Anyone needs a Doctor? Please contact him....

From: mustafa55555
To: Apple
Subject: friend
Date: Fri, 08/06/2007 - 7:31am
I am 49 years old doctor
email =
From: mustafa55555
To: Apple
Subject: friend
Date: Fri, 08/06/2007 - 7:31am
I am 49 years old doctor
email =
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no comment hehehe
Failing to plan is, . . . . . . . planning to fail.
i got the same PM and she/he tried to guess what han stood for.
didnt have time to reply.
happy heart
DRIVE SAFE,someone is waiting for you at home
Missing you babe;)
Houda send me PM about his research study, i was willing to help though. But the questions was all about swimming, and though i came from the Philippine Island but i dont know how to swim! so maybe you can help him w/ this one.
Hmmm, i have a doubt is Mr. Houda same person w/ Dr. Mustafa? Nye!
LOL ...... hi all
how yu all doing?
whats up with houda anyway? is she serious about her questions?
happy heart
DRIVE SAFE,someone is waiting for you at home
if somebody reads this, and asks what the hell are we talking about, better prepare yourself in explaining ha junarc...:D..crazy you are, really!
u should buy arinola, maybe u will ihi there...your amoy will be like's like mapanghi..
bwahahahaha...junarc!..cut it some when we meet up..:D
abble will be mad at us, for hijacking this thread..hehehehe
last night i was making laro the billiard... and i cant make hulog the bola like lima beses...i am so asar the highest level...then i make sabi to my friend..."i will go back to make KULOT na nga lang...leche"
cant handle this anymore junarc....i look like a fool, laughing in front of my crazy thing!
i said abble should start by giving me gamot for tigas ari... then maybe i will be tigas ever...
i will look like tibo..not
hahahaha...stop it! im trying to call your mobile, but still you are hiding...your what?!
hey why all of u are making pagnanasa to me... like ew!...
my ari is not making tigas
which one azzy, junarc or houda007?
we are looking for junarc, seen him?
Why dont you start a thread w/ your questions then women in this forum could answer and help you out w/ your research study?
Are those a personal questions? if not then go ahead!
But, to send me PM w/ your questions if i know how to swim? well, that's sounds silly for me. I would probably think that you are preparing for Tsunami:D
Pardon me if I'm wrong, then.
I think you're lost... mali...Owen pala (dami nicks)...hehehe
electricute this guy please so he'll come to his senses...
we scared him off!
twice, sorry
yooohooo junarc where are you dude?
ladies will CRASH on you now, pare!
I need to do a research. Looking for Qatari woman and from other origin, just living in Qatar, Doha. I need to do a research. You're free to ask, before you answer!
Sorry wrong spelling JUNARC
that's why i want him to be a real that my static would go away (somehow), I made junarc scared of this
Junarch Idol!!!!
If he turn to one, I'll be the first in line!!! have a big crush on youuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Lol!!! ask jax!
He will make ligaw(courting) to you, then. And it would be like Ho Ho Ho apple! he heee
make him!...everybody will be happy..:D
I will kulam you to make you lalake! that's worst ano? he he heee
hahaha apple...
u will make me kulot?
I wrote there "I am happily married" its obvious!
Dr. Psycho, indeed! Nye!
Babaeng bakla?
see what i'll do for you when i see you, Grrrrrr!
*Snort* ... he obviously did not check my profile. Some ppl just so thick skin. Urghh ...
That means he wants to socialize w/ us? why not just post some lovely comments on board instead of friendship msg? eh!
I thought he only wants nurses, he heee. I stand corrected!'s just u and jaxs...
remember..u said u look like
Is that one taken w/ you or w/ jaxz?
Apple ... i received the same too ... :-)
i saw the pic (fil. delight)..where u said u look like a diva... hahaha..(natawa ako)...
Damn gorgeous huh?
As i said before, i dont like to name shame members on thread, just ignored them. But this one I wont pass it coz he seems like boasting me, "Hey! Abble i am a Doctor!" seems he is confident that i would email to contact him, eh!
apple now u know the consequence of being damn gorgeous...
blame it to the parents...c'mon
Lol! you think so? ;)
King ed busy catching fish in the sea:D
its your best bud, King Edshell...where is he anyway?
yep, should be bebsi and bobcorn! i dont know who started this bebsi thingy here?
would that be bobcorn?
you have a willing patient here..and she is going to accommodate you, PM her now..:P
LOL Azzy, my Bebsi is right here but I could use the popcorn. :D
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
what would you then, Gypsy?...shall i bring the BEBSI and popcorn out???
Hmmm a doctor eh??? Well I'm burning up maybe he can check my temperature. :P
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
You remind me of one of our new hired employee? he heee
She hitted my manager w/ a bottle of Rayyan. We didn't know that we hired someone w/ schizo history. Lol!
your list and my list, hmmmmm we will surely jumpacked the place..:P
Seriously owen, they are alot of mentally ill patients in Qatar, I was kind of surprised cause u don't really hear of this stories in public. And u'll have to wait, cause I have a long list of people who I would like to throw in there too :P hehe
i still got the sighs, but now only 2 more to deal with, so it's sigh sigh..:P
really cornellian, I know some I would like to kick in there...:D
Everythings under control, lady!
Thanks for asking n'ways. What about you! how's your sigh sigh sigh?
Speaking of Psychiatry clinics, I actually worked in the one here for a week, I was suprised to see how many schizo patients there were in Qatar! So he would probably get his ass kicked and then locked up in the bathroom by the patients in the first few hours, who wants to watch ? :D
very well...attention time get abbles's specs okie, and luckily you will get some respond to this dear lady...inshallah...
hows everything girl?.. :)
He must be look alike of Ramy Ayash! oops sorry you dont know him. Hmmm, lets say kinda Brad Pitt! :D
He needs a friend, NOT nurse, or secretary! he dont even need a patients! lol...
16 yrs old?!..and looking for a 19 yr old?..anymore specifications? so that when this guy (or any) PM you again, he would just change his profile to your liking...:P
What is my assurance that he is in the ALL-male ward?
A friendly doctor like him suits in Psychiatric ward! Because you cannot work in there if you are rude, or you end up fighting everyday w/ Schizo patient:D
I read his post (his first few, I guess) that he's looking for a 'secretary'...
Maybe he needs a nurse cum secretary. I think I saw an ad/forum topic of someone looking for such job...Good luck!!!
Is he going to be friendly the way he is now when he is in the all male ward??
Why is everyone trying to hit on you. Look as if everyone has a crush on you. you have one more suitor in the pipeline!
If he offer for a job, then i may consider it. But still depends on the total package, Lol!
Actually, we need much friendly Doctor like him at HMC. Dont you think so, people?
Have you seen the topic from this morning?About the junk mails?There are a lot around.:-(
Do i sounds sick on board that Doctors asking for friendhsip w/ me?
He hee
Good comment apple.:-D
I used to ignore friendship msg like this, but sorry for this one, w/ the simple msg of yours it means alot. You full of confident that I will fall into it? Nah!
I am looking for 19 yrs old! You too old enough for me. I am only sweet-16 :D