any of you still use his ps3

By ahmed sedeek •
Hey guys what's up how's everybody
I noticed lately that there is no body around here still plays on his ps3
If you still use your ps3 please leave a comment and like we can play together
cool add me on psn ahmedbruce
....but if you wanna play as a team will pick it up next weekend....
Yeah such an awesome game
You have it ?
I luv BF - had the initial and 2. I only play online multiplayer. However all my friends in Qatar/timezone luv MW - but i prefer BF (larger maps and need a strategy)
samshaykh may be later cause my ps3 still new haha
bluepantherback Iam playing BF3
MW3 multiplayer..
PS3 is old news Kid. Get on the PC, get STEAM.