Arab culture
By MarcoNandoz-01 •
Waht aspects of Arab culture you like/dislike?
Pic taken from VCU-Q Official website in Qatar.
Waht aspects of Arab culture you like/dislike?
Pic taken from VCU-Q Official website in Qatar.
Actually there are only four :-)
i like the fuel theve got here! nd sure as brit said that hair spankin dance
I like their culture,
although only summer heat and sponsorship that I hate.
Krisp: Yes that’s right. Some can be rude, arrogant, and downright racists.
But Personally, I have found it much easier to make friends with the locals kids. It’s given me many great opportunities to interact with the locals and be involved on a personal level
I love the clothes, the food, the dancing, the stories.
I guess I’m in Qatar so i'm gonna talk about it, and since I have already talked about things I don’t like here in previous posts, I will take my chances and talk about the things I like and write about them.
1-The Iranian Souq (otherwise known as Souq Waqef) its beautiful alleyways and old buildings and the Cultural village.
2-The Majlis and the breeding of falcons, the fishing, the local ties, the cool traditional male/female outfits.
3- The people. Nice and polite, and very helpful.
4-All of the traditional food ( Alsaqu ,Jabab bread,Harees,Threed,Mchboos,Lgemat, Balaleet, and the earily morning gahwa and dates..
5-Diversed community. The Arabs (local and noon-local), the Persians, the Indians, ponies, the African, the Western and so on.
6-The funny teens who mix English with Arabic and can speak both languages fluently.
7-The LC studs who makes you pee your pants on the road :P and the other dudes who love their cars and take them to the car wash almost daily!
8-Bedouins roaming the desert in their GMC pick-up herding their camels, and the guys burning rubber up in sealine dunes, It’s the whole atmosphere.
9-Last but not least the freedom of choice, faith and worship. The fact that different people can lead vastly different lifestyles and it's ok.
Dont know much about them. they never let other to get near to their culture, asking for their culture, comment on their culture. sadly, just only look from the distance. I like Machboos.
I like the dance where women swing their hair about :O)
A's easier and shorter to air my dislikes