Appeal to the Filipinos to Block HAMED

Hello everyone! I never knew that refusing to make friends in the site are considered "rubbish and stupid!" I have received a private message from a certain rude guy named HAMED, who says that he would like to befriend me, which as I refused. After receiving my refusal, he said nasty things about me, which I think is very rude and unjust. If this man thinks that Filipinas are rubbish and stupid, so why did he contacted me in the first place? I would like to make an appeal to the Filipinos to block this HAMED because he doesn't deserve our respect and friendship. I have so many Jordanian friends from work but no one is as bad as this HAMED. By the way Hamed, if you happen to read this post, please consult your dictionary. There is no such word as "rapish" or you meant "rubbish?"
Mods Note. This thread is now locked!
Khanan and flor, have a look of my first 2 comments... he sent me also a threatening message after my second comment on Fri, 25/11/2011 - 11:36pm
implied that she wanted to ignore the invitation so when she finally rejected it on the second reply, HAmed said "stupid" to the OP? This guy is not only a faggot but sick.
If that happened in person, say on the road, I won't hesitate to help this kabayan of ours (and I tell you many of us) will really gang-up on this disrespectful person!
QL is alive an kicking yeah!!!!!!
Really, Alumnar? REALLY?
Tbhis topic is a joke, right? Using language like calling people faggots and ganging up against one user... I mean yes, he did wrong, but the OP is at fault for replying to him in the first place!!! Don't like it, IGNORE! Your language and attitudes show exactly what needs to be seen. SHAME on most of you on this topic!
@Khanan: Sorry about that, forgot about the re-posting part. =*(
Would a kind mod mind editing out his email address in my first post? I originally thought that I did that. My mistake, I respect at least outside email privacy more than that. Salamat/Thank You! =)
better to exposed such impropriety than the guidelines itself. How can you treat something wrong if not exposed? I was a victim of such malicious case of exposing an impropriety and the Mods sided with the wrongdoer!
it is better to have hamed to hamed relationship hey...
is this thread not against QL Community Guidelines????
" 17-Private Messages are meant to be private. Please do not repost private messages publically. If someone is abusing the Private Messaging system please use the abuse form to report them."
Flor : you usually remind posters of communtiy guidelines but what happen this time??
i suggest HAMED to go to mindanao and HE WILL SURELY LOVE IT...
*Yawns*.. Guys!! What did i miss?? :O
nah postman gonna go with.....hang him!!!!
found the friendship that you're lookin for Mr. Hamed? hehehe!
then dont think hahahha
hamed, mind accepting my friendsheep request ? :(
never messed with any pinays and u will see what u deserved... lol!
Attin Trebor, COOL DOWN BRO
Shall we say Pistols at Dawn ?
ohh dear..
one horny guy who want to jerk off..
try jerking with your own race hamed..
BTW, if your claim to be a man, then act like one..
co'z real man don't argue with ladies hamed.. tough man don't say much to another man either..
you already admited.. so why don't you just apologize then khalaz..
Ohhh dear! me some sorryass cannot take rejection gracefully. i dont think you're joking.
dear nomad if any1 adds lols or funny faces after the sentence its by default understood its just a joke so pls understand this and den start a converstaion
...And Pappu how sure are you that this thread is for pu licity only?
how come you are so sure abt this being truth are u the part of this thread :)
yes im very much alive ...lols
got OWNED!
it means you are challenging us? Would you like to meet? At your convenient time!
Ghazals, Good afternoon then (sorry, missed the time, busy taking my lunch).
i want to ask both of u,,, u dont have work?? u gazalaz u dont have ur own kid to take of instead of setting and keep writing inthis small issue,,,,
stop behave like GAYS
why u dont focus on ur own buisness
realy pepole in QL looking for stories only
It's already noon :D
maybe we'll catch him in Zintan! Lolz!
Good morning buddy!
flor, did you notice he has removed his d/p also :D
PM as VERY OFFENSIVE. You call a woman stupid? WHO ARE YOU? Better not show yourself to any of us and you'll find how "kind" Filipinos are (I know you get what I mean).
Clearly Hamed has a pinoy fixation - seek help
From what I can see, it looks like this "Hamed" dude got a thing for the Filipinos.
I would recommend "The Waterhole" to this guy :) For like a grand or two you can see a whole new side of philippines over there.
and BACK-OFF from my KAbayans?
See guys... on his first post he denied, but on his next post he admitted .. check now who is the sick minded person, Ahmed! :0
why the pepole who support her not thinking that this girl looking to be famous??????
look what she do,,, i send her private massage & instead keep it between me and her she post in public page
who can do that except sick mind pepole????
actually i dont want to write more .. but i can see lot of pepole writing comments for this small things
Read more:
realy if i see comments of filipna i want to laugh more
very rediculous pepole,,, now we have new filipna name rockets she wants to be famous...
whats wrong if i ask friendship ha??? did i kill you if i ask that??
but its all about your dirty mind of you slayerfaith
@Flanostu - Hahahahaha!
Pilipino ako. Susundin ko ang panawagan mo slayerfaith hindi dahil sa ako'y Pinoy, kundi dahil sa taong katulad nitong si Ahmed.
Sorry, Hamed, but she is telling the truth. You have asked for my Filipina friendship on each of my four business and personal accounts.
Q: What do you call a guy with a ham on his head?
A: Hamed
Nice ladies, gentle men. where're they at?
Blank stare... :p
she's telling the truth and its not for publicity...
Pappu_Pager, you're alive :)
this seems pre - planned thread just to gain publicity.....lols
am not surprised if some men are nasty,rude and mean..i just ignored those kind of species. :(
@slayerfaith TFS...
Qatarliving is quite fun :)
BTW, this is out of context, I guess there are more Filipinos is Qatar than in Philippines itself.
it's getting real trippy in here
oh my god! im so turned on right now
This thread is not about hala card. Go and start your own thread dont worry it is free.
they always ask for the load and while requesting also they send me a please call me back message
what hala card?
all Filipinas are like that?
Or maybe she will ask a genuine Christmas card from Christmas Island? Ehhhhhh??????????
she dint ask ya for a hala card !!!
shame again shame within 24 hours another philipina issue ?????
this community! so BACK-OFF!
Myself found it strange
Because the OP has highlighted the subject is only for Filipinos.
why the pepole who support her not thinking that this girl looking to be famous??????
look what she do,,, i send her private massage & instead keep it between me and her she post in public page
who can do that except sick mind pepole????
actually i dont want to write more .. but i can see lot of pepole writing comments for this small things
This is MY massage to all who want to write comments
why u dont stay with ur own buisness??
i can see both of u want to satisfy this filipna girl
u dont even look how she make small issue to big deal
she is not shy to post personal between me & her into public page..... only upnormal pepole do that
all who want to put comments i say u think its funny to see scandles and watching this girl doing that???
be matured
I presume a lot of us get messages sent to us from people saying they want to be our friend etc - unless it is someone you know (or at least had some form of cyber interaction with) it is just best ignored - I have had several and I just haven't replied - not to be rude but friendships will develop if and when the time is right.
I am not saying this situation is your fault at all - the things that were said were rude and unnecessary. But to save yourself from any upset in the future just ignore any messages sent to you for friendship.
When you don't know this person, why did you even start a conversation with him, just to tell him that you are not interested.
Next time, you get any invite to be a friend from stranger or a pm, just ignore it from the outset.
your appeal has been considered slayerfaith!
Sorry, but it's a mistake from your own side...
lol.. I am starting to get addicted to QL!
Look at people's problems in here.. someone wanted to be my friend and I refused looooooool
Just Ignore.. See biggest examples. When elephant walks dogs always bark but does elephant start barking like dog..No Na.. Then just ignore and block him
Pak yu!
Abraham.Lincoln - LOL!
Horny teenagers and lonely ladies in a fight on a social network. Interesting :-)
i think u dont have work .. u r jobless & ignored in ur house thats y u make fight in this website
shame on u... i think u r low profile person coz no girl can do what u r doing now
again i will say write whatever u want to write.. i will not waste my time with poor mind girl like u
HAMED, be a MAN or are you?! There is a screen shot of your message to me, so there's no reason for you to lie! I told you that I do not make friends i this site and you have replied to me nastily. Boer is right.
Lastly, I hope that nobody in this world will treat your mother and sisters the way you are treating me. This will be my last comment to you and I dont want to argue to a smart man like you who doesnt even know the spelling or "rubbish!"
slayerfaith...really! If this is so, as you are, obviously , a member, why don't you do it then?
i think this girl she have thick face to post personal things to public
slayerfaith.... no shame
Segmund...a person like HAMED needs to learn the word "respect."
Nomerci...member of this site knows how to block a member.
to any person who want to give comments, i will tell everybody know i didnt do any thing worng to this (slyerfaith) and i dont know why she choose this name
any how i will not put my level down to such sick mind pepole,,, and i tell the south african man who support her
stay with ur buisness... dont try to make urself smart to satisfy this girl ,, or maybe u want to date her.
Segmund is right, just ignoring the friend request must have done the trick and would have saved you all those abusive languages that you had to bear with.
And how will the Filipinos block this person?
Did you have nothing else to do? I mean how much time you just wasted in taking this screen shot and putting it up there after writing so many messages. You should have just ignored the person from the first message.
He's just a horny twat wanting to get into your pants. They usually get rude when you turn them down - they can't handle rejection.