Apology for "Smashley"

It has been brought to my attention that a very "not nice" person, spoke negatively of and cuss'd out several people on this site while she was attempting to "plug" or represent my website.
I barely know this person; ashley or "smashley" as she was called, and never asked for her assistance. She has now been banned from QL and I'm glad. Please do not associate this person with my website or my weekly email events service, since she has NOTHING to do with us.
I apologize to Qatar Living and to the QL Community.
[Mod note: No advertising of websites on QL forum]
what is your website?
What did she do to you exactly. Curse
Dunno what you're talking about.
busted .... lol
DaRuDe, the QL Detective :o)
Sign up.
Nice meeting you.
Darude...the Sherlock Holmes of QL:)
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
so whats for this week any major event.
B/c I just joined after hearing I was being slandered.
I'm not under 18, I just didn't register correctly. Thanks, I'll do so now.
know about her what she did?
you just joined QL and you know she is banned and her username so accurate.
So its you yourself Smashly. Under18 and your website.
>..I'am sure the mods will ban you too...lol ;)
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)