sign of the detailed organization that goes into these events. The security told us that we have to park in designated car park for the beach party. We told them that we going to the hotel … yes we told ‘white lies’. But I think it paid off … we don’t have to walk for miles to go the area. Remember … I am an Asian. I don’t do walking.
I came through the health club door … and saw Christiana again …:-) Said hello to her and introduced her to my other half ……….. then strolled through the Intercon’s beautifully landscaped pool side … … towards the music coming from the beach.
Being told by Christiana that we arrive rather on the early side … so we won’t see much people around, but we expected this. As usual every time I arrived at an event’s venue, I always nosed around. Check these and those out …
9pm and all was quiet, I spotted the DJ’s standing at a refreshment table … and I approached them. Guess I better start earning my invite. At last I was able to put a face to the name of the famous Master Jay. I only heard him now and again around Doha … and I do know he sometimes post on QL too !!! After our intros we had a good chat, Master Jay came across to me as a nice lad … had a funny accent, Scottish I think. He introduced me to the other DJ’s one by one.
[img_assist|nid=112979|title=the DJ's|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
Being honest with you guys … I am not a clubbing person … so I have no idea who is who. Master Jay taking the trouble to write down the DJ’s name for me : Master Jay (himself of course) Paul Mendez, DJ Youngstar, DJ Sam, and DJ Kabbi. Please see the above photo from left to right. He gave us a good insight into the working life of a DJ, I did not realize what such a busy schedule these guys have, after Doha, Master Jay was telling us about up and coming ‘gigs’ in such places as Bali, Singapore, Jakarta, and some other places that I don’t cant remember … & even my old University City Surabaya. I Had a chat with them for a bit then we parted ….. (I am sure they have their own things to do). He did tell us that things didn’t usually start ‘hotting up’ until about 11pm.
[img_assist|nid=112980|title=Master Jay & Paul Mendez & DJ Youngstar|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
[img_assist|nid=112981|title=DJ in action 1|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
[img_assist|nid=112982|title=DJ in action 2|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
[img_assist|nid=112983|title=DJ in action 3|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
I haven’t had my dinner when we left home … so I was hungry !!! Went to get a shawarma at the price of QR 40 a piece !!! With that amount of money … I could buy 8 shawarma and feed our family of 3, give 2 to our gatemen and still have 3 left over Lol. I understand this shawarma have an Intercon branded in it. While I complained about Shawarma, my hubby said he have more important complaint … his Foster cost QR 30 for a small tin ! 4 of them you can buy a case in the booze shop! This a clue as to how quiet it was at the moment, no dancing yet, so we entertained ourselves having an argument for a short while , which one is more important … the food or the booze? Men!!
[img_assist|nid=112986|title=Posh shawarma stall !|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=532|height=356]
Another confession from me … I don’t understand and don’t have a clue about this type of music. The DJ’s remix just reminded me with my Uni time during my younger days. This music just a bit in the loud side for my taste. My taste sort of music tend to go to classical , jazzy stuffs. I dont mind to come once in a blue moon though ...
Anyway, it also turned out to be the warmest most humid night of the year so far, then again, what do you expected on the eve of a Doha summer. However, it certainly did not dampen the mood of the dancers, 10pm and things were now starting to warm up, a brave trio first got up and that seemed to be the signal everybody was waiting for, within minutes things appeared to be at last getting under way, as more and more onlookers surged forward to the dance area ……….
Under the stars, within minutes, the beach became a huge outdoor discotheque, pounding music, flashing lights, disco fog and one by one the DJ’s did their stuff. It was so lively, I am sure the City Centre people across the water were getting a free show!!
11pm and what appeared to be an impromptu interlude ………… dancers now down to a handful. So I took a walk round the ‘darker side’ starting with the gardens, down to the beach and along the shore line. More people were here than it first appeared, standing in their small groups and swaying to the music. Some of the party goers were even in the sea dancing ………… told you it was warm
[img_assist|nid=112991|title=The Bar|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=588|height=393]
[img_assist|nid=112993|title=The Crowd|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
[img_assist|nid=113006|title=dance the night|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=583|height=871]
I would take a guess that there were maybe a thousand people here by this time, I don’t think any more. Maybe the event at the ‘Ministry of sound’ was competing for the numbers, maybe the heat/humidity I don’t know, but I must admit I expected to see a lot more people. I bumped into a couple of QL’ers, they were there when we left.
[img_assist|nid=112995|title=break time 1|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=583|height=871]
[img_assist|nid=112996|title=break time 2|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
[img_assist|nid=112997|title=break time 3|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=518|height=774]
It was now 11.30pm and we had to leave, baby sitter to relieve. Maybe a lot more people arrived later and things really got under way, don’t know as I write.
Over all it was a very well organized event, certainly no shortage of red shirted ‘crew’, security, catering people and intercon staff on hand everywhere. They even had guys next to the sea, not sure if they were there to stop gate crashers swimming in or to keep an eye out for the safety of the party goers, but everything appeared to be well covered. Obviously designed to ensure everything goes smoothly, no queues for food and drink while we were there.
[img_assist|nid=113003|title=The Intercontinental Hotel Doha|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
Any clubbing night owls out there, then this event is for you, everything you want, five star setting for a really laid back doo where you can let your hair down and certainly not have to worry about whether your dressed correctly or not, no problem arriving as a single, with a group or as a couple.
And if it gets a bit hot ………………. Go jump in the sea!!!!
Dear CS, as the organiser I can tell you that 1800 people is not a bad mark at all! I am sorry you thought that this party was not as good as the last one, do you mean the one on 17.04.08 or last year's???
Anyways I loved the music that Paul Mendez was playing and the whole DJs line up was awesome. That the weather was bad is not a secret and that's why we didn't have the 4000 people that we had at last April's party, but rest assured that we had a lot of happy people, hot, but happy!
Looking forward to seeing you at next beach party, which, if all goes as planned, will be in November. No more hot parties ;-)
See you soon!!
Yeh, whats the score there? Can these people not get together and organise events not to clash, not like they are every week!!! Then maybe they will see numbers turning out like last year instead of half as many!!!!
DJ's might have been good, but poor marks for the event organisers.
I was there, had a good night, but weather apart, not as good as the last one.
Good write up Novita77, spot on!!
Thanks so much...
I forgot this was on! I really enjoyed the last beach party I went to.
Thanks Novita for the excellent coverage. It is unfortunate that the event managers deceided to stage this event on the same night Ministry of Sound were performing.With the high humidity levels it was a no brainer to head to Diplomatic Club.
It was packed and the music was awesome.Loved the gig.
I do hope next time the event managers co-ordinate with each other and ensure events do not clash.
With events like these few and far it is unfortunate that we lose out on one.
It was really kool 2 hav atleast something v need more n more stuff like... that.. .;)
We still enjoyed the time we were there, unfortunately as I said in the post, we promised to relieve the baby sitter before midnight.
Must admit though, the humidity had eased a bit by the time we left, 8pm it was really steaming!!!
Btw I had a peek at your profile ! 30 something weeks being a member and this is your first post ? Where have you been ? Lol.
Unfortunately i am leaving just the day before your Hedkandi event. Shame i am going to miss it ... I dont do clubbing that much ... the music on the beach party for me a bit too much in the loud side lol ... however after i check the Hedkandi site it seems more up to my street. If we didn't have a holiday coming up, i defenitely will attend it.
But what can you say though ... our annual holiday is paid and booked :-( .
Maybe i can make next year ??? Hopefully !
Yea right, weather was hot, and you looked smoking hot with your yellow shorts.
Never go younger by a month, a hard bod is no substitute for wisdom.
-Angelica Houston, Material Girls
Horrible weather but the DJ's rock.
we had a terrific time.
Dear Novita,
always a pleasure to have you around! As always your comments are very objective and impartial and that's what I appreciate!
It's a pity you had to leave when the party just started!
For all the ones who didn't fear humidity for a good night out's sake, well I am sure you have something to remember... The line up of DJs was great... you can rarely hear such great music for 5 hours in a row, that is, clearly, if you are a House music lover!
Paul Mendez is one of the best DJs in the world and didn't he show it at the Beach Party!!!!! Thanks Paul!
So to all 1800 of you that enjoyed the party, thanks for being there and being part of such a successful event!
I guess we will see you on the beach after summer!
It was nice to finally meet you novita! I couldnt write anything as i was under pressure with a hangover lol..
Partying in the hotel room till 8am! uh! never again lol..
The beach turned out wicked, 1800 Plus people, not the 4000 like last month, but 1800 people is a very good result, esspecially with the humidity.
Actually im very happy as it shows that 2 big nights can happen in Doha at the same time. Its getting better people.
The next big thing is on its way, HED KANDI @ QUBE - JUNE 13TH - WWW.HEDKANDI.COM
DJ John Jones, Lady Victoria on saxophone and Ian.C on Percussion with myself on the warm up..
Qatar has never seen anything like it..
If you dont know what hed kandi is, check out their music empire online or ask for it in virgin they have a whole section for all the hed kandi albums...
This is "the worlds coolest dancefloor synonymous with glamour, excellence & VIP party's"
There are no advanced tickets for this as the door will be very selective as you would expect at any hed kandi party, Hed Kandi did the OFFICIAL F1 Bahrain after party aswell as monaco, cannes etc..
Novita, I know you said you would be leaving, cant remember the dates but it would be cool if you came and done a similar review, if not, then sum1 else from QL could do it.
LSH ... lmao. I am afraid he have to suffer even longer :-) . I only drag him out because i dont normally go to nighty club kind of places. I dont mind going alone on recital solo on my own but not this.
The Intercontinental beach party is a nice event during winter time. We stopped by last night and the humidity was unbearable, plus with all my respect the local DJ's are good but not Ministry of Sound good!
We moved to the Diplomatic club and I was pleasantly surprised by the cool stage and preparation. It end up being super crowded, but it was worth it!!!
The party was awesome!!!
We definitely need more great events like this.
The ordinary weekends are just not an actual event,it's just another beach party at the Intercon.
Congratulation SLG!!!
Such a descriptive write-up I could almost SMELL the shawarma and hear you and your LSH (Long Suffering Hub) bickering over the prices LMAO (intelligently so, I'm sure!)
I do SO love to read about what is going on whilst I'm not there to join in, and even when I AM there but don't attend the 'action' I still like to read all about it.
Great pix as usual.
Great write up & pics as always :)
adey ... if we stayed till the end i am afraid i have to pawn my car to pay for our drink !!!
till the bitter end when it began to cool down a little.. I looked like I had been for a swim but it was just the humidity. The one last year at the singing dunes was hot, but this!!!!! being near the water made it almost unbearable but hey, I had to finish off my stack of 30QR beers!!!
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Thanks for this post dear Novita77
I wish i was there, around 11 pm i came out from the house to have fresh air near the beach, it was very noisy, I wanted to go there but i dcided not to because i was little tired:( next time inshalla:)
No man is above the law and no man below it.
ìf some1 cud give us a report on the ministry of sound event...thx for this novita..wud def go next time
I guess it was fun last night...for those who braved the humidity. Yup, usually the party heats up past 11pm to the wee hours of the morning.
Though i would have gone to this party, I opted to stay indoors, A/C on high cool and a book as my company. It could have been a quiet early night for me except that my housemate celebrated her birthday with her guests doing the KARAOKE singing just outside my door.
I couldnt come to any QL event last night ... i had this event to cover xx
The Ministry of Sound event however was tightly packed and despite having two of each stall there were ques.
I did pass by the Intercontinental since it's a stones throw from my home, but didn't find it as exciting.
More of a relaxed day out.
Nice makes me feel like didnt miss much :P